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Everything posted by goosefraba1

  1. A pumpkin.... errrr bunkin
  2. You've got mail
  3. Is that the type of whistle they were using in the movie Titanic? That was a cold scene.... Hmmmm.... that reminds me of the time when... My freshman year my best friend and I decided to go to The Ohio State University for Michigan week (the week that Ohio State normally beats Michigan). The ritual up there is to.... ummmm drink and watch football.... and do whatever you think is crazy in between. Another ritual is to get into the reflecting pool on campus.... actually a decent sized pond.... the Thursday night before the game. So, a bunch of my friends and I ran over to the lake, de-clothed to our shorts and jumped in. Did I tell you that the air temperature was 15 degrees Fahrenheit? Or that there were 12 ambulances there.... just in case? Or that it was so cold that thick ice was forming on the sidewalk from people getting out and dripping? Or that people had to break the ice on the sides of the lake to get in? Or that there was about 3000 people there? Yeah fun. So my friends and I jumped.... waded out to the middle for about 5 minutes.... sang some chants.... and then hopped out before hypothermia set in. Somebody in the meantime stole my best friend's pants. We ran back to the dorms (to raise out core temp). Before I got into the showers, I took off my shorts and stood them up. They were frozen solid... so they stood on their own. It was so cold.... but ya gotta follow the tradition.
  4. That reminds me of the time.... My uncle and I were fishing on a pond in south Carolina whn we saw a really long object swimmng on the pond. My uncle told me it was a water moccasin. Water moccasins are poisonous by the way. My uncle decided it would be a good idea to try to fish for it. We never thought we would catch it.... But of course I hooked it. So.... I reeled it half way in. My uncle pulled out his 12 gauge and shot it. Would you believe that sucker still floated without a head..... Hahahaha. Sick.... But amusing.
  5. Alright..... before I go into a rant, I would really like to thank the mystery coiner for #092! It is SO much better looking in person.... I never noticed the hourglasses in the background until receiving the coin today It is a great addition to my growing collection! I had a long, laborious, and all around bruiser of a day between class, work, and a co-worker trying to get me fired for to save her own job. So after a 45 minute drive home from work, I walked in the house to find my beautiful wife cooking dinner. I grabbed a brew from the fridge, then sat down to talk for a bit when I noticed the golden mailer on the table. To me, from me. I had some figures as to what could be contained.... but didn't know for sure. I slowly opened the envelope.... like dismantling a bomb. And there it sat.... my precious What a great closer for the day! I guess when I really think about it. Even on the worst day, the world ain't that bad. Thank you so much! Oh ya..... Seize the Carp!
  6. Today I received a Carpe Diem #092! Will post an extended response later in the coin topic.... wife said its time to eat.
  7. Alright... a preemptive "I'm in!".... to avoid being left out
  8. Hmmmm..... THAT REMINDS ME OF WHEN.... when I was about ten years old my family was gathered at my aunt and uncles new house one the banks of the Ohio River. For those that don't know..... the Ohio river is a very, very busy river with lots and lots of barges and very, very dirty because of all of the chemicals that the corporate plants like to release into the ground water supply to the river. So, my uncle had just gotten a new Jet Ski. You have to be 16 to ride one in Ohio and Kentucky.... but of course I learned just a little younger than most Well, my grandpa (whom I rarely seen as a child) decided that he was going to show us all how to "ride a jet ski". He was 6'4" truck driver who weighed about 260 lbs. at the time. So he climbs on to this jet ski with the help of my dad and then "jets" up and down the river. Dad told him not to go across the river.... but the man didn't listen. He got 3/4ths of a mile across the river (almost the entire width in these parts) when he hit a large wake created by a passing house boat. As I had mentioned before, my grandpa was a large man and high centers of gravity+jet ski on a fluid surface don't mix well. My grandpa flipped the craft. Now, when you fall off of a jet ski, a safety cord kills the engine... so you don't become stranded. Unfortunately for my grandpa, he didn't have the correct weight to coordination ratio to get himself back on the craft (remember my dad helped him on the first time). So here sets my grandpa..... 3/4 of a mile away from all of us. That situation in itself isn't so bad. But combine that with a busy river.... and it makes it much worse. After watching him from afar trying over and over to get onto the jetski, we noticed that there were 2, not one, but tow barges heading for him in opposite directions. Keep in mind barges are quite slow... specially when they have to navigate a river.... but they are the most dangerous things on the river. If you get hit by one you're not comin back.... and if your boat gets hit.... don't expect it to stay afloat. With no hesitation, my dad runs up stream about 1/2 mile (so the current would carry him back down) and then jumps into the river. He swims all the way to my grandpa..... rocks the jet ski over..... hops on and starts it just about a minute or two before the barge got to the location. My grandpa didn't have enough strength to get on..... so he just grabbed ahold of the back of the seat. Dad slowly drove him back to us. My grandpa never got back on a jet ski.
  9. Yep.... I would be interested too Pwease!
  10. How's about making a wish.... there is a saying that if you make a wish at 11:11 it will come true. so.... if you make a wish at 11:11 and 11 seconds on 11-11-11 .... then it has to come true.... or else I no longer believe.
  11. Sweet .... save the tatas
  12. Man.... I thought this was going to end on the 10th.... I must have read wrongly. anywho.... Guess I'm going to go ahead and post what my colors were without editing Would have been on black nickel. Figured I would do a halloween theme I love seeing everybody's ideas..... congrats to the upcoming winner! Lots of good ones in there
  13. Is that the $400 geo bone that was on ebay Flaunt it!
  14. I've got Ravens over the Browns.... because.... well they're the Browns :/ and Pats over Bills I think.... because T.O. is in Cincy now
  15. babel fish/ alta vista is your friend that's how I got by in Spanish in high school. It didn't work so well in college... I actually had to learn some then.
  16. Very cool idea.... it was put together quite well. I would really like to see something like this in the US. I think it could promote better logging habits of coins and tb's because the tb token would have to be taken from the cache and sent in..... hopefully there would be few tokens that would fall through the cracks because there is a prize at stake. For those that had participated, were the tokens that you had to collect actually trackable? Or, did bug owner above in the link just attach a token to the tb?
  17. A millenium chip? Wow... that's some serious sobriety if you're not a mummy. lmao.... I only saw the 3 year on it..... but I guess that mummies could have their vices as well.
  18. .... or a sobriety token
  19. 2/3 on the day.... Bengals and GB won.... But my vikings pick bit the dust :/
  20. What is the name of that owl coin... top right. I love that design.
  21. WOW!! This turtle look greats. Thanks to show us this nice picture. Hope the turtle will swimm to Amsterdam, he will meet here a lot of his friends. I love how the colors are so vivid in this coin.... maybe because I am very partial to green. The simple designs.... errr let me rephrase that.... the less intricate/ less ornate designs appeal to me the most. I just love the look. And the coin looks very smooth.... much like the look that sea glass gets over time. This is probably my favorite design for a shaped coin. Kudos to the mystery designer!
  22. Wizard.... lol I loved the phone commercials with "the wizard"
  23. What is DJL? CF30 Sorry..... Davey Jones' Locker
  24. Received a LE Midnight Typhoon DJL coin in the mail today.... very cool
  25. Oh I forgot to mention that when my wife and I were on our honeymoon back in December, we got to visit Blackbeard's castle and bluebeard's castle on St. Thomas. It would be really neat to take a picture there with these coins.... maybe we should just go back
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