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Posts posted by Larry.s

  1. Could be. I always thought Wi Lan stood for Wireless Lan instead of a company named WiLan. Sort of like when a person mentions a NIC they mean a network interface card and not the company NIC.

  2. I found this posted on a local newsgroup the other day:


    Drove down Mcleod Trail South.  From 17th ave to Southland.  8.4 Km

    >> detected  136 WiLan networks.  Of those 92 were unencrypted.  That is, I was

    >> able  to connect to their wireless  adapter and achieve internet connection.

    >> Of those  92, 16 are without any firewall or WEP protection, with wide open

    >> ip's.

  3. I subscribe to the Beautiful BC magazine and found out about it from an article in one of those. At the time, I thought it was something brand new. Told a guy at work and he said he's known about it for years. So if not for that article, I guess I still wouldn't know about it.

  4. Currently using the rubber duck because that's what I've been leaving in caches I find more or less as a sig item, not a trade item.

    At the gaming board I frequent I use a sniper kitty and have a title that says "I camp so you don't have to".



  5. Well I have been wanting to post one I made earlier this month but since it was active, I didn't want to give away any clues to prospective hunters that might stop in here. I went and checked on it today and found it was gone so I guess I can post it now. Not sure how the muggler found it but then again, I guess it doesn't matter. I had some good comments on it while it lasted which wasn't very long.

    Hide and Bow Seek


    I had the base covered well with dirt, a large rock, and leaves. All that was left when I check on it today was the one board from the base.







  6. Your life will never be the same. Now you'll find yourself thinking, "Wow, that would be a great place to hide a cache", as you drive by places you've seen for years. It's even more fun once you start hiding them. Just take note of all the ones you find so you have a good idea on how to do your first one.

    Don't worry about DNF's. I'm new to this too and already have a couple.

    Also, welcome to the boards.

  7. I picked one up a week ago today. I really wanted to place it again ASAP but work has kept me busy and it's been raining when I haven't been working. Sometimes real life gets in the way of the best intentions. I will certainly get it dropped within the next two days though. I'm off until Wed evening and the rain shold be gone by tomorrow.

    A month does seem to be a bit long to be holding one unless it was picked up on an extended vacation or unknown circumstances popped up.

  8. I agree on the marked waypoint for the car. I recently searched for three caches in a local park. Even though it's in city limits the park is huge and it was the first time I'd ever been there. After wandering all around finding the caches until dusk I realized I had no idea which way the parking lot was that my truck was in. Luckily it was in city limits and my emap showed me the street names. Good job emap. Probably saved me from some embarassing headlines.

    Local man found in park after wandering around for hours with a handheld GPSr. <_<
  9. A couple days ago I hid a new cache and I listed it as a micro but now wondering if that was the proper choice. What would you call it? It's about 3"x4" and I did include a picture of it on the cache page so people would know they're looking for something bigger than a generic micro that only holds a log.



  10. Cool. I just stashed another one today and it's waiting approval. I hope it will be up to par. I'm still pretty new at this and my first three were pretty easy to find although I did want the Kidding Around one to be kid friendly and easy.

    After stashing the one today we went out and found the Officer TB in a cache in the SW. I knew what it's goal was so the wife and I decided to have a little fun and went to the District 3 police station to get some photos. It was closed for the holiday but we did find one obliging officer there.

  11. I have one TB out and going to pick another one up tomorrow to be soon released. I look at the 5.00US as just another small cost of a new hobby. As a fisherman, I think nothing of spending 5.00 - 10.00 on a new shiny lure that could get lost the first time I cast it. It's not that I don't care about throwing away 5.00 - 10.00, I care a lot, but again, it's just the cost of doing something I love to do.

    Besides, 5.00US is a bargain. Convert that to Canadian currency and you'll find we pay 8.00Cdn for one TB. :blink:

  12. Thanks for all the ideas. I think I'm going to use rubber ducks. After all, who doesn't love rubber ducks and what bathtub is complete without one? :blink: I already have some normal sized ones left after trading 3 or 4 already and I have some bids placed on ebay for smaller ones including special police/fireman/etc ones.



  13. Just wondering how many local cachers were here. I assume there must be quite a few around town since there seems to be a lot of caches placed but I don't see many posts by them.

  14. I understand what you meant. I was referring to skippysan's original question which mentioned wanting to use google. I still don't think I answered it correctly.


    If you download and use the google toolbar you can use the "Search site" button once you're on a page you want to search, then go back and use the "Word find" button to find all the occurences of that word in the page you are on.

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