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Everything posted by goosefraba1

  1. I have to add that since this post, I have received Carpe Diem from my want list and a new coin that wasn't exposed yet when I wrote this.... Mr. Gray's coin! They are both pretty awesome! Mystery Coins are the greatest. I love the thought that goes into them.... and the artwork is normally top-tier. Thank you mystery givers... maybe one of these days when I have a real job I will be able to fund my own
  2. I dig the Atlantis coin.... that is pretty sweet! It would look awesome using the plexiglass style
  3. Its still pretty awesome.... lol. It was just like geocaching except without GPS. It was like civil war caching.... even had the coins
  4. I just watched an episode of Brad Metzler's decoded and the subject was a treasure hidden during the reformation. The story was so cool and there were some real treasure hunters on there. It really reminded me of caching and using clues to look for treasure (like finding coins in caches). They even used the term cache as the location of the treasure. I highly recommend watching it!
  5. Happy new year to all... Luckily gas in our part of the USA is still just a little over $3.00 gal. (3.7 liters) That's still pretty high Screw that.... time to bring out the Bicycle! I would have to quit my job if gas was that high here :/
  6. #018 here with me today.... My precious! Along with the note... thank you so much Mr. Gray!
  7. Those are very nice tsun! I love ceramics... I've taken a couple of classes. My favorite piece is my salt and pepper maori shakers that I made two years ago. Do you have your own kiln?
  8. Just wondering if anybody else's racer is still moving?
  9. This could be hilarious.... bravo... good idea!
  10. Got Jug&Roon's coin moving today..... hopefully somebody will pick it up soon. It is supposed to be beautiful this weekend!
  11. Those dirty Government officials!
  12. Its cool how everything worked out and yes, that is a neat coin...I can see why you would like it. At first, I thought it said "Old Greeeg" on the side of it Have you ever drank Bailey's out of a boot? i am not quite sure what "bailey's" is. Bailey's is a liquor from Ireland... I was just quoting "Old Greg". If you aren't easily offended.... and have a strange sense of humor, I would highly recommend checking it out on youtube.
  13. Its cool how everything worked out and yes, that is a neat coin...I can see why you would like it. At first, I thought it said "Old Greeeg" on the side of it Have you ever drank Bailey's out of a boot?
  14. Cute video.... Merry Christmas everybody.... be safe out there!
  15. Do you propose a return to currency made out of precious metals? e.g. where a dollar is made out of a dollar's worth of silver? I wish this was in use again, but there is a small problem... silver is high and might go higher in the near future! right now, 1 troy once (31.1 grams) has a value of a little more than 29 USA$. that means.... that if they have to make a silver dollar in silver in the value of the metal... the dollar will be only a little more than 1 gram!!! Of course they can mix the silver with other metals, like copper, but to make a nice size of the coin... the coin will not be silver anymore but billon (silver content less than 50%) so... On the other hand... many collectors are still searching in USA for silver coins in circulation (yes, there are still in use but not so often anymore), and keep them! So... they will keep these silver coins and the State will lose money! if the silver goes higher the State will lose money again, so... Here in Greece, in 1960, we had the 20 drachma coins made out of silver! almost all were keeping these coins for its silver, so... the goverment lose money, and the coins never went high in the numismatic market! I know (and I am trying to find them...) that Mexico has bimetal coins in circulation that the inner circle is made of silver!!! Mexico is the only country that still uses silver in its currency! There are some (not all!) of the 10Pesos (I think with the date 1992), the 50 pesos and the 100 pesos but the silver content has lower value than the face value of the coin... So... how about a 5 or 10$ in USA made out of silver? I would love to see the NWO geocoin in sterling (925) silver! Of course, it will be impossible to buy any, and impossible to make them because they are huge and heavy!! There is a possibility that each coin will have silver in the value of 60$!!! I wasn't proposing a whole change in the composition of the coins... I was proposing going back to when the american dollar (or greenback back then) was backed by a silver or gold standard.... which is held in a top security vault (Ft. Knox). Instead, we are using currency which is backed by debt.
  16. You know what.... I hadn't even thought of this. If this is to be the new currency to be used in NWO, will there be seperate denominations? Or will this be reminiscent of hundreds of years ago when a standard denomination was actually cut to make change (nikos maybe you can help me out with what that was call..... I keep thinking of the word "pence", but I can't find the technical term for the life of me). Also... I am not sure.... but I think this coin has reeded edges. If this coin is to be produced in precious metals, I am sure the reeded edges would remain. This was first used as a deterrent from fraudulent coins and to keep people from "skimming" some of the gold or silver off of the edges. The grooves make it easy recognize whether or not the coin has been reduced. Would there be any other types of security enhancements in the coinage?
  17. Do you propose a return to currency made out of precious metals? e.g. where a dollar is made out of a dollar's worth of silver? Interesting that you've touched on that subject. Did you know that the 'Federal Reserve' is not actually a Bank, it's a corporation. You may also be interested in 'JFK' & 'Executive Order No. 11110' - MC Wow.... I wasnt aware of that order.... but I did know that the Federal Reseerve is a corporation. That establishes JFK's legacy further in my mind.
  18. You could give it an acid bath Poor little kangaroo
  19. I guess I was just trying to shine some more light on what exactly a new world order would mean... I think that this topic has a lot of potential for debate between all of us in this forum. I, personally, would like to see who is in favor of NWO and who is opposed... and who would like a compromise (I think we are already compromising whether we like it or not) What would be so bad about going back to a gold standard? It's hard for there to be much inflation when the currency is tied directly to a static sum of gold or silver. Instead, our currency is based upon debt these days. We owe the government, which owes the banks, which owes the federal reserve.... just to use the pieces of paper. Even if you have lots of money doesn't mean that you own it. The bills are "borrowed". It is a crime to deface the currency that you are borrowing. There is no correct answer as to what to do about changing the system, but if we were on a gold standard we could easily walk into any bank and change our bills into to nuggets or what have you. This brings me to my next question... are these coins the intended currency for the NWO? Will the tracking numbers help the NWO keep track of "their" currency that they are allowing the public to "borrow"?
  20. I got Jug and Roon's coin in the mail today.... I will get it moving as soon as some of the snow clears from the fastest caches around here. Thanks!
  21. Just some quotes about currency and New World Order Uncle Sam: "Let me get this straight. -You are going to use MY printing press to create dollar bills and you will pay me a couple pennies for the printing costs. Then you will allow my Treasury Department to print thousands of checks on our government accounts. Those dollars will be chalked up as loans from you to my government and you will charge me the current interest rate for my use of my own money. Then, you want my people to pay a tax on their "income" in order to pay you interest on money that was mine in the FIRST place ..." "The goldsmith soon realized that he could thus issue, without risk, ten times more receipts than he had actual gold in his vault. As long as the same ratio of people did not show up at his place and ask for their gold, the goldsmith could go on with his confidence trick, but if all of his customers show up and want their gold back, the whole system collapses, and the fraud is unveiled: the goldsmith cannot repay them all, since there is ten times less gold than he pretended to have in his vault!" "If the American people ever allow PRIVATE banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks will deprive The People of all property until their children wake-up HOMELESS on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to The People, to whom it properly belongs". --- Thomas Jefferson "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." --- Thomas Jefferson, 1802
  22. So.... any news..... and man the new forum stuff is freakin me out.... its like it has been invaded by aliens!
  23. I know.... could you imagine if it were real?
  24. I added mine to my watchlist also..... No coin in the mail today :C ..... maybe monday?
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