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Everything posted by goosefraba1

  1. We will see..... My cincy team has not been up to snuff this year.... And with big ben out there, Pittsburg could score enough points. Fingers crossed! I really have liked this cointest.... It's hard to tell what will happen.... I mean who could predict the browns blowing out new England?
  2. one more TD Greenbay ..... you can do it!
  3. oh ya.... bring on another cointest! i have no idea how to do the icons..... but i do like looking at the submissions. Some people are very clever around these parts.
  4. I had a strange dream about skipping sand dollars across the ocean last night. Coincidence? I think not. The aliens must have planted that dream in my head to further confuse me.
  5. Looks like a weird sand dollar Sea aliens? ..... oh I know.... Sea Monkeys
  6. Oh..... Another good one was kino ont's winter olympics hockey cointest..... Specially when you don't know much about hockey!
  7. Scary week for me :/ .....had to go with vikings in one strike :/
  8. I could be wrong.... but it looks like it could be something written in a Sanscrit derivative.... or it could just be a pretty design. I would also like to know
  9. Hmmmmm.... favorite memory! When I was in High School, I had an English Bulldog named Butterbean. He did all kinds of tricks (like jumping up and biting... and keeping ahold of a tire swing for 20 minutes at a time).... and was a serious glutton. The day after Thanksgiving, my Dad had a leftover ham that he wanted me to throw to the dog. So, I unwrapped the ball of meat and threw it out in the yard. Bean was accustomed to playing in the yard with bowing balls.... so he probably figured that's what it was. He started to roll it down the hill when he realized.... it was food! He began devouring the 15 pound ham ball. Half way through he needed a stretch.... so, on a food high, he ran two laps around the house. He then ate the rest of the ham. Yep... a 100 pound dog eating a 15 pound ham... within about an hour. He was so full that he couldn't make it up the steps. He looked like a cartoon character. Needless to say, Bean was using the john every time you saw him after that for a week. sidenote- Bean ate a basketball once.... it blocked the output from his stomach. We thought he was dying from cancer until the Vet decided to open his stomach.
  10. Lmao.... can't believe I just clicked that link..... hahaha.... hope I'm not the only one!
  11. I received a curious letter in the mail today.... and thankfully it wasn't from the government. I am the sole recipient of #018.... and I believe The gov't has always seemed a little fishy to me. Taxes on top of taxes.... Stuff that we pay for, but never get to see.... cover ups and the like. I can't wait to see a little more light shed on the subject. Thanks for including me Mr. Gray!
  12. I'm a pretty big fan of the navy's anniversary cointest.... I think it has about 24 hours to submit. I love the stories!
  13. Alright... let me look the games over and get back to ya tomorrow. This is going to be different... and me likes.
  14. So... in order to win, you have to guess both the highest and the lowest scoring?
  15. Oh.... I like the cointests where you actually have to get out and place a cache. The last one that I saw here was the summer solstice cointest. It was pretty neat.... And I can always use an excuse to place a cache.
  16. Oh.... and the local history one.... I will see if I can find the threads.
  17. I'm going to have to say that my favorite was the Yemon Yime photo cointest.... very funny to watch!
  18. Ahhhhh that reminds me of.... When my wife and I were in gradeschool (yea we went to grade school together), we took a field trip on The Mississippi Queen. For those who do not know, the Queen is one of the largest riverboats ever made. It has a huge paddlewheel that is almost 70 feet tall. The Queen is not currently in service.... Last I heard, it was docked in new Orleans. Our field trip took us up to the queen city (cincy) and brought us back upstream to Portsmouth Ohio. On our trip, we got to meet the captain, walk around the ship, and eat! It was probably the most memorable field trip that we ever took.
  19. Hard to believe that nobody has posted on this for 2 months.... it took me forever to find!
  20. Great story Nikos... forgot that I had read that the other day. That reminds me of...... Last december, for our honeymoon my wife and I took a 7 day cruise to St. Thomas, San Juan, and Grand Turk. WE had never really been on a big ship.... not even thinking, I booked the room on the very front of the ship.... this did not bother me after the first day.... once I got my "sea legs". We spent Christmas in San Juan..... beautiful town! We had such a great time there that we almost missed our ship. As we left port, we noticed a storm on the horizon. Our captain decided to "punch" through the storm, rather than wait. So, here we are trying to watch a chrismas show in the theatre when I realize that I am getting nauseated. I did not walk back to our room.... I ran. I prayed to the porcelain gods.... and continued to feel bad after an hour of lying on the bathroom floor. Finally, my wife and I decided to just watch a movie. That was christmas in a nutshell. :/
  21. I know.... I was going to go on with the stories.... but I didn't want to hijack the thread either.
  22. Orrrr.... maybe it has to do with ghosts of cachers passed. My wife and I took a trip to Athens, Ohio yesterday. It is supposed to be one of the most haunted towns in the world. Athens was home to the Ridges Asylum. This where most of the people with psychological disorders in southern Ohio ended up. We went to The Ridges Old Cemetery where most of the graves there are unmarked (other than a number). There are a great number of stories associated with the town. Many of them are too gruesome to mention.... but it is definitely worth reading about. Anywho... I was thinking that the mystery coin might have a "haunted" story behind it.... since it is so close to Halloween.
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