The GeoGadgets Team
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Everything posted by The GeoGadgets Team
I hope you get an opportunity to do some of our 50+ caches in the Crescent City area. A lot of them are being adopted now, be we still hid 'em. Too bad we won't be here when you arrive... we love meeting fellow 'cachers that visit. We have no problem buying the coffee (tea, milk, cookies, whatever)! But we'll be watching from our trip, so cache on, and enjoy the gorgeous 68 degree weather we've been having.
I'm revisiting this issue because I'm having a similar one... My family and I are moving from Crescent City, California (95531) to So. West Maine (04002). I know I need to break the route up into segments less than 500 miles each, and actually, that would be a great way to break up our days of travel. My issue: using Google Earth, if I just say that I want to go from point A (CC, CA) to point B (SW Maine), Google Earth picks the route. How, in GE do I insert stops? I've tried putting in 'pins' along the route, but maybe I'm missing something because it doesn't seem to be working. I mean, ideally, I'd like to say, my first leg is from Crescent City, via Klamath Falls, Oregon, on to Winnemucca, Nevada for our final stop for that day, then on to the next day. I did try saving points that were roughly 400 miles apart, but even though they are from city to city, when I closed GE none of it saved. I also have MapSend Topo 3.0 and DeLorme Street Atlas 2006 for PDA, if those would be easier to use for the 'cache along a route' feature of PQs. Any help would be greatly appreciated. We are really hoping to do as much caching as possible. I mean, we have to break up this trip somehow, while pulling a trailer and juggling two kids between two vehicles. The move is stressful enough. I sure could use some help. TIA
The 50 State Multi-cache
The GeoGadgets Team replied to Blue Power Ranger's topic in General geocaching topics
Maybe I'm blind, but it doesn't look like that green line goes into Maine at all. If so, and since I'm moving to S.W. Maine, I'll take that one. -
I'm sorry too, because now it really does sound like your are bemoaning the number of caches that you have to hunt, not truly a statement on whether or not this should be some type of 'rule'. Again I say, you really need to get out more, and by that I mean out of your area. But in the end it goes like this: - There is no ratio rule. - With the exponential number of new cachers joining everyday, you need to accept that an area can only bear so many caches. - Just read the logs about pocket caches and Geo-Cheaters - there are already enough rules and guidelines in Geocaching to make is enjoyable and safe. Don't confuse the issue with numbers. Considering the amount of time you've been Geocachers, compared with your number of finds, what if I wanted to make a rule that states that you have to record a specific number of finds per year of membership to truly be a Geocacher? I don't think you'd be pleased, because compared to others, your numbers wouldn't be able to keep up with some other cachers with thousands of finds who haven't been in the sport all that long. Complain if you want, but what the others stated is correct: forcing ratios on all other cachers would be dangerous, foolish and ruin the sport as a whole.
Wow, they allow toothless helper monkeys named Mr. Bubbles in Pennsylvania? The thought of a toothless monkey gives me the shakes.... does he smile often? Don't bring him to California. The next thing you know he'll be insisting on his right to vote, collect social security and you'll have to pay extra taxes in order to feed and cloth him (I'm assuming he wears clothes?). Now THAT is a scary prospect...
I've just realized something... my find count is higher than my number of posts in the forums... Oh well. I make up for it with my use of ellipses.
Back when my family and I first started caching, the only other local cacher made a huge deal about 'the ratio'. He implied that anyone who didn't hide at a five-to-one ratio wasn't truly a Geocacher (in other words: carp (from another thread... bear with me)), and he expounded on that to the point that we felt guilty for our lack of cache placements. Our first cache hide was out in the boonies, and only four people found it in four years, so we pulled it. After spending a few marathon caching days with 30-100 finds in a trip, we upped our ratio to 10:1. It has only been in the last year that I've realized how ridiculous that is. Quality is so much more important than quantity. In all fairness though, before we came along he was the only local Geocacher, with nothing to hunt unless he traveled over 100 miles in any direction. Find a few micros where the container is a CD jewel case (surprisingly not water-tight), or in a used Crystal Light container (cardboard), and then watch as the owners completely ignore requests to maintain those caches... the numbers become insignificant compared to the enjoyment, or lack of, during the find. If you yourself live in a cache-strapped area, and you take enjoyment of hiding high-quality caches, more power to you. Sit back and enjoy the logs as others find your caches. If you feel neglected because you are the only folks in your area who are hiding caches, leaving you little or nothing to find, then you need to get away from your area more often (you might see a new type of hide that inspires you). Or better yet, when new cachers pop up in your area, hold an event and encourage them to place a few well-thought out hides (be a mentor). In the long run, the quality of your hides will encourage others to meet or beat you, and it will give you all something to strive for.
I keep tellin' ya... carp, dude! Carp!
Yup. None of us participating in this discussion (so far) were actually present when the alleged social transgression took place. Who knows for sure what the actual circumstances were? Besides, everyone knows that being a PM isn't what dictates your status around here. Rank is based on your forum post count. Great, now we're trolling for trolls... suspicion runs rampant! Everyone! Hide your women and children! Me thinks thou shouldst turn down the troll-detection radar... In the American deserts, there are many dangerous critters living under the rocks. How do you navigate the desert safely? Don't turn over every rock! Sheesh. Do us premium members with five-years or more under our belts have to tell you noobs everything?
Hell, I'd pay extra for THAT!
Yep, that is truly carpy. In fact, it smells like carp. Good thing we didn't step in it. I sure would like to know who the 'premium user' was, I'd go knock the carp out of him/her. Frankly, the only time I ever know who is and isn't a premium member is here in the forums, or when someone I'm caching with tells me that they can't log a find because it is "member's only". Otherwise, we are all just carp in the same stream of muddy waters. It is highly likely that the 'newbie' will run into this so-called 'premium' idiot on the trail again, or at an event. Just make sure your friend is better educated in Geocache etiquette from this point forward. Chances are that the 'premium' idiot will have to explain themselves in a more public forum (not this one) in the future. Then they'll have to eat carp. Carp-e TB, I say!
Interaction With Others "enjoying" Wild
The GeoGadgets Team replied to wheetree's topic in General geocaching topics
Well, see, I'm not of "that generation" apparently. heh. -ajb That's cool, I guess I'm not either, being: 1) female (and straight - I guess I should clarify); 2) not the type of person that gets off watching drunk women make complete fools of themselves (or drunk men, for that matter, which is actually far more common, but those videos are usually aired on "COPS"); 3) and old enough to remember my first beer. Oh, and being a "child of the '60's" meant that I was born in 1960 and all that that implies, not that I was a flower-child, hippy, or draft-dodger... though I'm cool with all of that. I didn't truly "hear" Alice's Restaurant until many years later, and I certainly didn't get to hear the Joe and the Fish song until early in my adulthood, when it was more an issue of "hey! did you hear what he said? *giggle*", than anything that incited me to protest. In fact, I probably heard it first on Dr. Demento. Man, obfuscation RULES! *pre-requisite 'DOINK!' inserted here* RedwoodRed /- Soon to switch coasts -\ \- wondering if it makes me 'bi-coastal' -/ -
Interaction With Others "enjoying" Wild
The GeoGadgets Team replied to wheetree's topic in General geocaching topics
Jeez, Gadget. Haven't you ever listened to Alice's Restraunt? "Now it all started two Thanksgivings ago, was on - two years ago on Thanksgiving, when my friend and I went up to visit Alice at the restaurant, but Alice doesn't live in the restaurant, she lives in the church nearby the restaurant, in the bell-tower, with her husband Ray and Fasha the dog. And livin' in the bell tower like that, they got a lot of room downstairs where the pews used to be in." Nope... never heard of it, child of the 60's that I am... Give me an "F" (F!) Give me a "U" (U!)... -
Upcoming Problem For Geocaching?
The GeoGadgets Team replied to norsehawk's topic in General geocaching topics
I'll just hold out for the waypoint "GCDOINK" or "GCPPING". I love the sounds of "doink" and "ping"... as in "The Machine that Goes..."-fame. -
Interaction With Others "enjoying" Wild
The GeoGadgets Team replied to wheetree's topic in General geocaching topics
What's a GGW? -ajb Man... get a TV and stay up late watching "SPIKE" for Pete's Sake! Girl's Gone Wild -
Interaction With Others "enjoying" Wild
The GeoGadgets Team replied to wheetree's topic in General geocaching topics
I'm still trying to understand the logic of law enforcement in the town in which I live... The fire marshall shows up at every single call, whether it be a drug bust, a speeder, a "help, I've fallen and I can't get up!" call. I have yet to see only one police officer or sheriff show up at a traffic violation - usually a drunk driver (no accident, just breath 'em and bust 'em) illicits two city cops, a sheriff and one or two highway patrol (how ever many are in the area at the time). It isn't like these people are forcing the cops to chase them down and a call for back-up was made (my ham radio is tuned into the emergency freqs), it is more like they (the law) are bored and this is the only thing to do at the moment. NOW... this sort of concentrated cop behavior, according to your theory, would mean that all other non-law abiding idiots are chosing that moment to break into the local laundramat, molest an old lady on SS check day, etc. Sort of like how I know that when I see a highway patrolman with someone pulled over and he's standing next to the driver's side door, that I really don't have to slow down (and the people who do deserve my laser cannon straight up the tailpipe! ), and probably won't have to worry about police presence for at least ten minutes in my rear view mirror. To answer Jeremy's question, any area that has an elevated level of illicit sexual activity going on could do with a neighborhood watch group, or a "Save Our Parks!" group. Some orange vests, some high wattage flashlights and a consistent presence would make Joey and Johnny Nude find someplace more appropriate to play, like behind the local grocery store. Crime does not suffer the presence of bright light and publicity for long. -
Interaction With Others "enjoying" Wild
The GeoGadgets Team replied to wheetree's topic in General geocaching topics
Really? Not knowing that this obese man was spraying himself (thoroughly, I assume) with OFF! completely naked on this here picnic table that I was setting up the lunch to feed my kids just gives me the EXTREME willies/heebeejeebees/etc. Yes, there is definitely a problem there. -
In this case, it was very appropriate to move the cache. (not like you had a choice) However, you did not take it, but rather moved it to a nearby cache and thus made it available for the owner to retrieve. I think that was the appropriate action in that case. This kind of falls into the category of the caching club example. When the owner placed the cache, they agreed to certain terms when they obtained the permit to hide it. As a CMP volunteer, that also explains why someone would single you out to pull the cache. Again, you were following a set policy and one to which the owner agreed to when hiding the cache. I will even stretch it a little further and say that in the absence of such an agreement whether with a local caching group or a park service that I might be persuaded to retrieve the cache if a reviewer requested it specifically on the cache's page. But even with a specific public request from TPTB on the cache listing page, I still would not touch it unless I was sure that the owner had indeed abandoned the cache. If the owner is active, it's up to him/her to deal with the cache. Does "whipping a dead horse" have one 'p' or two?
The Power Abuser Reviewers
The GeoGadgets Team replied to slowmojo's topic in General geocaching topics
The troll has spoken. Flush the thread... sheesh... Oh, yeah. Y'all are having too much fun... OT: I've been a Geocacher since way, WAY back... but rarely a forum reader/poster. What is it with the PIG? What is the PIG-thing? Why don't I know about the PIG? Do I want to know about the PIG? -
"finding" Your Own Caches
The GeoGadgets Team replied to agilefox's topic in General geocaching topics
Hey, I know parents who consider that babysitting... But one of our caches placed some years ago, I cannot find. It needs maintenance, and one cacher moved it, but 'doesn't remember where to'. The funny thing is, other people keep finding it! I've posted in the log that the next person to find it please move it to such-and-such cache (one I for sure know how to find), but nobody reads the logs anymore until they go to post. So, here is my 'lost' cache being found... by everyone but me. Back on topic, though... What about a husband and wife who ALWAYS cache together, he hides a cache, she logs it FTF as soon as it goes live, and then she hides a cache and he does the same. Go to the cache and nobody has yet signed the logbook. A father/son team in the same area do that all the time, too. And these people introduced each other to caching... I see an ugly trend occuring. I have invited them to our annual Event in hopes that they will recognize this for the cheating it is and cease. But really, what should I care? I mean, besides the fact that I'm an FTFW? Especially since we're switching coasts, it really isn't my problem, right? RIGHT?!? RedwoodRed (aw, who am I kidding... I'll just go play NWN online and kill something) -
When out on a hunt, you can call a friend who has found the cache before, and can help you find it if you're stumped.. This usually prevents a DNF, and the cacher gets to log a smiley instead. Ah... GEOCHEATING is what I call that.
What if emailing the reviewer, repeatedly asking for the cache to be archived, and still nothing happens? What if the cache is placed in a fragile environment and the GC traffic is destroying the area? What if muggles or wildlife destroy the cache container and the contents are strewn all over, leaving nothing of value to replace? Should the next cacher in remove the damaged goods, report it as destroyed and ask that it be replaced or archived? What if STILL nothing is done, months, sometimes years later? Yeah, flame me if you want, but there are appropriate times to remove a cache.
Are There Any Other Webcam Caches Like This?
The GeoGadgets Team replied to SCP-173's topic in General geocaching topics
The first webcam I knew of was this GC66FB, and the hardest part is getting someone else to stay behind and man the webcam (take the photo) while the rest of us are outing having fun Geocaching. So, yes... it has been done. There are no original thoughts, but there are original thinkers. I just thank you for putting out more caches to hunt, whether or not I have a boat to hunt them! -
Illegal &/or Dangerous Caches
The GeoGadgets Team replied to MomToo!'s topic in General geocaching topics
How about when someone posts a cache, folks go out to find it, only to find themselves stuck in a crumbling, unmarked mineshaft? Yeah, that almost happened to us. I won't drag out what has turned into a long story - suffice it to say we complained about the terrain rating on what turned out to be a cliffhanger, and the owner placed a cache in a very dangerous location, knowing we/I are FTFWs, and sat back and laughed. Luckily, before any permanent damage was done, we realized we'd been had and requested that the cache be archived. When Jeremy couldn't contact the folks who hid it, it was. Karma is a wonderful thing, though. The guys who placed that? There all in jail now - for damaging state property, filming their antics, and posting them on their website. This is one reason there is that HUGE disclaimer on every single cache page.