The GeoGadgets Team
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Everything posted by The GeoGadgets Team
Geocaching, Sport or Game?
The GeoGadgets Team replied to briansnat's topic in General geocaching topics
Living in a house full of males, I agree that "FI" is a sport. Rarely do I see people participate in any activity with such total abandon... well, maybe not TOTAL abadon. After all, lack of control makes for messy laundry days - an important point that seems to be lost on my two young sons. This is off-topic (in a sense): have any of the older (by that I mean older than 35 years) people noticed how lax our society has become in regard to expulsion of bodily gases, including belching? I know that in other countries it is considered rude NOT to belch during and after a meal, but Western Euro/North American sensibilities have always leaned toward stiffling natural urges. So, instead of celebrating our lack of anal retentive-ness, our ability to healthily remove potentially harmful gases from our biological loop, we suppress, mask, hide and in general, make excuses for something that our bodies were built to do. I for one have a difficult time not giggling when my five-year old shouts out "Mom! I just farted!" in a crowded restaurant, or belches loudly and then exclaims, in an equally robust fashion, "Excuse Me!" Back on topic: I like to think of Geocaching as a sport. Though the general consensus seems to be that it isn't competitive (yeah - okay), there are rules of a sort. Though it does share a number of elements to scavenger hunting, capture the flag and other games... I will still refer to it, even if I must do so under my breath, as a sport. Thank you for asking! It is something that has been discussed at home. I'm glad to see it come up here. ---------- Lori aka: RedwoodRed KF6VFI "I don't get lost, I investigate alternative destinations." GeoGadgets Team Website Comics, Video Games and Movie Fansite "Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda, Jedi Master from Star Wars - Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back -
Geocaching names & team names.
The GeoGadgets Team replied to phantom's topic in General geocaching topics
I guess our team name is pretty obvious... We love GADGETS: PDA's, digital cameras, ham radio gear, and my home-based work computer is loaded with all kinds of gadgets for my business. When GPSR's came out it was a natural progression to get one and find an excuse to use/play with it, even though I found many excuses through the years NOT to buy one... then Geocaching came along. I was trying to think of a GC-related domain name and viola! GeoGadgets Team was born. In the CB radio and BBS days of my wild and crazy youth I was the 'Queen Of Hearts', but as I get older that name just doesn't FEEL as appropriate as it did when I was in my early twenties and childless. Now, I live in the Redwoods and I have always had redhair... RedwoodRed fits better, even if I am commonly mistaken for a male of the species in chat rooms and the places where I trade porn... just kidding!. Ask Steak N Eggs sometime how he got his handle... now THAT is an interesting tale! ---------- Lori aka: RedwoodRed KF6VFI "I don't get lost, I investigate alternative destinations." GeoGadgets Team Website Comics, Video Games and Movie Fansite "Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda, Jedi Master from Star Wars - Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back -
Geocaching names & team names.
The GeoGadgets Team replied to phantom's topic in General geocaching topics
I guess our team name is pretty obvious... We love GADGETS: PDA's, digital cameras, ham radio gear, and my home-based work computer is loaded with all kinds of gadgets for my business. When GPSR's came out it was a natural progression to get one and find an excuse to use/play with it, even though I found many excuses through the years NOT to buy one... then Geocaching came along. I was trying to think of a GC-related domain name and viola! GeoGadgets Team was born. In the CB radio and BBS days of my wild and crazy youth I was the 'Queen Of Hearts', but as I get older that name just doesn't FEEL as appropriate as it did when I was in my early twenties and childless. Now, I live in the Redwoods and I have always had redhair... RedwoodRed fits better, even if I am commonly mistaken for a male of the species in chat rooms and the places where I trade porn... just kidding!. Ask Steak N Eggs sometime how he got his handle... now THAT is an interesting tale! ---------- Lori aka: RedwoodRed KF6VFI "I don't get lost, I investigate alternative destinations." GeoGadgets Team Website Comics, Video Games and Movie Fansite "Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda, Jedi Master from Star Wars - Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back -
Geogamer.com -- anyone else seen this yet?
The GeoGadgets Team replied to kbraband's topic in General geocaching topics
I think that they have an excellent start for a business. Now, before you begin flaming me, consider this: They did research, no matter how ill-found or represented; They have a bee-you-ti-full website, very well crafted and easy to navigate; They have a good idea to attempt to tap a pre-existing and previously un-tapped market; They are using forums and email to further their goals... Many things that are written into business plans and are recommended by business counselors (sp?) as good ways to market a new venture. That website wasn't designed on the spur of the moment. Long-term planning and probably a team of designers went into its production which smells like venture capital to me. I seriously doubt - though I would love to be corrected - that Jeremy wrote a five-year business plan before launching the geocaching.com website, yet it is successful based on a highly loyal user base and the very addictive game/sport/hobby around which it is based. If I were Jeremy, et al., I would research this new site and have a copyright lawyer examine the documents and phrasing they are using for copyright violations. Regardless of whether or not they are attempting to augment or steal from geocaching.com, they are a commercial venture and any written content that appears to have been directly copied from this website is a violation. Hopefully all of their ducks are in the proper rows... -
Well, I hope this is okay: Through email, another geocacher told me that he'd be visiting here from San Diego. Well, I have a TB that needs a fast ride to San Diego. Last Thursday I handed this So. Cal. gent the above mentioned TB. How do I log it as out of my possession and into his? How does he log it? Help! ---------- Lori aka: RedwoodRed KF6VFI "I don't get lost, I investigate alternative destinations." GeoGadgets Team Website Comics, Video Games and Movie Fansite "Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda, Jedi Master from Star Wars - Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Locationless Cache's Must Die
The GeoGadgets Team replied to Duc996's topic in General geocaching topics
quote:Originally posted by Duc996:Give me a break. Finding cities that begin with letter "X", find a casino, find an airport.....?? Okay it was fun at first but its way out of hand now. No, give ME a break! I've said it before, I'll say it until you idiots knock off your belly-aching... There are something in the range of TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND Geocaches throughout the world. There are approx. 115 locationless caches in the world. That is more or less a ratio of 217 REAL caches for every ONE locationless cache that is active. Locationless caches aren't even on the RADAR. What needs to die is the Rabid Hamster attitude. "Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda, Jedi Master from Star Wars - Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back -
Chronic wasting disease
The GeoGadgets Team replied to cachew nut's topic in General geocaching topics
About fifteen years ago in Southern California the rangers were talking about something like this. When the deer population gets so high that a variety of foods for deer become slim, the deer begin to suffer from weak bones and other similar maladies. The ranger talked about how the deer were being found having worn their hooves off. Gone. This is a problem of the lack of natural predators and too-strict hunting quotas. When every buck gets an opportunity to breed, because there are so many females that the lead bucks can't keep track of their territory and harams, the weaker deer reproduce and this kind of problem can run rampant. Sad, because now the meat on over-abundant deer isn't edible. If proper land-husbandry had been implemented instead of letting the goodie-two-shoes, dirt-munching, tree-hugging, lily-livered city-dwelling do-gooders run things, this wouldn't be happening. The end result? The deer population goes up (however temporarily), the number of predators will (historically) increase, then when the disease ravages the deer population, those predators will start heading into populated neighborhoods and killing dogs, cats and (gasp!) small people... then angry parents, those same folks who cry "Bambi's Mother!" everytime a deerhunter suits up, will demand retribution for the poor slob who didn't "do something about it earlier". I'm rambling again... it's not the post count numbers, it's the length that matters! R-I-G-H-T-T-T... ---------- Lori aka: RedwoodRed KF6VFI "I don't get lost, I investigate alternative destinations." GeoGadgets Team Website Comics, Video Games and Movie Fansite "Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda, Jedi Master from Star Wars - Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back -
Has a non-geocacher found your cache?
The GeoGadgets Team replied to Alan2's topic in General geocaching topics
Our first cache placed has had numerous visits by non-cachers. The first two non-cachers logged it as a find on the site and wrote in the logbook. So far as we know it hasn't been plundered, though I suppose by the frequency of accidental finds, it isn't in a very good spot. It is, however, one of the most visited caches in this area. We're getting ready to go on a maintenance run for all of our caches and for those of cacher-placers who are out of the area - since we are the only consistently active cachers in this county - and we'll check for other accidental finders. By the way: the two that did log that cache on this site? They are both geocaching now. Pretty cool... ---------- Lori aka: RedwoodRed KF6VFI "I don't get lost, I investigate alternative destinations." GeoGadgets Team Website Comics, Video Games and Movie Fansite "Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda, Jedi Master from Star Wars - Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back -
More Geocaching from our friend Wil Wheaton
The GeoGadgets Team replied to dogsoldier's topic in General geocaching topics
Welcome to the forums here, Wil! I have been reading your 'blog' here for weeks now and enjoyed greatly the story of the AF Wesley Crusher and eBay. In fact, I've been very bad lately and haven't been keeping up with your 'blog' or this forum due to a rash of eBay-mania on my part. I've bid on and won 20+ action figures in the past week! Since some of those are going to go out as Travel Bugs, I suppose it IS Geocaching related. Again, welcome to the forums and if you put as much thought into posting here as you do on your site, we're all in trouble! Is Bodoni really Ron Jeremy? Didn't he make an appearance on The Man Show recently? Or was that Jackass... another day, another brain cell burned... -
Geogamer.com -- anyone else seen this yet?
The GeoGadgets Team replied to kbraband's topic in General geocaching topics
Something else that I'm curious about... Could pre-existing caches become cross-overs? You know, listed on both Geocaching.com and GeoGamer.com? It seems that the only thing to stop it is lack of fundage to place the coins and sticker inside the cache... -
Geogamer.com -- anyone else seen this yet?
The GeoGadgets Team replied to kbraband's topic in General geocaching topics
For anyone who b|tches about the commercialization of Geocaching.com in relation to "memberships", this GeoGamer looks to be the complete commercial side of this coin. They are all about "pay-to-play" and as far as I can tell, there is no other way to participate. Sad but true... someone was bound to try to steal Jeremy's fire... part of a free-market system! ---------- Lori aka: RedwoodRed KF6VFI "I don't get lost, I investigate alternative destinations." GeoGadgets Team Website Comics, Video Games and Movie Fansite "Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda, Jedi Master from Star Wars - Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back -
Please! Please trade equal... BEWARE! RANT AHEAD!
The GeoGadgets Team replied to The GeoGadgets Team's topic in How do I...?
I apologize to everyone on how this thread turned out. I appreciate all of the posts either positive or negative on how to deal with folks who don't trade "fair". I thank everyone who stuck to the thread topic. I will use what useful information I received and I hope that any new users who read this thread will take this issue to heart, for trading down in caches is not a good way to keep the sport healthy and enjoyable for those who follow after you. I have received many emails of support, during this thread and through many others. I thank all of you and appreciate your thoughts and comments. I wouldn't even mind if some of you wrote to me if you feel negatively about how this was handled. I do not, however, appreciate emails like the one I received from BassoonPilot yesterday claiming that he has received emails from folks concerning this thread (or others, it wasn't specified). In his email he states that he has received eleven emails that contain "humorous comments about the state of your hormones". Regardless of my statements in these forums, regardless of my rants as opposed to any others, I find it in very poor taste to bring up something so blatantly sexist. As if the fact of my being a woman makes me any less intelligent, any less informed on the subjects that I choose to comment on, or any less "level-headed". I've never really been one of those hard-core PC-type folks, and regardless of the fact that BP was commenting on the emails he received from others, I believe that it was wrong to comment on them, especially in the middle of what should be friendly debate, conversation, comments, or whatever, regardless of whether or not they are shrouded in winkie and smilie faced icons... Good day to you. -
Locationless Cache Requirements
The GeoGadgets Team replied to Jeremy's topic in General geocaching topics
quote:Originally posted by Buddy11:Ya know what jeremy. I think it would be best to take off locationless caches because I thought geocaching was for hicking and not taking pictures of things because lately, people have like 500 finds and 300 of them are locationless. I would really appreciate it if you could give an example instead of just making broad generalizations. Currently there aren't 300 locationless caches listed on GC.com, so I'm curious as to what you are referring. ---------- Lori aka: RedwoodRed KF6VFI "I don't get lost, I investigate alternative destinations." GeoGadgets Team Website Comics, Video Games and Movie Fansite "Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda, Jedi Master from Star Wars - Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back -
Locationless Cache Requirements
The GeoGadgets Team replied to Jeremy's topic in General geocaching topics
quote:Originally posted by Buddy11:Ya know what jeremy. I think it would be best to take off locationless caches because I thought geocaching was for hicking and not taking pictures of things because lately, people have like 500 finds and 300 of them are locationless. I would really appreciate it if you could give an example instead of just making broad generalizations. Currently there aren't 300 locationless caches listed on GC.com, so I'm curious as to what you are referring. ---------- Lori aka: RedwoodRed KF6VFI "I don't get lost, I investigate alternative destinations." GeoGadgets Team Website Comics, Video Games and Movie Fansite "Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda, Jedi Master from Star Wars - Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back -
Please! Please trade equal... BEWARE! RANT AHEAD!
The GeoGadgets Team replied to The GeoGadgets Team's topic in How do I...?
quote:Originally posted by BassoonPilot:Sure. I had time to upgrade the contents and condition of only one cache yesterday; I'll do better today. How'd you guys do? Sorry that I didn't immediately respond to your many posts full of responses attempting to justify your position, and only once touching (barely) on the topic of this thread (above)... Though I could go on about why I think you post just for the sake of doing so, I won't. What would be the point? Many others reading this understood my perspective without it being explained to them and I have received many emails from readers here to that effect. Instead, I will answer your question above: Wedderburn. It was a round trip of over 100 miles. We have plans for a few caches on Thursday, the only day we have this week to cache as a family, and we'll be driving 100 miles one-way to do those. Living in an area as beautiful and remote as this means that we don't get that many caches locally. I too enjoy a cache that has some thought behind it. Our current found/hidden ratio is roughly 9-to-1, all of our caches are still up (even the first one, that frequently gets logged by non-cachers, many of which have become Geocachers) and I frequently get compliments on the ones placed. Now, I'll get back to work. I apologize to those new cachers who see these posts and are put-off by them. I hope you will consider the original thread and take the message for what it is worth. -
Please! Please trade equal... BEWARE! RANT AHEAD!
The GeoGadgets Team replied to The GeoGadgets Team's topic in How do I...?
quote:Originally posted by BassoonPilot:I notice you didn't say anything about the more important relationship mentioned of posts/finds. Mine is a bit higher than 1/1. Perhaps I post too often; would you suggest I post less or cache more? If the number of posts really meant something in the general scheme of Geocaching, then regardless of posts-to-caches found ratio, you are right up there with KD7MXI (aka: James Weisbeck). His posts number up into the four hundreds. Should I take his high post numbers as some indication of knowledge and intelligence? He knows exactly what I think of him as I have pulled no punches in his general direction before, but I think NOT. The ability to spout rhetoric, criticize others and make inane comments just for the purpose of doing so IN QUANTITY does not make any one more intelligent or more qualified to give advice. Geospotter, in my opinion, has always used grace, commonsense and/or logic in his posts. He is CONTRIBUTING to this sport through his level-headed aid or comments to others on various topics of discussion. His posts are a pleasure to read, as opposed to others who have contributed to this thread, who's posts (in other threads) that I have a tendancy to scan over based on a consistancy for changing the topic, twisting the meaning of others and all-in-all rude and uncalled for comments. Can we get back to the topic, Please? -
Please! Please trade equal... BEWARE! RANT AHEAD!
The GeoGadgets Team replied to The GeoGadgets Team's topic in How do I...?
quote:Originally posted by BassoonPilot:I notice you didn't say anything about the more important relationship mentioned of posts/finds. Mine is a bit higher than 1/1. Perhaps I post too often; would you suggest I post less or cache more? If the number of posts really meant something in the general scheme of Geocaching, then regardless of posts-to-caches found ratio, you are right up there with KD7MXI (aka: James Weisbeck). His posts number up into the four hundreds. Should I take his high post numbers as some indication of knowledge and intelligence? He knows exactly what I think of him as I have pulled no punches in his general direction before, but I think NOT. The ability to spout rhetoric, criticize others and make inane comments just for the purpose of doing so IN QUANTITY does not make any one more intelligent or more qualified to give advice. Geospotter, in my opinion, has always used grace, commonsense and/or logic in his posts. He is CONTRIBUTING to this sport through his level-headed aid or comments to others on various topics of discussion. His posts are a pleasure to read, as opposed to others who have contributed to this thread, who's posts (in other threads) that I have a tendancy to scan over based on a consistancy for changing the topic, twisting the meaning of others and all-in-all rude and uncalled for comments. Can we get back to the topic, Please? -
Please! Please trade equal... BEWARE! RANT AHEAD!
The GeoGadgets Team replied to The GeoGadgets Team's topic in How do I...?
quote:Originally posted by geospotter:The best (and probably the only) thing we can do is educate. Bring the topic up every so often since new players join every day. Rant! Let them know that "this is unacceptable. Respectable cachers don't do this." I am sick of hearing "Oh, that's just the way it is, not much we can do about it." (Usually combined with "Don't change things, things work just fine now.") I say "do something". Send them an email and let them know just how you (and many of us) feel. Wow, I really appreciate that you can see my perspective on this. I was expecting mostly negative comments! I just read a cache log today where someone "took a keyring, left a business card"... um, WHO would want that business card? Is a business card a trade item? I would never have thought so. If it is a card with all of the required spots punched for a free sandwich or ice cap or something, that might be nice. But a business card? Thanks for advertising but that isn't a trade item. We leave our Geocaching calling cards in caches we visit just to let folks know we were there. We don't expect them to be trade items, though I can see where some folks might collect stuff like that, but that isn't why we leave them. Oh, and Geospotter? I don't care what BassoonPilot things of your found/hidden ratio. There are some folks who think that someone shouldn't place a cache until they have found 20 or more caches! You contribute a great deal to these forums and you are enjoying the sport. No one really expects more from you than that... oh and that you continue to show your wonderful level of integrity while caching! Thanks! -
Please! Please trade equal... BEWARE! RANT AHEAD!
The GeoGadgets Team replied to The GeoGadgets Team's topic in How do I...?
quote:Originally posted by The Heavenly Host:isn't a Travel Bug a separate category? Yes, I was just quoting from a cache log I had recently read. I don't consider a TB something to be traded. As other responses enforce, they are to be moved along, the faster the better. My main issue was with people that take two or three items and leave one. I do care what the quality of the item left compared to taken is, but that is a subject for many other threads (just enter "trading up" into a search to find many, many more). -
Please! Please trade equal... BEWARE! RANT AHEAD!
The GeoGadgets Team posted a topic in How do I...?
I know that this topic gets dogged and I don't want to beat a seemingly dead horse, but I see a lot of new cachers coming through my area who think that it is okay to take three or four items and leave a Jack-in-the-box antenna ball or a pen. Come on! I just read where some folks near here had taken a travel bug and two other nice items from a cache and left the FREE item above in exchange. I KNOW that it isn't about the goodies (r-i-g-h-t) and I know it is all about the hunt (okay) BUT if everybody takes three items and leaves one, how long do you think it will take for that cache to be empty? Or to have nothing in it that anyone else wants? "Well, I had three different Jack antenna balls to choose from so I took nothing, left nothing!" If I was new, that kind of thing wouldn't turn me on to caching much, WHETHER OR NOT I AM IN IT FOR THE STUFF. It is just the principal of the thing. If you didn't bring anything nice, don't take anything nice. Common sense. The first time out I can kinda understand it, but I've seen the same folks do it time after time. You all (if you read these forums at all) know that I don't hesitate to type what I feel, so should I email the obvious offenders and say (in a polite way) WTF? I mean, maybe their mommas didn't teach 'em no better? Maybe they is related to the Peacocks (X-File reference)? Just please people... you don't have to trade up all the time, but at least trade FAIR! ---------- Lori aka: RedwoodRed KF6VFI "I don't get lost, I investigate alternative destinations." GeoGadgets Team Website Comics, Video Games and Movie Fansite "Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda, Jedi Master from Star Wars - Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back -
I know you are all out there having tons of fun, and you probably don't or won't care that those of us too far away and couldn't make it are curious... but we are! Post (fractal?) and let us know how things are going/progressing/panning out... keep us up-to-date. Enjoy yourselves! Hope the weather is nice for you! ---------- Lori aka: RedwoodRed KF6VFI "I don't get lost, I investigate alternative destinations." GeoGadgets Team Website Comics, Video Games and Movie Fansite "Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda, Jedi Master from Star Wars - Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Curiouser and curiouser...
The GeoGadgets Team replied to The GeoGadgets Team's topic in General geocaching topics
Boy, how stupid of me. Funny how people get into habits... I only check the Northwest and General forums... occasionally the Ham Radio or Unusual. I just don't have time to read them all. If I did, I'd never have time to Geocache. Thanks! ---------- Lori aka: RedwoodRed KF6VFI "I don't get lost, I investigate alternative destinations." GeoGadgets Team Website Comics, Video Games and Movie Fansite "Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda, Jedi Master from Star Wars - Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back -
Best insect repellent.
The GeoGadgets Team replied to Skully & Mulder et al.'s topic in General geocaching topics
Well, I'll be brief, and I still don't know if it will help: We have a fool-proof way to keep mosquitos out of the yard between rains. Mix equal parts lemon juice, lemon-scented ammonia and lemon-scented dishwashing liquid (like Dawn); place mixture in the type of lawn sprayer that attaches to a common garden hose and spray the all of the lawn, trees and bushes in your yard or area. It doesn't have to be doused, but get some on all shrubbery, etc. Repeat after each rain. If someone could find a way to make this usable for humans, let me know. I can't imagine dousing myself in ammonia... Also, light-colored clothing attracts mosquitos like a summer porch light attracts moths. The darker the clothing the harder to find on the bugs' radar. Any perfumes, hair sprays, etc. are mosquito, bee and hornet magnets. In the summers I use a half-cup of lemon-scented ammonia in each load of laundry. Not only does it make my laundry cleaner (and my whites whiter!) but it seems to counter the perfumy effects of most laundry soaps, limiting the attraction quotient for annoying flying/biting critters. Just my own personal experiences... ---------- Lori aka: RedwoodRed KF6VFI "I don't get lost, I investigate alternative destinations." GeoGadgets Team Website Comics, Video Games and Movie Fansite "Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda, Jedi Master from Star Wars - Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back -
Curiouser and curiouser...
The GeoGadgets Team replied to The GeoGadgets Team's topic in General geocaching topics
Geez... No one even chose to speculate? I have to be the first to respond to my own post? With the repetitious forum threads ... no, never mind. You mean, no one else has any idea why this is happening?