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Posts posted by Sandy

  1. So, did the Navajo Tribe give their consent to having EC/regular caches placed on their lands? The Tribe owns all the lands of the Navajo Reservation, there is no private ownership on the Reservation. This would mean that approval would need to be received from the Tribal Council.

    Is this the correct interpretation of your post?



    The cache in question is being addressed. If permissions are not established then the scope of the cache itself will change.

  2. Groundspeak supports this practice. We want each cache to be reviewed on its own merits. It is the cache owner's responsibilities to ensure that all necessary and/or appropriate permissions have be obtained before the cache page is enabled.

  3. As I understand it, anything you say via these channels can be held against you and can result in a ban or a more moderate punishment.

    If two cachers are having a dispute Groundspeak can try to negotiate an understanding. The only time a site suspension would be implemented is if a user violates the Terms of Use. Groundspeak does not punish people for reporting poor behavior, or for having a disagreement with another cacher. There are many who disagree, but are respectful in doing so.


    If you have a problem with an individual here are two caveats:

    1. Be very careful what you say. Just because you are not saying it publicly as in this forum doesn't mean it cannot rear it's ugly head later!

    Correct. Please be respectful in all uses of the sites - including forums and private messages. As I said above, it is possible to disagree with someone without attacking them or their character.

    2. Find the "offending" cachers private email address!

    If you are the target of poor behavior, please report it, rather than retaliating.

    If you cannot, don't email!

    Better yet, think of it like this: "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." Thumper had it right.


    In short, Groundspeak can intervene on your behalf if you are targeted by poor behavior, but please do not retaliate.

  4. You can 'own' an EC site in another location, as long as you have visited there, and it is best that during your visit you developed the logging tasks. This is so that you can be assured they are rigorous enough to withstand 'couch caching'. The EC reviewers, if in doubt, will ask about your visit(s) to the site to confirm that you have been there.

  5. You can't place an EC at the exact same coordinates as a traditional cache, as that effectively puts a container at your EC which is against the guidelines.


    Well, I would not put it exactly but how close is acceptable?

    Geoaware's explanation does help to clarify my earlier point, but seemingly neither of us has answered your exact question.

    The answer is, it depends. This is why a reviewer must review each cache page. My best advice is to create the listing and submit it for review. Each location must be considered on its own merits, so you will only know for sure that your proposed EarthCache will be publishable, once you have created the cache page and are working with the Geoaware reviewer, who will apply their professional judgement.

    We cannot offer any absolutes as advice at this stage of the game. there are simply too many variables.

  6. Just so I understand this correctly:


    there is no distance requirement for placing a traditional cache next to an Earthcache BUT one cannot place an earthcache any closer than .10 to a traditional. Is that correct?

    An EC can pretty much be at the same location as a traditional cache. We are keen not to have them right on top of each other, so as not to detract from a cacher's experience of either cache, but there is no proximity issue overall, as the EC has no cache container.

  7. Lostby7 is correct. You are entitled as the cache owner to delete any logs that do not meet the logging requirements. That said, it is good practice to contact the cacher first via their profile page and explain why you will be deleting their log. It may be that they just sent the wrong set of answers - or can provide better answers, and will therefore be able to log the cache.


    If not, then go ahead and delete the log.

  8. My understanding of the guidelines are that a photo unrelated to the geologic content of the EarthCache can not be required.

    A photo of just faces or objects should not be required for logging.

    This is correct.


    I beleive the no photo requirement was all earthcaches that were approved from Jan 01 2010 & presnt. To my understanding it does not include any earthcache from Dec 31 2009 & prior, but I may be wrong though.

    Actually, EarthCaches published prior to the guideline change in January were not grandfathered, so changes should be made to those caches if the logging requirements do not meet current guidelines.

  9. What are the distant guidelines for placing a physical cache near and existing


    As an EarthCache does not have a physical cache, it does not need to meet the physical cache proximity guidelines. EarthCache reviewers do, however, consider proximity of an EarthCache to another EarthCache, often to determine whether they are distinct enough from each other.

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