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Everything posted by lostinjersey

  1. One of my favs is Oorah, NJ's hardest, thoughest cache!, whcih was a parody of some of the forum threads about difficult caches. it is now archived since SOME PEOPLE didn't get the joke and I also was at my max # of caches I was able to maintain, so either I couldn't createw more or I had to archive some older ones to make way for newer ones. I like the way the photos complimented the text. Thank you google search engine! and also to the Texas geocachers for creating the cool code that made the labels at the top. I feel comfortable nominating my cache for this discussion because Marc, AKA Basoonpilot even said it was cool. william I am not smart enough or witty enough to think of anything worthy of a sig line. As a result I've never had a sig, never will.
  2. quote:A buddy of mine, back in college, was paid by a major department store chain to test their individual stores security by "stealing" products! Ridiculously easy... Second Level Manager: So were you able to steal anything? Your Buddy: Nope. I need to go back a few more times to really test these guys out though. It may have been a fluke (repeat endlessly till they get suspicious) william I am not smart enough or witty enough to think of anything worthy of a sig line. As a result I've never had a sig, never will.
  3. excellent job dude! 900! william william I am not smart enough or witty enough to think of anything worthy of a sig line. As a result I've never had a sig, never will.
  4. i say ask first. You dont want to give up because it "might" not be approved, nor do you want to go to all this trouble only to be told no. lay it out, detail why you feel its legit, and dont be afraid that its borderline commercial. I have an idea which might be perceived as commercial. I asked. I was told ok. all the man can do is say no. and if he does, KVETCH ABOUT IT IN THE FORUMS!!! I mean... accept it and move on. Sorry, got carried away there for a moment. william I am not smart enough or witty enough to think of anything worthy of a sig line. As a result I've never had a sig, never will.
  5. Well of course I'd have to weigh in on this. When I got your email I was quite curious. Your pictures revealed the answer. I knew I had seen it before so I went to the ramapo park website and sure nuff, there's a picture identical to yours labeled water tower. Apparently when Van Slyke lived here, this was where the water was stored. I never took the trail you went on so I never saw it. Now I have added reason to go back & do cache maitenance!!! Excellent find! william I am not smart enough or witty enough to think of anything worthy of a sig line. As a result I've never had a sig, never will.
  6. quote:Originally posted by etoast66:_Congrats!_ Keep up this pace and you'll make 500 by New Year's. I would"ve thought by halloween. WILLIAM
  7. quote:Originally posted by Johnnyvegas:BTW- you have not sean our rights being taken away? anyone who hasnt seen that is probably unable to see thru the red,white,blue colored glasses they're wearing. but i digress. i dont want to hijack this thread off topic so i'll shut up about it for now. william I am not smart enough or witty enough to think of anything worthy of a sig line. As a result I've never had a sig, never will. [This message was edited by Gwho on May 24, 2003 at 08:39 PM.]
  8. we apparently have the following two esclusionary statements.... quote:Originally stated by Peggy BertschDirector, Training and Development: We do not have a policy concerning GPS units. and then this one: quote:Originally stated by Judy SmithInformation Specialist: Cedar Point Security would like you to leave the GPS unit in your car while you visit the park. Me thinks these two need to get their heads together & figure out what ehether there is or is not a park policy and what that policy is. I'm emailing them both, telling each of them what the other said, let these 2 numbnuts come up with some answer. Apparently it's exactly like it is as my job, (and most organizations: ask 20 different people what the company policy is and you'll get 20 different answers.
  9. quote:Originally posted by georgeandmary:I bought my daughter (10 yr old) a cheap digital camera... dude, thanks. My 4 year old went to the bronx zoo & i gave him a throw away cameras as a goof. He loved it (and it came home) the pictures were decent but now he wants a camera like mine. After he took pictures at the geocaching event I decided a cheapie digital was just the thing. I had looked at this camera I think, and was debating it. Yours seemed perhaps a little more suitable for a youngster though. Regardless, THANKS!
  10. quote:Originally posted by trippy1976: quote:Originally posted by TEAM 360:for _____'s sake... Was that truly neccesary? -------- trippy1976 - Team KKF2A _Saving geocaches - one golf ball at a time._ http://www.mi-geocaching.org/ Sheesh, If I were Pete, I'd be offended at the use of my name without permission....
  11. I see Steve Irwin (crocodile hunter) took a lot of pictures with his film crew which apparently was observing us...
  12. Air Date & Time: Check local listings Title: Walking with Geocachers Host: Steve Irwin (aka the Crocodile Hunter) Summary: Steve Irwin investigates the strange hobby of geocaching. He and a film crew spent a day quietly observing a group of geocachers at a social gathering. He then witnessed an extremely rare sight, as the larger group went to observe two members who sought an elusive geocache. Rarely do members ever watch one another, and what occurred showed true insight into the mind set of geocachers, revealing evidence of how the geocachers functions as single units and as a group. Irwin uses his background in anthropology and animal study to put their behavior in proper perspective relative to other animal behavior. Hi-lights from the show: Geocaching is a relatively new adventure hobby created after the government opened the use of satellites to the civilian public. The concept has often been described hi-tech treasure hunts, and though this is true (players hides small caches in the woods which other players then need to locate using a GPS device to determine the exact location) but there is much more to it then that. There is complex psychology and animal behavior that occurs, and in this Animal Planet special we hope to document this to you viewers out there. Geocaching is a largely solitary experience. Most hunts are done in isolation, though occasionally players will team up for difficult hunts. Players then report back to others how the hunt went, and others then make their own hunt attempt. I recently have been doing research on the concept, and their website provides a wealth of data but actually finding a geocachers in the wild is quite difficult. There are thousands of hidden geocaches, but unless one wants to hide in the woods for weeks on end, observing a geocachers on the hunt can prove difficult because some geocaches go unsought for months or even longer. Unlike the migratory & hunting patterns of most wild animals, you never know when or where a geocachers will go on a hunt. This required careful and precise planning on the part of the documentary team. Then we got incredibly lucky. A social event was going to be held in a nature preserve in central New Jersey. From what we could ascertain, these events not only provide for socialization, but also the opportunity to go on hunts. My film crew & I set up camp near the location and we lay in wait for our quarry. We didn’t have to wait long. Several individuals showed up and soon began establishing a camp. Food was prepared and soon an entire herd of geocachers arrived. I was amazed at the variety of geocachers, as this was my first time seeing one in the wild. Men, women, old men, young children, big small, athletic, out of shape. There simply is no “average geocacher”. CRIKEY! Check out the bum on this one! Communication is an integral part to the herd. The group primarily communicates via group discussions and via the information the communicate in their logs. Physical get togethers, as I said before are rare. For some, this is their first time actually meeting a fellow geocachers. Stories are told, tactics discussed, and food is shared. When all is said and done though, it is still about the hunt. Several small groups went off to hunt down nearby geocaches. We followed several of them, and were amazed at the variety of tactics employed, as well as the variance of skill level. Some players have keen sense excellent visual acuity and can spot a target from 50 yards away. While others sometime wander aimlessly in what has been called a “drunken bee dance” by one of the most prolific finders ever, Stayfloopy. When a player can not locate the elusive pray immediately, it is interesting to watch how players behave. Some carefully observer the area, watching and occasionally poking into crevices or holes or under logs, while others began savaging the area, upturning anything that looks like a potential hiding spot. I have found numerous hiding spots where there were clear trails leading to the sought after prize, a game trail of sorts. Usually though they travel “in single file to hide their numbers” said the famous geocachers Obi-Wan Kenobi. What happened late in the day was truly extraordinary. Two individual decided to engage in a particularly difficult hunt, and the rest decided to observe. Rarely does a hunt ever get observed, and typically the observer is a non-member. For geocachers to observe one another truly revealed much about their psychological makeup. Like prairie dogs rising from their holes, they gathered on the side of a hill which provided a vantage point to watch from. Male & female, the old & the child alike all watched carefully, but for differing reasons. One group clearly was trying to use this hunt for their own benefit so they would more easily make their own hunt later. Others altruistically watched so they could call for assistance if it was needed. Still others watched simply for the beauty of watching a hunt in progress. It was all very very fascinating. The two individuals, Trauma & Ski emerged from the woods shortly after the observe got to the viewing area. Initially they did not know they were being observed. Their first obstacle was a deep creek. To get to their target they Had to cross it. I was reminded of water buffalo crossing in Africa during the rainy season, watching as they threw themselves over & over onto the muddy river banks till finally exhausted, they managed to emerge from the creek. Our geocachers were prepared, and brought large walking sticks, which helped them successfully cross the creek without much difficulty. I was reminded of water buffalo crossing in Africa during the rainy season, watching as they threw themselves over & over onto the muddy river banks till finally exhausted, they managed to emerge from the creek. Trauma immediately ran into trouble, getting stuck in thigh deep mud and reeds. Ski pursued onwards. By now several more brave individuals had pushed forward to become part of the experience, they ventured towards the hunting grounds. Here you can see them from our hidden camera in the reeds. Unfortunately when we pushed forward for a better shot, we were nearly discovered. CRIKEY! We had to back off considerably. Look at those hip waders & backpack. Ain’t they a beauty? Before we left we saw another unusual behavior. Apparently the bold attempts by trauma & Ski encouraged 3 more to make the hunt. Unfortunately though, they didn’t get far. After about 50 feet one of them got stuck in mud and the beta a hasty retreat. It is clear from our brief encounter that though geocaching is most often a solo activity, it is clearly all about the community. They learn from one another, are inspired by one another and often engage in spirited debates over tactics, the importance of good sportsmanship, and the best hunting grounds. Some do it for the challenge, others as a secondary pursuit to something else, some as an excuse to get exercise, but most do it simply for fun. Clearly they are an extraordinary species, worthy of further examination! I’ve decided to try & get some more first hand information on geocaching, so I’ve turned myself into a travel bug Be sure to follow my adventures [This message was edited by Gwho on May 18, 2003 at 11:03 AM.]
  13. The people at the get together in Cheesequake yesterday had a good time. But what exactly were they doing? You write the caption and tell us....
  14. quote:BTW, I had considered using it for a terrain 5 cache, but it's clearly and heavily marked "No Trespassing". I don't have the issue here, but it's supposedly in WNJ #14, so I'm sure Gwho can clue us in. Why yes, yes I can. Checked my website. nope. looked for an old file with the listings. nope. had to check my gps file. YEP! Issue 14, page 21. Thanks for your vote of confidence Mopar. I actually was driving down that way a few weeks back and I just happened to be crossing the bridge, happened to glance left and I saw it & I nearly jumped out of my pants. OHMYGODTHATSITTHATSTHEBOATTHATSTHEBOAT!! My wife yelled at me to get a grip (on the wheel) and tyhen asked WTF I was talking about. i explained. She gave me that typical "You've GOT to be kidding" look. Um... no. I'm not kidding. it was a thrill. I immediately scouted out some sattelite photos and maps and thought I might see a way thru but I imagine my BOLP waders would be required. sigh. I wonder if anyone would grant permission? It's something I've been meaning to look into, but my back burner is already overflowing, especially with a new project I'm tackling. sigh.
  15. I am hoping to get up there & do some cache maitenance soon but I'd jsut email all those with logged finds since you left it there. it's unlikely it was swiped since the cache is fine and the area is not frequented often.
  16. quote:Originally posted by DeerChaser & Poni:I would have logged it as a find. You are not responsible for the location. The cache was placed in a bad spot, no way to recover if dropped. Not your fault. He should have foreseen the hazard and attached something to it just in case. Me too Realizing I'm in the minority here, but this is a very unique circumstance. Generally the criteria is "did you put your hands on the container?" and generally if the answer is yes, then the other criteria (signing the logbook) isnt an issue. you found it. it was in your possession you just weren't able to sign. thats a find IMHO.
  17. He came Back Months Later I've read several posts that said this sounds suspicious. Not necesarily. In my weird NJ travels I've seen lotsa weird stuff as I was driving and made mental notes to come back later when I had the chance to investigate better. If I saw something unusual (define that as you will) in the woods and it was unaccessable due to snow, I'd likely come back later if I remember and if I remebered where it was. Who am i kidding? I'd mark the location as a waypoint silly... But then that's me and I'm certifiable according to some folks. Heck I've been called the Matthew of my office (survivor reference) lately. In all seriousness this does sound really creepy. I wish I could better picture this thing in my head but if I were in those woods, knowing geocaches have been placed there, my first thought upon seeing a container would be a geocache. I wonder if I would'd had the common sense not to touch? <>shudder<>
  18. Take It With You If I didn't and later found out it had been plundered, I'd feel very guilty. I had such an experience with being observed last summer. Cache is hidden in a park that I later found out was known (well known it seems) for gay cruising. I got near the cache & looked in the expected spot but no luck. I saw a guy hanging about so I moved away. (at this point I did not know the stories about the park) I hiked away, came back and found I just had n't looked deep enough in the hiding spot and signed tghe log. Suddenly I saw the guy again. I immediately turned around, sat on the edge of the dock & placed the cache out of his view. After nearly 10 minutes he finally went away & I rehid the cache. If he had hung out any longer I would've taken the cache with me. I knew something was off about that place, especially with his hanging about, but I didn't know the truth till I got home.
  19. I was reading how Brian had asked about anyone interested in a backpacking trip. Kinda got me thinking. Would anyone want to do a lengthy hike of the Palisades? There are a good 8 or 9 caches hidden north of the PIP HQ, and that's also where most of the abandoned mansions are too. I could turn it into a walking tours of the mansions if you want. I consider myself decently knowledgeable on the mansions and history of the park (it is rather interesting) I might even be able to get the director of the Park to give the hike, but I'm leary of that because a) it'd be lengthy, more so then i think his tours normalyl are, and I'm not sure that he knows about the geocaches and worry it might get them forcibly removed. The most logical hike would be to start at the HQ, head oast john ringlings, up to Big Bill's caches, catch the Library on 9W, then down to AD Giant Stairs, then back along the waters edge. It would likely be 4 miles one way, and the trip back would be the most difficult. We could simply leave some cars at the end to come back in to make it easier.
  20. I'm writing this off the cuff, so I haven't checked any figures, but out of the thousands of geocaches that exist, how many are in caves, or have anything to do with caves? What is the terrain difficulty of them and how often are they sought compared to non-cave caches? I'm guessing here but the answers would be a) miniscule, harder then average (at least a 3 difficulty) which means that c) they get fewer visits then the average park & grab 2/2. I am reading this & whuile I understand the arguments (when i cut this all the falgercarb & BS, reminds me of two animals hissing and arching their backs for crying out loud) I am wondering what all ths fuss is about. I think that most geocachers are responsible enough to not hide caches in risky spots, and not overreach & go for something beyond their ability. Yeah you'll have the occasional geobuddy shmuck, but thats the exception no the rule (at least I hope it is) This whole idea of banning caches in cave would seem to punish all for the acts of a few. In that case, let's ban all hiking because of the occasional idiot who doesn't put out their camp fire, bank all mountain climbing because of people who didn't check the weather report & get trapped by a snow squall, and so on and so on and so on. quote:If geocachers are so bent on having the caves open to them... I'm not pushing for anything but I will resist when something is taken away even if I might not have used it. I think most of us feel the same way. I think this is a non-issue really.
  21. The Good: Gotten me out in the fresh air. Exposed me to places I never would've thought of going to Made new friends Helps me find weird stuff more easily GPS with maps = fewer u-turns The Bad: Spent money on trinkets & ammo containers (plus the GPS of course) Takes time away from family and other things that probably should be a higher priority getting cut up by thornbushes fresh air doesn't help when huffing & puffing because overexerted myself trying something with a terrain difficulty better suited to someone else (any one else) The Ugly:
  22. it's a neat idea, but I think it would lead to a lot of problems, people re-rating their caches, plus as one person said, the difficulty to find is only as high as the skill of the last person who found it. I've had people hide my caches better then I did & vica-versa. Who is to say what the rating should be as if right now. Besides I think the biggest problem would be is a 1/5 given more points then a 5/1? Are we rewarding physical ability or skill at finding it once you're there? There's so many ways for a person to say "that's not fair because" that it would just turn into something negtative & bitter and people would then ignore it anyway, so Jeremy's right. No rankings. www.gpswnj.com/geocache.html
  23. THE LIST SO FAR I have compiled all the suggestions here & those received by email (thanks T Neigel) and added the page to my website. It will now be the featured link in all my posts. Thanks for all the help I received, and if you have any new additions, please feel free to post them! www.gpswnj.com
  24. Judos to the two of you. Must not be easy for trauma junkeie to geocache with all his firefighting & emergency duties. www.gpswnj.com
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