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Posts posted by LisaS

  1. I use the found by button every single time I log finds for the day. Put the button back!!


    Please type out the entire url, including your patch, so that I can use it for searching.

  2. I'm assuming that your trial subscription is running out and that you need to upgrade to the paid version and that you purchased that through Handmark. Drop them a note through their contact us page, and you'll have it sorted out in no time. I changed from a supported smartphone to a not officially supported device and had great luck with their customer support folks getting it sorted out.

  3. The Maritime Aquarium focuses on life above, on, and below the waterline of Long Island Sound and its surrounding watershed. They also have temporary/special exhibits focusing on life from further afield. There is an exhibit opening this weekend featuring an 8' albino alligator and a 150 lb. alligator snapping turtle along with an amphiuma. If you are into frogs, there is a wonderful little exhibit with lots of different frogs from around the world. For further information www.maritimeaquarium.org



    Assistant Director

    Volunteer and Community Services

  4. I don't frequent the forums on a regular basis, and only stumbled across this thread by accident yesterday.


    I've sent a request for clarification to Garmin and so far, have received no response. In the past 2.5 years between us we have bought a Rino 120, 60CS, 2 60CSx's, Topo, City Select, and City Navigator as well as all the proprietary cables, mounts for our cars, motorcycles, kayaks, and bicycles, an extra unlock for the City Select, and accessories. We've been very happy with our Garmin products as is evidenced by our not insignificant investment in their products. We tell folks all the time how great they are. I'm frankly flabbergasted that they could consider taking away what we paid for, especially without any notification as inexcusable, if not illegal.

  5. BirdMan...how about instead of folks needing to email you for the coordinates to the final, you put a code in each of the series so that they have to collect the clues like the Cachemas series? That would work.

  6. I can't wait for it to be riding season again! We try to balance backroads with superslab, as I prefer the twisties and Barefoot prefers to get there as directly as possible. This year, we have to get the whole bike to bike communications thing set...we've had very poor luck with them so far. Of course, if we'd stop using them in the pouring rain like in the picture of me above in New Hampshire, they might last longer.



  7. Thanks for the recommendations. I'm flying there on Friday and looking forward to poking around in the very little spare time I"ll have for poking around. Any must not miss eateries in the same area??




    I would use REFLECTIONS ,very well thought out and creative virtual, as a starting point. Almost anything in the immediate area hidden by Show Me The Cache is worth the walk will give you a good walking tour of the riverfront and some of the downtown area.


    Ditto on Reflections, it is one of my favorites in Louisville. There are plenty of others in the area that are fun as well. On the same trip that we found Reflections we also found Chimes of Freedom and Cacher at the Bat. All within walking distance.


    Have a great visit.

  8. I think it is a really bad idea myself and one that should not be considered. As a for instance, I have a TB that I've had since November 04, with the owner's permission. At the same time, he's had one of mine since the day it was released in August of 04 and that's just fine and dandy with me... I think that no good at all can come from posting a list like that.



  9. I'll be in downtown Louisville for a few days for an event in mid June from CT. I would appreciate it if any of the local cachers might be able to recommend some "not to be missed" caches that are in walking distance of the Galt House Hotel on N. 4th Street, as I won't have wheels while I'm there.


    Thanks in advance for any guidance you can offer!



  10. I downloaded the new version as well to one of my computers to find the same issue. It turns out that the list/grid view is no longer available in EasyGPS, you have to purchase ExpertGPS to get the list/grid format. I dislike the new format. Unfortunately, the website does not tell you this bit of information. However, the program is free, so there's not much sway in my opinion. I only wish they had been a little more upfront about it changing so dramatically from v 1 to 2.

  11. There could not have been better weather or company for an evening's stroll through Central Park. That we found caches was a great bonus! We had a grand time walking up to the park with the Polish Day Parade taking place on 5th, and then got to enjoy some late afternoon sunshine in Columbus Circle while everyone gathered up. It was a grand adventure for a Sunday evening!

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