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Posts posted by boohunters

  1. I

    I am from the same area that RJW is from we are estimating that there is about 100 to 150 caches missing in our county. Basically there is no geocaching, in our area. It would be nice if we could see who was watching our caches, if we could narrow the list down maybe Groundspeak could delete the membership of the person.

    Except, of course, that you have zero proof that there's any correlation between watching a cache, and being a cache thief.


    Why aren't you asking for a list of everyone who gets these caches in a PQ? Or has them on a Bookmark list?

    And to make matters worse, what if there are multiple sock puppets?


    This sounds more like a job for Captain Clorox or someone. IP addresses and all that.



    I feel we should know who is watching our caches. I have 3 people watching one of my caches. I have no clue who they are or why are they watching mine. If I had the problem others are having with their caches, I would sit and watch my cache from a distance. I am just that crazy enough!!

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