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Everything posted by Greenish

  1. My new top 5: 1. Colonel Cachington's Unicorn 2. Colonel Cachington's Unicorn 3. Colonel Cachington's Unicorn 4. Colonel Cachington's Unicorn 5. Colonel Cachington's Unicorn They are in no particular order, but i'd love to be able to get at least one from that list!
  2. What time is that in California? I knew someone would ask! That would be 2:30pm LewisClan77 time 7:30am Greenish time 5:30pm Azure Sky time :lol: :lol: If it's a work day, I will be about to head for work (except that I will be hanging around for a geocoin sale ) If it's NOT a workday, then i'll be getting up early to make sure I dont miss out on a geocoin sale If I happen to get up early/stay home and be late for work for a geocoin sale and DONT manage to get a geocoin or 6, THEN I shall be most upset and have to go back to bed to compose myself. GeocoinGuy will have to write a note for my boss to explain why I wasn't able to make it in that day, OR he'll have to explain to Cheesy pig why I couldn't function and look after my child, do housework, etc that day.... Deal?
  3. LMAO... um - NO! Well, you just have to make a special NZ coin one day then! Poor Keewee - GeocoinGuy should have done a great big Australia with a prominent Tasmania, and a little New Zealand on the side
  4. If anyone has the ASP Geocoin Chipmunk and still needs the Proxy for it send me a PM with the tracking number. We donated the "Stunt" coin (matches the tracking number on the original) to travel so you could keep your original in hand and we still have some of them left that match those sold or have yet to be sold. They were free and I hate to toss them when I know they could be put to use.... I am extremely lucky to have the event coin (with proxy!!), the ASPG geocoins are always gorgeous! BUT I have a question.... I have these three wonderful coins from past events: 2011 Squirrel 2008 Owl 2007 Raccoon And I have found this one on the internet: 2009 Bear My question is - is there anyone who has a spare 2009 bear they would be willing to trade or sell, and is there a 2010 geocoin?
  5. Noice I hereby grant my official approval
  6. Moonkitty - where did that gorgeous bluemotmot coin come from? And how do I manage to get myself one? LOL It is an incredible coin, isnt it? I got it from BlueMotmot herself, i guess best thing would be to ask her.. Thanks - I shall do that now
  7. YEAH!! THIS one!!! I like the font now And, of course, I always of approve of green being used AND I see you added Tassie (tiny dot on the edge of the coin, but at least it's there). Good lad
  8. Moonkitty - where did that gorgeous bluemotmot coin come from? And how do I manage to get myself one? LOL
  9. Guess what I got in the mail? A JEDI MICKEY!!!!! Thank you so much mystery sender, you are so very generous and kind. It is greatly appreciated And congrats to all the others who have found one hiding in their mail
  10. Packages sent (arrival still to be confirmed): DresselDragons (x1) Moonkat&KDT (x1) Packages to be Received From: Blueeyedaussie(x1)
  11. I'm in - email sent MISSION 1 Signed up: 23 July, 2011 Name received: Mission Sent: Mission Received: MISSION 2 Signed up: 23 July, 2011 Name received: Mission Sent: Mission Received:
  12. Seeking Colonel H. George Cachington Unicorn Geocoin My dragon need a friend
  13. Packages sent: Pingos (x3), ICE13-333 (x2), Mamoreb (x1) , Eseurat (x1) DresselDragons (x1) NOSNOW (x1) Moonkat&KDT (x1) Packages to be Received From: Steben6 (x1), Model Citizen (x1), GoldBugGirl (x1), AtlantaGal (x1), Pingos (x1), Kini_Ont (x1) , Eseurat (x2) Blueeyedaussie(x1) Laval K9 (x1)
  14. Hopefully I have got my reservation in on time.....must go check the world time.... Phew! 5:17pm in Montana! (It's 9:17am on Monday here, and it's too early for me to work it out without the help of the world clock! And I haven't finished my first coffee of the day. Am I rambling?)
  15. Packages sent: Pingos (x3), ICE13-333 (x2), DresselDragons (x1), NOSNOW (x1), Moonkat&KDT (x1), Mamoreb (x1), Eseurat (x1) Packages to be Received From: Blueeyedaussie(x1), Steben6 (x1), Model Citizen (x1), GoldBugGirl (x1), AtlantaGal (x1), Pingos (x1), Kini_Ont (x1), Laval K9 (x1), Eseurat (x2) Got 3 more today! Thanks all! Special thanks to Pingos for the pathtag though - it is so cute
  16. Congrats to all the recipients - looks like a great coin. And thank you for all the smiles and goodwill you are creating geocoinfucius!
  17. Packages sent: Pingos (x3), ICE13-333 (x2), DresselDragons (x1), NOSNOW (x1), Moonkat&KDT (x1), Mamoreb (x1), Eseurat (x1) Packages to be Received From: Blueeyedaussie(x1), Steben6 (x1), Model Citizen (x1), GoldBugGirl (x1), AtlantaGal (x1), Pingos (x1), Kini_Ont (x1), Laval K9 (x1), Eseurat (x2) Got 3 more today from GoldBugGirl, Steben6 and ModelCitizen. Thanks all
  18. Hehehe gobsnobbered - I love it!! But yes it was a special one I wanted you to have because you have been so generous to me (and others). I hope it gallops nicely with the other horsies (and lions and tigers) on your carousel
  19. Love the Manatee with the duck ring! Can you tell me more about it? It was a donation to a local event (along with the hummer). All I know is that it is called "Manatee". The event is in Florida so everyone will want it. Thanks Liz! Someone hasn't been reading the forums properly lately (yes that would be me!). Glad they arrived Chuck, and that adorable little manatee is a very special edition that I got from AtlantaGal. More info on them can be found here sheltiedogshowlover http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=203138
  20. Packages sent: Pingos (x3), ICE13-333 (x2), DresselDragons (x1), NOSNOW (x1), Moonkat&KDT (x1), Mamoreb (x1), Eseurat (x1) Packages to be Received From: Blueeyedaussie(x1), Steben6 (x1), Model Citizen (x1), GoldBugGirl (x1), AtlantaGal (x1), Pingos (x1), Kini_Ont (x1), Laval K9 (x1), Eseurat (x2) Thanks AtlantaGal - love the coin!!!!
  21. Packages sent: Pingos (x3), ICE13-333 (x2), DresselDragons (x1), NOSNOW (x1), Moonkat&KDT (x1), Mamoreb (x1), Eseurat (x1) Packages to be Received From: Blueeyedaussie(x1), Steben6 (x1), Model Citizen (x1), GoldBugGirl (x1), AtlantaGal (x1), Pingos (x1), Kini_Ont (x1), Laval K9 (x1), Eseurat (x2)
  22. My percentage traded was 40%, and all the coins I got were great Because of a distinct lack of money, I will send out all my packages on Wednesday when I get paid. Let's just hope the Chilean volcano doesn't send it's ash around the world yet again, so the planes dont get delayed, yet again. Thanks Allashond for a great math trade - so happy you sped it up! And thanks drneal for letting me know about the addresses. Everything is packaged up and ready to go.
  23. Wish list sent (nothing like getting in there by the skin of your teeth)
  24. I'll get mine to you in a few hours! Promise!
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