J the Goat
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Posts posted by J the Goat
To expect someone from another country who speaks a totally different language as their native tounge to make their cache page, or anything for that matter, in your language as well is not only unreasonable buy totally self centered.
I was going to say something very much like this. But then I noticed that the OP's location and realized that English is probably not his native language. That sort of changes the tone of his suggestion, doesn't it?
Consider another area that frequently crosses international borders: air travel. Pilots and air traffic controllers speak English everywhere.
There was a time when all educated people spoke Latin. That is no longer true. Esperanto had some adherents, years ago, but that didn't work out. English is as close as we come to a common worldwide language today.
Still, I think requiring English on cache pages is silly. If I'm going to visit another country, I can learn a bit of the local lingo or ask someone to translate for me.
Actually no, I don't think his location changes anything about the suggestion. It actually makes less sense assuming he's not a transplant to his current location.
As far as common worldwide languages, French and Spanish (many different dialects of the same language, but the same language nonetheless) are as commonly spoken if not moreso than English. English is actually on the decline being that our international market isn't nearly as strong as it was coming up in the 80's and riding high in the 90's.
To each his own, I understand. The idea just doesn't make any sense to me, and a large part of me (and I'm a pretty large dude) thinks this may be some sort of joke. Hopes at least...
There are two on the little island in our local lake. Heck, they're probably only 528 and an inch or two from each other given the size of the island.
While I respect the point you make, and it would truly benefit me as a mono-lingual English speaker. I don't entirely agree.
When I cache outside of the US, I will normally try to do research on the caches prior to the search,so I know I have the descriptors in English via a translation service (which is not always helpful).
I think a better route to getting descriptions into English (or any other language) is to ask Groundspeak to include a translator on the cache page. This way it will benefit all Global players.
I'll take this one step further and entirely disagree. To expect someone from another country who speaks a totally different language as their native tounge to make their cache page, or anything for that matter, in your language as well is not only unreasonable buy totally self centered. The points were raised that english isn't even the most commonly spoken language out there, why make that the "official" Groundspeak language? Why don't you post your cache pages in Manderin to accomodate the Asian tour bus crowd?
And to call English a privileged language? That's just this side of offensive.
crouch, extended your arm out palm facing up and ask "can you spare some satellite signal?"
I swear, I'm gonna do this one day.
It depends a lot on the cache type as well. There are several caches around here that haven't been logged in a year or more. Without visiting them, I know they're fine. Did you DNF the cache and post a NM? Have there been DNF's since? Is this a cache that can survive a year without a visit? If I were the CO, (who is obviously still active if he/she responded to the SBA) and the cache were a seldom visited cache in a remote location, I'd be pretty ticked off if someone essentially posted an armchair SBA after one visit and one note. That may not be the case, but that's kind of the way it sounds like you went about it. Now, an urban hide that's likely to be seen at least once a month? Yes, needs to be checked.
Hey, who took my soap box...
mmmm, bacon mints.
I tasted bacon-flavored beer at a homebrew club meeting once.
Oh wait, that's off-topic. Let me bring this back on topic: I don't much care for religious tracts either, in a cache or elsewhere. But I fail to see why finding one (in a cache, or elsewhere) sends some people into such a tizzy. Read it if you want to. Or don't. If it's your cache, trash the thing. But there's really no need for all the angst.
Bacon Flavored Beer? Oh man....
Can I.....
Was it....
Oh man....
This is my last post on this topic.
Bacon flavored beer....
While I agree that these items aren't appropriate for a geocache, I think the tone of this rant is inflammatory. Some people are a bit misguided about what they put in caches, but ranting and using offensive language just gets people upset.
What do you regulars say??? ding ding?
I say the boy needs to get over himself, and that a Moderator should close this trolling-for-trouble thread.
I'm not a regular, but I wholeheartedly agree. To help this process along, this will be my second to last post on this topic.
While I still maintain my original position, I just thought of something. Am I the only one who has gathered that the guy who said that forum users are retired cachers, said it IN THE FORUMS?
Now to go outside...
Thanks to all for the input. I suppose that "decoy" is a badly chosen word, since the intention is not to decoy but to help guide the seeker to the cache. FWIW, here's the actual rhyme from the dummy cache:
If Tupperware you seek today,Know that it’s not so far away,Less than a fathom in a pantomime way,Asplenium scolopendrium conceals its stay.I don't know if the rest of the world has pantomime, but in UK one feature of almost all pantomimes is getting the audience to shout out "behind you!", so the third line tells the seeker that the cache is less than six feet behind him or her, and if you can't find the cache from that then "asplenium scolopendrium" gives it away since there's only one of those in that area.
I hear what people say about upping the difficulty. The problem with that is that it's a 2 and it really doesn't warrant anything more. Cachers who only look for geobeacons won't find this cache quickly as it's not a typical "UPS hide". Yet those who follow the arrow and look where it says do. So, somewhat ironically, most of those DNFs and requests for hints come from more experienced cachers.
Now I'm torn. I think this is a great limmrick, and would be fun for me to find. Still not sure about the decoy thing though. Boils down to this: it's your cache, do what you want.
*Cracks Knuckles* Here is my statement for both Snoogans (who, by the way, has aguably my favorite name and avatar picture to date) and whoever that other guy was who Snoogans posted this topic for.
Who gives a crap either way? What do you care if somebody posts in the forums? What do you care if somebody calls you a retired cacher? There are no valid arguments on either side because it's a stupid argument to begin with.
There. I said it. I also have my kevlar vest and riot shield at the ready. Now I'm gonna go caching with my laptop at starbucks so I can find an LPC while logging on the forums. How does that fit into your discussion?
You can do that.
I woudn't do that though. I tend to not appreciate the taunting of a "decoy cache".
If the hint in the decoy is useful if googled, how is it useful in the field? I (and I think most cachers) don't have access to Google at your cache site.
Plus you never know eventually a year from know maybe the decoy container breaks or something and then people are logging it as the cache......or maybe the hint disappears and someone decideds to "help you" by putting a log in the decoy container. Unless you hover over your cache it looks like you're just inviting problems unnecessarily.
I would instead up the difficulty and/or put the hint on the cache where it is more appropriate.
I think I agree with this more. Nothing wrong with upping the difficulty if it's too low, and just put the scientific plant name as the clue.
I think that's a good idea. With your title, I thought you were going to ask about a bogus clue on the cache page. That would be horrible.
Just be ready for some people to log the dummy, even if it's identified as the dummy.
Just a fun topic,
but was reading a post just now about someone meeting lots of fellow cachers on their travels and I thought to myself, (wait for it......) How do you recognise a fellow cacher ? Is it GPS in hand with walking pole for rumaging around the undergrowth? Is it that wondering look you sometimes get when passing someone going in the opposite direction?. Perhaps we could develop some kind of ritual so that we could identify each other, but not carrying a copy of the Times or a Daffodil. Any ideas ??? or am I going to regret starting this topic?
OOO OOO, like a secret trail dance? Ya, I like it. Okay, okay, okay, when I am coming down the trail, I'll flap my arms like a bird and repeat "giggity giggity" like quagmire.
Sorry, that might have been rude. Couldn't resist though. It's pretty much the GPS and the searching in the area you are about to/just did.
Or we could all wear court jester hats...
You could copy and paste into babblefish and see what kind of silliness comes out.
What do you usually do if a muggle asks you what you're doing while caching? I know stealth is the key to geocaching, but I know non-cachers might be wondering what some guy is doing skulking around in the bushes, or looking inside electrical boxes and other places.
Do not be looking inside electrical boxes. Electricity is dangerous and kills "profesionals" every year let alone geocachers hiding stuff where it doesn't belong.
This is the safety police, come out with you hands in the air. Some professional died doing that.
Disregard my rookie partners order, you my trip and break you neck and statistics show more people die from a trip and fall than they do from what you are attempting. Just stay put, do not move and we will come in and wrap you up in a nice protective foam.
I can't believe you forgot the bubble wrap, knee pads, and full hockey helmet. Stick to regulations officer, or you'll get written up...
...not only is it up a mountain (real mountain, this isn't the midwest)...
I resent that! There are plenty of hard mountains around here. Take Cascade mountain. Northeast of provo, utah where BYU is. Most of it is at least a 30-45 degree incline unless you take the nice part of the trail, a.k.a. the bottom half(even then it is still near the incline of the rest of the mountain) and goes up about 6000 feet above the valley, ending at about 10,800 feet. And for those of you who don't hike a lot, that is actually pretty steep. It is actually harder to climb by a good length than Mt. Timpanogos next to it is, even though Timp is about 1000 feet higher.
I don't understand the source of your resentment.
You do realize Utah isn't in the midwest, right? In fact it's a full state removed from the midwest. And the midwest is much more flat than Utah.
Having a pretty diverse sampling of cache finds by location myself, I have to say I have also noticed a strong regional bias to ratings. Terrain especially depends on the overall terrain of the area as another poster described. Identical actual terrain caches in very flat region would be given a higher rating than it would in a more hilly/mountainous area. I've similarly noticed regional difficulty rating differences too, but mostly that Seattle area people all think their caches are much easier than people in other places who rate their similar caches as much more difficult.
Not sure how that last one happened....
<disclaimer> This has nothing to to with caches that are intentionally designed to be easy to get to and appropriately rated. </disclaimer>
I have been looking for that, "YES!" chache.
You know the I don't care if it is out in the open, I wanna put my physical skill to the test cache. <--- if ya didnt then ya do now.
As a premium member you have access to some of the hardest caches in Geocaching. Any of these will give you a run for your money....
Specifically the Vinny & Sue Team ones.
Psycho Urban Caches. I gotta make it to Maryland.
If you pay for a premium membership, that feature is available. If not, just click on the google maps link in the bottom right corner of the cache page and follow the route you want to travel. The caches will show up there.
Let's see....
Found a matress behind a dumpster sitting next to some empty liquor bottles. I didn't spend long looking for that cache.
I found a frying pan, a pair of shoes, and some used TP next to the pile of human excremant that was about 5 feet from said frying pan. That one was also a quick leave.
One of my favorite caches here is called Circle of Stones. It's on top of a little hill and there's a little setup that looks like an old school camp ground/meeting place. Not unique to me, but interesting nonetheless...
We have several local LEOs who cache around here. They regularly stop when they see people searching for their caches and will give hints if needed. Pretty cool...
As I'm not totally sure how to post a link, I'll just not try. Look on youtube under impossible cache. It's most definitely a 5 star terrain.
Don't think there are any 5's around here. Have a couple 4 and 4.5's, and they seem right to me. I can totally see where the frustration would come in though, I think it's probably similar to a 1/1 being like a 3/2.
There's a puzzle cache kind of near here that requires 3 mountian climbs. The first 2 are for caches with the coords for the third, and the last is for the final. When you get to the final, not only is it up a mountain (real mountain, this isn't the midwest) there are two locks you have to pick to get into the cache.
I've not done this one yet. I'll see if I can find the GC#...
As I'm not totally sure how to post a link, I'll just not try. Look on youtube under impossible cache. It's most definitely a 5 star terrain.
Don't think there are any 5's around here. Have a couple 4 and 4.5's, and they seem right to me. I can totally see where the frustration would come in though, I think it's probably similar to a 1/1 being like a 3/2.
There's a puzzle cache kind of near here that requires 3 mountian climbs. The first 2 are for caches with the coords for the third, and the last is for the final. When you get to the final, not only is it up a mountain (real mountain, this isn't the midwest) there are two locks you have to pick to get into the cache.
I've not done this one yet. I'll see if I can find the GC#...
Usually the kids.
Are we there yet?
How much longer?
Are we there yet?
Stop touching me!
Yup. Me too.
While on the trail, I hear a lot of myself grunting, panting, and wheezing. It's a musical symphony when I'm caching with some of my fat boy buddies. A very sweaty symphony...
Cache Idea
in General geocaching topics
Oh man, this reminds me of a puzzle cache I put on my ignore list about 45 minutes from here. You have to watch Top Gun and get numbers that way, but it's absolutely ridiculous. How many times does Tom Cruise look at his watch in the volleyball game?
There are like 15 questions you have to answer, and the kicker is that the CO intentionally doesn't give you the time in the movie. He states he wants people to watch the entire thing.
Don't be THAT guy...