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manu luq

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Everything posted by manu luq

  1. My first mystery coin
  2. Thanks for the update.
  3. Poti Joined: November 3 Name Received: November 26 Card Sent: November 30 Card Received: December 23 A very beautiful coin!!, ...and a nice card which reminds me of the TV series Gray's Anatomy, that I also like very much. Thank you Nepokama
  4. Another excellent coin at the end of this beautiful series! ...pity there are only four seasons. Merry Christmas!
  5. A bubble envelope, ...from myself!! I opened quickly and ... yeah!, is the mystery coin No-L Thank you mystery giver!!
  6. Perhaps is the new marketing technique, ...in order to cause expectation? I don't find any other explanation, being positives...
  7. manu luq Joined: November 3 Name Received: November 26 Card Sent: November 30 Card Received: December 7 I've received a nice coin and a Christmas card from Princess Trouble, that I'll put in my personal coins collection. Thanks Jacquie!! Poti Joined: November 3 Name Received: November 26 Card Sent: November 30 Card Received:
  8. Which is the coin beside to the mask, in the middle of the row?
  9. I like also the antique silver.
  10. manu luq Joined: November 3 Name Received: November 26 Card Sent: November 30 Card Received: December 7 I've received a nice coin and a Christmas card from Princess Trouble, that I'll put in my personal coins collection. Thanks Jacquie!! Poti Joined: November 3 Name Received: November 26 Card Sent: November 30 Card Received:
  11. That's cool!
  12. The issue has not been resolved yet
  13. I have the coins As far as I'm concerned, never will be re minted any of these versions. I'd like to sell some of them here, rather than eplace: Gold, Silver, Copper, Black Nickel (6 of each version) $11.00 each one 1 set (four coins) in 2-Tone $44.00, or $12.00 each coin if not sells as set. S+H from Spain to US, by weight (to EU is approx equal): 1 coin: $4.00 (regular mail) 2 coins: $4 x 2 separate envelopes (regular mail) 3 coins: $11 (express mail with tracking number) 4 to 8 coins: $15 (express mail with tracking number) Please contact me through my profile with these data: Nick: Real Name: Coins to purchase: Destination Country: PayPal Email: I'll send you the coins in the next three days after PayPal payed. Also I have 12 AE, to trade only. If interested, send me your trading list please, through my profile. I hope you like! PD: Custom icon. Edited: Sorry for the pics, don't make justice!
  14. Thanks for your reply, I also understand you, but I'm sorry, ...to avoid confusions we must add that the custom icon is optional, and the prefix is also an option to purchase at least a thousand tracking numbers, as you know. However, in Geocaching > Trackable Items > Geocoin FAQ, you can read: All trackable geocoins on Geocaching.com will contain the phrase "Trackable at Geocaching.com".
  15. manu luq Joined: November 3 Name Received: November 26 Card Sent: November 30 Card Received: Poti Joined: November 3 Name Received: November 26 Card Sent: November 30 Card Received:
  16. Well, if you have these two coins with the phrase "track at geocaching.com" I'd like to change them for the ones that I've received. Because without this phrase, a coin is not a geocoin, this way only is a coin with a number engraved later, ...a number that not all people knows what is. I've purchased two geocoins, not two coins
  17. Me too, congratulations!
  18. Few days ago I've purchased two geocoins in your web store: 1 Double Dragon and 1 Triple Dragon, there are the tracking number, however they not have the phrase "Track at Geocaching.com" or similar. Why?, How is this? Perhaps is only a coin with a tracking number? Edited: In the Triple Dragon coin you can read "dwprods.com"
  19. manu luq Joined: November 3 Name Received: November 26 Card Sent: Card Received: Poti Joined: November 3 Name Received: November 26 Card Sent: Card Received:
  20. Email sent, Thanks!
  21. They do have paypal, I mailed them about that. When you place an order, you can tell them in the comment that you want to pay with paypall. Than they will use paypall. Thanks, now I just left a comment asking for the paypal invoice.
  22. Thanks, I asked one, but no way to pay with paypal, there is a bank account. Edit: Well, I've left a comment asking for the paypal invoice.
  23. Where do you got this please?, ...I want one!
  24. I'm thinking of doing an event for that meaningful day (because my first event was very well ), so I'd like to have a special coin, depending on the minimum quantity to purchase There will be a unique version, due to the proximity of the event?
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