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Konnarock Kid & Marge

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Everything posted by Konnarock Kid & Marge

  1. I don't believe in double standards. My first post was not a response to an individual posting or aimed at an individual forum member nor was it meant to be personal. Too bad you took it that way. It was just honest criticism of the proposed ( it is a beta isn't it) new system.
  2. You failed to mention 162 waymark category proposals in 2 days without any formal announcement of the site. But hey, who's counting right? Oh right. You are. Poorly. Some flawed logic there. Just because someone has proposed a category does not mean they want to see any changes at GC.com.
  3. By the way, the current totals of posts are: Favor changes 5, Do not favor changes 13, Neutral 8. Not a very good start. P.S. I had to interpolate some posts and sort the "Brew people"
  4. Poor, poor substitute for locationless/ virtual caching. Thanks for the efforts but you should go back to the drawing board. Much too much room for comercial take-over. P.S. I never really understood what you guys have against virtuals and/or locationless caching.
  5. I really don't know what these stats mean but in our area here are 5 caches found/ caches placed ratios. 1432/240, 1016/43, 381/7, 370/16 and 195/36. These are from some of our very active cachers. It may be a more telling study to see the ratio of total caches placed to micros placed. Does this give us a creativity index, lameness index or just meaningless stats.
  6. Right on Rymer! You hit the nail on the head. We are afraid that the prolifferation of LAME micros will ruin the game.
  7. I think I am about to swear off micros. The Tri-cities area of East TN. is getting eaten up with them. If there is a lamppost, there is probably a micro on it. Gas stations, Wal-Mart, K-Mart, etc.______ (you fill in the blank). The only thing that is not taken are the police station and court house parking lots. I keep praying that someone will try it and get 5 to 10 years (must serve 80%). Just kidding. On the serious side, micros have a real place in geocachjing but more and more new caches in our area are the Altoids containers with a magnet glued to the bottom and placed randomly on any ol' lightpost. Maybe it is just us but lately, interest has lessened in geocaching because of the "Attack Of The Unenlightened Micros". Careful, it may be playing in your local theater (town) soon.
  8. All you need is a palm PDA and CacheMate. Nothing inaccurate about them. No more wasting those little trees out there and keeping HP rich with me buying their ink.
  9. Don't worry about it. Area code 37620 and the surrounding towns are becoming the lame micro capital of the world. There is good news though, fairly soon we will run out of lamp posts and signs and the .1 mile rule will prevail.
  10. Hey folks, it's subjective. We had rather find one over-rated than under-rated. Difficulty, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.
  11. Don't let cudlecub fool ya. He sleeps on the ground near a cache or in a tree that is on a trail leading to a cache.
  12. We love micros, especially those on lamp posts in Wal Mart parking lots. It takes a lot of creativity and imagination to place a magnetic container on a metal post because they will not work on wooden posts. Anyone can take the time to round up a larger container, fill it with worth- while goodies and find an interesting place to hide it. After this posting, I will go to confession and rid my soul of all the lies that I just told.
  13. Micros are ok if a larger cache cannot be placed and if, a big if, they are placed in an interesting location. I will admit that we have searched for and found a lot of dumb urban micros (parking lot lamp posts) but they are not near as much fun as other caches. I will not totally knock urban micros because they are better than nothing.
  14. Hey thanks everyone for your thoughts. I should have mentioned that I put the penny in a small baggie labeled 1904 or 1906 Indian-head penny. When I log the find on the cache page I mention the penny and that it is in honor of My Dad or my Mom. I love the idea of a mini-picture or a small note as to what the penny is all about. Again, thanks. I feel much better now.
  15. Hi everyone. Several months ago we sort of desided that a good signature cache item to trade with would be Indian-head pennies. We use 1904 and 1906 pennies that are in "good" shape (you can easily read the year and words). The reason for those particular years are those are the years my Father and Mother were born so each time we leave a penny behind it is like a small honor to them. Now here is the problem: they cost far more than 1 cents (usually $1.00 plus) but we don't want to leave the impression that someone's cache is only worth one cent. It would be too silly to leave a note with each one that says " this penny is worth much more than a penny." What do you good folks think? Thanks.
  16. Well here is another two cents worth of opinion. I will not totally knock urban micros. Some of them can be fun. But.....it doesn't take too much imagination to place a magnetic micro under the bottom cover of a shopping mall parking lot lamp post. Micros in urban parks and other interesting spots to see, especially if the area does not lend itself for a larger box, can be ok. Our rule of thumb is: no micro if there is "room' for a larger cache that cannot be easily muggled. P.S. I will admit to a little bias being caused by our Grandkids (ages 2,4 qnd 5). They don't like micros because there is no "treasure" to find. Bless their little hearts, they even like 1+ mile hikes. Mood only differs if the cache trip is a micro or they missed their naps.
  17. Here is really a dumb question. We recently activated our new TB Swiper in the High Banks Of Bristol cache (GCNR4D). We found the cache and put Swiper in it but before we could get home and log the find and placement of Swiper a good friend of ours was second to find the cache and got Swiper and logged him out. Swiper has been to a few other caches but he is showing no milage. Two things may have happened to be the cause of no milage: when we placed Swiper in the cache and got to log him, I "wrote a note" instead of "placing" in the cache or since he was logged out of the cache before we logged him into it no milage is being shown. Are any of these the cause of no milage being shown and can it be corrected? Swiper is in good but not our hands. Thanks.
  18. Maybe I caused it. Just listed 2 new caches and went back to edit the listings and it went dead. Received an email that the listings have been received but I even made a mistake in one of the cache names and I cannot corect it. I wonder if the approver is going to do?
  19. If you didn't see it, you didn't miss anything. I usually like L & O but this was perhaps the worst eppisode yet. If you taped it don't waste you time and view it.
  20. Numbers are fun as a way of keeping score but the experience is what counts. Lame micros are ok if you have nothing else to find at that time but, nothing is better that a regular cache with goodies to trade that is hidden is a beautiful area.
  21. We placed our first Geocoin on April 14 and by April 17 it was gone. We placed it in one of our caches that is near to our house which comes in handy for getting TBs started. Some of our caching friends found the cache on the 17th and reported the coin was gone. I went to the cache and everything was ok except the coin was missing. This got me thinking, very dangerous I know, do Coins get muggled or go missing more often than regular TBs? Are Coins taken mistakenly taken as a trade item as opposed to the regular TB? We have had great luck with our other TBs. Your thoughts are appreciated. Thanks P.S. This may our beginning and end of using Geocoins.
  22. How about.... Cache Retriever: Official AKC Breed or Best Cache Retriever In Show....or Cache Hound .....or I Didn't Win The Show But I Got To Go Caching....or Official Geocaching Mut.
  23. A question for those of you who have really looked at the list: how many were taken from TB Hotels/Motels? I realize that with this kind of thief ,with or without TB Hotels , would not make a difference but it makes it harder on TB swipers if we don't stiuff them in one place. Sorry, I hate TB Hotels/Motels. Too many have gone missing along with a lot of good geocachers TB fun. P.S. Is there any way that a study can be done to show how many TBs have gone bye, bye via TB Hotels/Motels? Or for you statisticians, what is the probability of having a TB go missing in a regular cache versus a TB Hotel/Motel?
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