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J the Goat

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Everything posted by J the Goat

  1. I've not had any experiences like those listed above. Funny looks now and then, but nothing more than that. Just brush it off and move on, it's not worth the stress.
  2. Alright, I'm hosting my first event on May 2 as a 10 year celebration, and I just wondered what some others thought of some of the raffle prizes I've got going. Home Depot has on sale some mini-multi tools and LED flashlights. An unactivated TB, nano container, donated Geocoin and a couple of empty large almond/peanut containers are also on the list. Any other simple but fun suggestions?
  3. I'm not familiar enough with snakes to know which ones I can hold and which ones I can't. Obvious exceptions excluded of course, I think the only real dangerous snakes I have around here are the rattlesnakes that can't be mistaken for much else. But I dont know for sure...
  4. Yeah, it's pretty nice here. Been having a bit of rain as of late however. As for the Google thing, go here: http://lmgtfy.com/ Oh, I get it! A sock puppet AND a red herring
  5. I think this is true to a point, however when you get these folks who don't care about their caches fixing their caches doesn't solve the problem. You are essentially doing the work for a lazy CO. I don't mind lending a helping hand to a cache that needs it if the owner is usually on top of things, but to do all of somebody's maintainence just for the caches sake? Nope, not for me Jack.
  6. Fresh batteries Cool pens to trade Trackables Cool toys for the kids A camera (I still haven't seen any of the pictures of my heiny online....)
  7. I, on occasion, have laced up the geoboots and gone with my geobuddies to find treasure. I'm still working on that one... Geobag Geomobile Geosnacks (to keep the geokids occupied)
  8. I was chuckling until I read this part. Then I laughed until I almost peed.
  9. iv always been told deet works great but can give you other problems ill do some reaserch on it maybe the scientist changed there mind again DEET is one of the safest consumer products out there. Over the past half century It has been used by hundreds of millions of people without ill effect. Aspirin and Tylenol are far, far more dangerous. When DEET is used as directed there have been very few documented adverse reactions beyond an occasional rash. Problems occur when people do things like bathe in the stuff, use high concentrations for extended periods o time, or drink it. What would possess somebody to do this? Wow...
  10. I usually end up bushwhacking with at least part of my face. It sucks. I found a machete in my hedge when I started cutting it down. My wife made me get rid of it.
  11. Have you actually located the cache owner? I mean, I know there's a caching name listed as the owner on the cache page... I'm not interested enough to actually go track it down. But just from reading the thread, it sounds like this cache was placed a LONG time ago. Just because there's an owner's name listed on the web page, doesn't mean that it is actually possible to locate the owner. Another possibility is that "we can't locate the owner" is shorthand for "there was nothing illegal about placing this cache, so we aren't going to bother to try to locate the owner." The caching name would lead to the owner of the cache no? did the cache owner hide? try to hide his or her identity? You say you aren't interested enough to track it down but you are interested to argue... If "we can't locate the owner" is short hand for "there was nothing illegal about placing this cache" is your argument then say so.(I wish the police would let us in on their "short hand") Stop hopping fences. They either could or could not have found the owner. I have nothing against the police. But they are no smarter than I and I make mistakes and do not know it all. This seems totally unnecessary...
  12. My kids had to learn a second language in high school. I used to live in your town, Corona (owned a great old '69 Pete and hauled orange peel for the Sunkist plant at night while I was doing Navy duty in Long Beach) in the '70s and the population was changing rapidly even back then... I can imagine that Spanish would be pretty common there by now. Common in Corona? Heck, over half of my town is spanish only/primarily, and I'm 8 hours north of LA. No language requirement here, although I am at least proficient in Spanish and got there in school. A local elementary school has, for the past several years, been teaching a bilingual cirriculum. half in English and half in Spanish, or you can put your child through a total emersion program. I think it's great. Exposes them to different things.
  13. I'll be hosting one up here in Ukiah California. That's about 2 hours north of San Francisco for those who might be in the area. Come on by, it'll be cool. I think there may be an event on both days, I'll host one and another guy will have the other.
  14. I just answered my own question. They've cleared out their area... by finding 5 caches. There are 27 caches on the google maps page that comes up when looking at the cache that shows up at the top of their finds list. You are more than welcome to just try to find the "new" caches in your area, but there's nothing wrong with looking for the caches that are already there. New doens't mean better, you'll have just as much fun looking for the established caches in your area.
  15. How close to your area? Dallas is pretty packed with caches...
  16. Chainmail. Oh ya baby...
  17. Otherwise, yes it will just show up on the listing page assuming it's not a premium members only cache.
  18. That's a terrible thing to say about your kids, although I am a little worried about the one wearing the marshmallow suit. This is arguably the funniest forum post I've ever seen. I'm still wiping away the tears...
  19. Yup, out being a real cacher. Doh! Why do I keep getting sucked into this stupid topic...
  20. exactly This I also don't understand. I you found a cache in estonia, would you write your log in estonian? I would very much enjoy somebody logging german or spanish or finnish for one of my caches. Sigh.... Sorry for seeming so disagreeable. It;s not usually my nature...
  21. Oh man, this reminds me of a puzzle cache I put on my ignore list about 45 minutes from here. You have to watch Top Gun and get numbers that way, but it's absolutely ridiculous. How many times does Tom Cruise look at his watch in the volleyball game? There are like 15 questions you have to answer, and the kicker is that the CO intentionally doesn't give you the time in the movie. He states he wants people to watch the entire thing. Don't be THAT guy...
  22. I was going to say something very much like this. But then I noticed that the OP's location and realized that English is probably not his native language. That sort of changes the tone of his suggestion, doesn't it? Consider another area that frequently crosses international borders: air travel. Pilots and air traffic controllers speak English everywhere. There was a time when all educated people spoke Latin. That is no longer true. Esperanto had some adherents, years ago, but that didn't work out. English is as close as we come to a common worldwide language today. Still, I think requiring English on cache pages is silly. If I'm going to visit another country, I can learn a bit of the local lingo or ask someone to translate for me. Actually no, I don't think his location changes anything about the suggestion. It actually makes less sense assuming he's not a transplant to his current location. As far as common worldwide languages, French and Spanish (many different dialects of the same language, but the same language nonetheless) are as commonly spoken if not moreso than English. English is actually on the decline being that our international market isn't nearly as strong as it was coming up in the 80's and riding high in the 90's. To each his own, I understand. The idea just doesn't make any sense to me, and a large part of me (and I'm a pretty large dude) thinks this may be some sort of joke. Hopes at least...
  23. There are two on the little island in our local lake. Heck, they're probably only 528 and an inch or two from each other given the size of the island.
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