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Posts posted by GeoGraftersGal

  1. About a month ago, I went out caching w/GeoGrafter. I hadn't been in about a year. He had just picked up the hobby again, so we made a full day of it.


    We decided to hit this old building out behind my office. The fact is that there are two old buildings back there. I believe one was called the Roger's House. At any rate, we pull up in the parking lot in his truck. He says to me, "I think it's in the wooden house b/c it talks about a breezeway. I'm not going to tell you anything else, you use your "geo-sense" to find it."


    So...I go into one section of this open-air log cabin type building and start looking around. As I'm looking, GeoGrafter has made his way to the breezeway of the building and starts reading the history of the buildings to me. I look up and yell, "I found it." at the same time, he's reading about "the limestone building blocks and the decaying porch banister" and I say, "That's the other house, baby."


    He looks at me all dumbfounded. "What do you mean?"


    "That cache description is for the other house. That house is made from limestone and the porch banisters are all decaying. I know. I sit there almost every day. Where is the cache information for THIS one that I just found?"


    So, I open up the little vile and voila!!! I am the FTF!!! I cannot believe it--it's my very first FTF. BUT...I wasn't really logging anything in to geocaching.com anymore, so I let GeoGrafter sign the FTF and I signed second. (needless to say, this find renewed my desire to start logging my finds again!). So...we search for the username who placed the cache and the only cache listed from this user in this area is the limestone house (we found that cache, too).


    So...when we got home, I emailed the hider and told her the story. She immediately wrote me back and said that geocaching rules state that you cannot place caches within a certain distance of one another. She had placed that cache in the wooden house, but never logged it with geocaching.com. She had meant to remove it but never did. It was a complete and total fluke that I found that cache. She was very sweet and told me that in her world, I was FTF! : )


    I guess I've got some good "geo-sense" after all. I mean...I found a cache that wasn't meant to be found. It totally cracks me up! : )

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