Crafty Turtle
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Posts posted by Crafty Turtle
I've been a web designer for 15 years now. The first rule is usability. People need to be able to read what you've written.
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. After all, there's a reason we no longer have marquee text, or blink, or invisible 1X1px images, or table layouts. (Yes, I remember Netscape 2)
check out Jakob Nielsen http://www.useit.com/alertbox/
FYI. A person who makes web pages is a coder, not a programmer.
Can I have cachers cross a main road at night, where there is no crossing?
There's not a huge amount of traffic - it's one lane in each direction. But it is still a road.
There are street lights.
When I cache (or just walk) at night, me and geodog wear reflective gear, so we are safe. I don't presume to think other ppl do this.
Time to set out a night cache. Bwaaahaaahaaaaaaaa
I use the attributes on the right hand side of the cache page - if something says it's dogs allowed, scenic view, and available 24/7, then it's a cache for me. But is it says wheelchair accessible, public transport nearby, and stealth required, it's probably too populated and I'm not going to like it.
Is that the type of qualitative data you're after? Cos I don't see how you can get more useful than that.
I've seen caches placed within 100 feet on the map, but in reality they are miles apart. eg top of cliff and bottom cliff. Two sides of a castle wall. Two sides of a ravine/river.
I guess local reviewers have allowed them cos you can't walk directly from one to the other.
My cache buddy is my dog.
We do mostly bush finds, and being the natural explorer, she finds the easiest path for me.
I do bush caches BECAUSE I have a dog. She loves being outdoors. So do I.
She's also a great cover story too, as to why I'm there.
I have taken my Mum along on a few finds. She'll help me search at GZ, but I get us to the GZ first - I'm a bit possessive of my GPSr.
(and have you ever tried to teach a 70-year-old how to use technology?)
I got stopped by police today. I'm in the club!
It was the morning rush hour downtown in a large city. Everyone is going somewhere.
The cache is under a very busy footbridge (perfectly valid placement in this case, so let's not argue this)
It required shimmying along a 1 foot wide footing next to the pylon, then searching for the box in the steel I-beams above.
I find the box, and sit down where I am, facing the river, legs dangling over the water. Next thing I know, a Water Police boat sidles up, and they're asking what's up: this is a pretty unusual spot to sit.
So I said I'm from up the country, I hate people and I just had to get away from the crowd. I was prepared to tell the whole truth, but they accepted my explanation, reminded me to be careful, and off they went.
My sleeveless checkered shirt, jeans and rugged boots probably helped my story, too.
Even if a cache page specifically states it is a kid-friendly cache, there is always the possibility that subsequent swaps are not so kid-friendly.
I know what *you* mean by kid-friendly - swaps that kids would actually like.
Kid-friendly is a sparkly bracelet or a matchbox car.
Non-kid friendly is a box of matches, a folding knife, water-purifying tablets, a lottery scratchie, etc. All of which I have seen in caches, and all fairly appropriate for the location.
Middle-of-the-road is a deck of cards, a hi-lighter, emery boards, a screwdriver, etc. Even though they are all perfectly harmless, they are boring to an 8 year old.
Most caches have the middle-of-the-road swaps. How about you teach your kids that you get what you get. Anything exciting you find is a bonus.
If it is obvious why you brought the cacher to this spot, then no history lesson or cultural lesson is needed.
If it is fairly obvious where the cache is, and no safety or stealth warnings are needed, no equipment requirements, and no instructions as to where to park or from which direction to access the cache, then no further explanation is required.
Some people don't want wordy caches. Others feel like you are lazy. You can't please all the people all the time. If people complain, that says more about them than about you.
Sometimes less is more. Is this a Zen cache perchance?
Ooooh I'd love to do a Zen cache. It'd have to be in the woods with a falling tree, and if no cacher hears it, is it because it's a micro?
I have a 60CSx, and I say don't bother with the electronic compass. When you are stopped or travelling slowly, you have to hold it *exactly* level, or it won't work. I have only ever had the message "hold level" appear on the screen. Someone else I know gets the same message. The compass is not worth it. Buy yourself a $10 Silva compass. It'll be far more reliable.
And your point is?
I like this "quickie" way of identifying a location I can hop out to on my way home from work, or anytime I don't have my GPS.
Incidentally, I have listed a DNF once while using this method, so it isn't all a giveaway.
And on top of that, I have heard many cachers start out this way, to see if they like caching, before they spend hard-earned dosh on a GPS unit.
Caching related:
1. The firetacks I ordered months ago.
2. For the cache hiders I PMed, to get back to me, answering my questions regarding their cache I can't find.
Non-caching related (that I know I won't get):
1. An ipod with video screen and megawads of space
2. A cd player in the car that interfaces with said ipod
Non-caching related that I might actually get:
1. A packet of macadamia nuts (my favourite nuts)
2. A packet of cashew nuts (my second favourite nuts)
Less than half a mile - just up the road in the forest where I walk my dog. There were 2 DNFs before I posted my DNF. Two weeks later I posted another DNF. Now is had been archived. Hooray!
When my fire-tacks arrive, I'm putting a night cache there. I feel like it is my turf, so the cache there should be mine.
Well, it could easily get muggled again, but apart from that, there's no problem. Maybe he likes the spot for some reason.
Are you wanting photos for the box and leaves, or are you wanting a drawn graphic?
Also, do you want to stick with Pantone colours? (assuming you want to make stickers or patches or T-shirts)
What vector file format? I'm using Illustrator.
...I figure if I ask, it saves me time later. Feel free to PM me.
If only my fire-tacks had arrived I could have set up a wonderful night cache just in time for Halloween.
Instead I awaited trick-or-treaters, but a heavy downpour kept them away.
Double Meh.
Roll on the next holiday...
In Australia we have some of the deadliest spiders and snakes in the world.
I definitely use a pokey stick.
I think it's well ingrained in bush-dwelling Aussies, to not stick your hand in places you can't see. Caching or no caching.
Sigh - a nest with 4 owls is situated in a branch right over where I park my car. D*mn things are pooping their toxic waste on my duco.
If only I could train the dog to climb trees.
2 1/2 months, 24 finds, 1 hide...
I am a newbie.
Question answered.
One of my caches IS bright yellow! It is submerged in murky water, and called "Yellow Submarine".
I combine 2 or 3 things into the one activity....
I have a dog.
Dogs need to be walked. ...especially Border Collies.
Instead of walking round the same block or the same park, etc, I now drive 5-15 minutes to a new exciting park/creek/lake/woods/etc which just HAPPENS to have a geocache........
...and I might pick up some groceries on the drive back home.
Some people value FTFs. Some don't.
Some people care about the numbers. Others don't.
Some people value the historical or cultural significance of the cache's locale. Some don't.
Some of us like to be competitive, some don't. And some of us just compete with ourselves, pushing ourselves further.
Just because we all cache, doesn't mean we are all the same.
How about we agree to disagree, but we also agree to respect other people's preferences and opinions.
Be careful with batteries - useful as they are, when they get wet, they get rusty and crusty and dangerous. I have removed rusty batteries from soggy caches.
So - if you do put batteries, put them in a ziplock bag inside another ziplock bag.
I personally like to take McDonalds Happy meals toys. I've picked up a whistling frisbee, plush dolphin, a pull-cord flying machine, and many more.
Took Photos, Left ???, Signed Log.
Night cache safety question
in General geocaching topics
I mean there is no crosswalk.
I know it is "legal" in every sense, but I was wondering if it is a bad idea.