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Everything posted by ElementalJay

  1. Can anyone tell me why two e-mails in two weeks to info@geocoinstore.com have gone unanswered? Do they have such great business that they can ignore someone who wants to get a personal coin made? WTF? I was lucky enough to get an extra Isle of Man from the sale last night if anybody is interested. I am new to coin collecting, and have limited interests so far, but have seen a few I would be interested to trade for.
  2. Arrrgh!!! E-bay won't let me log in to buy a Scotland coin!!!
  3. New to GeoCoins, but after a little research, I have taken a strong interest in two specific coins. Can anyone tell me where I can find the UK and Scotland coins? Visited the places while stationed in Europe and would love to have the coins. Any help is appreciated.
  4. Bought my son a 2-foot blacklight at Lowes, although Home Depot has them too. They are usually in with the under-cabinet lighting.
  5. Just so everyone knows, nearly all the geocaches in Iraq are on the US bases. A good friend just established one on the base where I worked in Baghdad - http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...7d-4c1e3147219c. (if I'm lucky, maybe i WON'T get the chance to go back and log it! ) The only issue is whether or not the base BilboB gets sent to is one with a cache. If not, he could easily set one up - with a few security issues addressed. "Eyes and ears open, common sense applied." 1LT (Formerly SGT) Jay
  6. I spent a good deal of time reading all the posts for this one. There are a few YJTBs sitting around southern Arizona and not moving. Now that the contest is over, I suspected a lot of interest in the Jeeps went away. Since I own a real Jeep YJ (red with a dead cow head on the front - see my gallery), I wanted to keep a YJTB, paint it red, and glue a little toy cow skull to it. Since I have used my Jeep to get some gnarly caches, that would be a cool tie-in souvenir to my two favorite hobbies. Having read the logs, I now realize there is still sufficient interest in the YJTBs. I will keep my paint and glue to myself, and set this Jeep free in a few days. Hopefully it will stay in play.
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