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Everything posted by Greenish

  1. Sorry, was being a bit of a dozer. No regrouping for me, and all is good on my list.
  2. Your wish is my command oh mousey one! Now you'll just have to wait to see which one lands on your doorstep Really?!?!? I mean REALLY?!?!?? LOL yep
  3. I am very happy to say my mailbox was stuffed with Snoopies today!
  4. Your wish is my command oh mousey one! Now you'll just have to wait to see which one lands on your doorstep
  5. They are so beautiful, and after doing a naturopathy course, I really understand the value of these little weeds! Ordered myself one.
  6. I have emailed twice with no response. Dude! I have bought them for you!
  7. That's brilliant ATMouse - couldn't have chosen a better nature lover to give his gift to!
  8. So Keewee, have I got this right? You are going to buy ALL the coins, and trade them to people from elsewhere in the world?
  9. Shiny copper coins oxidise so fast That's why I advise EPOXY!! Love that epoxy, keeps them in pristine condition (I should do an ad...) I have done some evil things with my coins (like dunked them in seawater so I could win a photo competition ) but I totally agree with Tsun - take some repsonsibility! Although that said - I know that my version of 'defect' is very different to others versions of 'defective'. A certain person (who shall not be named) gets out the cotton gloves and magnifying glass, whereas I give coins a quick glance - only noticing the glaringly obvious....
  10. Email (about to be) sent. June would be better for me, only because i'm not into delayed gratification! The sooner the better, thanks Allashond!!
  11. YAY!! I got a HUGE box today Thank you to BlueEyed Aussie, from this blue eyed Aussie!!!! It was fabulous, and there was much fighting going on over chocolate before I had to break my husband and son apart, and dole it out evenly Also got a marvellous space shuttle coin - i'd never seen one before (I must be slipping) So...thank you so very much to Southern Angel and Blue Eyed Aussie who put so much thought and effort into their parcels (and Firefly03 for hosting the mission)
  12. I'd never sell my lovely bears! Or my wonderful Jellyfish for that matter As for the coloured (not black nickel) Boomerangs - I gave most of them away as gifts, sold a couple, traded a few, and I couldn't give a hoot what people do with them after i've given it to them. I'd obviously prefer them to love them like I do, but if they dont, it just doesn't matter. But I know BelKen (from Australia) does not want his coin sold.
  13. Easter Mission #1 - COMPLETED Sign-up: 21/02/11 Name received: 22/03/11 Package sent: 11/04/11 Package received: 28/04/11 Easter Mission #2 Sign-up: 28/02/11 Name received: 22/03/11 Package sent: 11/04/11 Package received: Nope - but the package I sent hasn't been logged as received either
  14. Mine has yet to arrive... that's OK - I am stalking the postie... Me too! Stalk stalk stalk One arrived, one hasn't, but then one of my packages arrived to the recipient and the other hasn't.....
  15. I might have couple of things you want... Email sent
  16. MISSION #1 Sent: 11 April Received YES! Thank you Southern Angel!!! Lovely big box arrived, and the 11 year old helped me open it. I got lots of chocolate and lollies which got snaffled by the Cheesy pig and the 11 year old. I got to get one egg's worth of chocolate But im keeping the rest! The chicken and lamb are so cute Thanks so much! MISSION #2 Sent: 11 April Received: Not yet Hopefully both missions will get to the recipients in time!! (crosses fingers)
  17. Yeah - what Sivota said! :-)
  18. I've uploaded a new geocoin seeking link but or some reason it isnt working...so I shall do it this way: http://greenishgeocoins.blogspot.com/
  19. Easter Mission #1 Sign-up: 21/02/11 Name received: 21/03/11 Package sent: Package received: Easter Mission #2 Sign-up: 21/02/11 Name received: 22/03/11 Package sent: Package received:
  20. Two sets for me, plus a black nickel if there are any left thanks! I have been following your gorgeous ferals, and would love to help them (and you) out. This is a marvellous thing you are doing!!!!
  21. Famous last words!!! Be vewy vewy careful .....or you could end up like me
  22. Easter Mission #1 Sign-up: 21/02/11 Name received: Package sent: Package received: Easter Mission #2 Sign-up: 21/02/11 Name received: Package sent: Package received:
  23. I now have all the coins I traded for - thank you everyone, and many many thanks to E&Cplus3 for hosting and doing all the hard work! ACASIM x 4 BENNIEBOYS X 1 CROWESFEAT30 X 1 DOC256 X 1 E&CPLUS3 X 1 FOSSILLADY X 1 ICE13-333 X 1 NIKON-ING x 2 PENNYANDKONA x 2 SCIFICOLLECTOR x 3 T@NDRE X 1 WHERESMYMARBLES X 1 YANAGI X 1
  24. Yay! More coins! Only one to go now ACASIM x 4 BENNIEBOYS X 1 CROWESFEAT30 X 1 DOC256 X 1 E&CPLUS3 X 1 FOSSILLADY X 1 ICE13-333 X 1 NIKON-ING x 2 SCIFICOLLECTOR x 3 T@NDRE X 1 WHERESMYMARBLES X 1 YANAGI X 1 Thanks everyone Still waiting on this one: PENNYANDKONA x 2
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