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Posts posted by Geomate.jr
Is there a general helpbox one can email to? or a chat room? I have just purchased a geomate jr and update kit (together) and I cannot get the update to wrok. Error 2203 and flash issues, etc.... I have installed, uninstalled, re-installed; wasted about 4 hours already.... HELP!!!
Waz from Geomate.jr here - we are here to help! Please feel free to email geomate.support@apisphere.com anytime and we'll get you up and running in no time.
Just got my geomate jr and update kit. When I plug the update cord up to the computer it does nothing. Does anyone know what am I missing? I also can't figure out how to log my find????
Thanks for any help:)
This is Waz here. Disclaimer: I work for Geomate.jr! Just letting you know that we are here to help. So if you have any questions about the update process or are having problems making your computer cooperate, please email us at geomate.support@apisphere.com and we'll have you up and running in no time.
G'day BritChris55
My name is Waz and I work for Geomate.jr. Just want to let you know that if you have any questions or want some additional information about the Geomate.jr, feel free to email at warren@apisphere.com. With this posting under the "Teaching K-7" you may also be interested in checking out our teaching resource at http://www.mygeomate.com/schools.html and knowing about our custom cache ability (creating private geocaching networks), ability to load pocket queries, and also the "no planning needed" aspect of the Geomate.jr. Some more info can be viewed here: http://www.mygeomate.com/update_kit.html
G'day MMmm!! This is Waz from Geomate.jr. I thought I might help with some of your questions. With the Geomate.jr Update Kit you can: Update your Geomate.jr with the latest US geocaches as often as you want (250,000 geocaches at a time), load complete cache lists for any country around the world (for example, you can load every geocache in Europe with one click!), load pocket queries to the Geomate.jr, or even create your own private geocache list (for birthdays or special events). It's also good to know that there is no additional upload charges or subscription fees and you can use one Update Kit with as many other Geomate.jr's as you want. You could jump the fence and use your neighbors if you wanted! You can get a bit more information about the Geomate.jr Update Kit here: http://www.mygeomate.com/update_kit.html
Oh, and I should also ad that we synchronize our lists and updates with geocaching.com every 24hrs at around midnight. I hope this helps!
Love the comment about using the Geomate.jr to waypoint your car! Yep, just hold down both buttons on the Geomate.jr and you can mark a "home waypoint" so you can navigate back to that point after running off into the woods. Oh, yea, disclaimer - my name is Waz, and I'm with the Geomate.jr team.
This is Waz from Geomate.jr. I thought I would jump on and answer the original questions direct. And here they are!
1) When a cache is marked as found on the Geomate.jr, two things happen. One, a smiley will appear on the main screen to indicate that you have found that cache, and two, that cache will be added to a "found list" on the device. At the end of the day, you can then scroll through your found list (which shows the GC code and the date you found it) and update your found log on geocaching.com
2) As for events, we have two tools that you might be interested in. One is our Pocket Query support. If you have your own pocket query, you can use the Update Kit and the Update Zone to load your own pocket query to as many Geomate.jrs as you want. The second tool you might be interested in is our Custom Caches ability. This lets you setup your own PRIVATE list of geocaches and then load that list to as many Geomate.jr's as you want.
You can check out more info about our pocket query support and custom caches here: http://www.mygeomate.com/update_kit.html
G'day all, this is Waz from Geomate.jr. Just thought I would let everyone know that we now have Mac support! OK, officially it's still a beta release, but she's good to go. Just head to the Geomate.jr Update Zone in our web site (www.mygeomate.com) and go to the "Setup Info" page.
I just wanted to say "congrats" to the apisphere/geomate jr guys... I saw the little guy hanging in the GPS aisle at target the other day!! w00t!! (In my world, if its at target, its worth buying!). I was so proud, it made me wanna buy a 2nd one! (and since I was alone, i had nobody to share my joy with!)
Way to make it to yet another market!!
Thanks Mahini!! We're pretty proud as well - brings tears to our eyes! We've got a lot of awesome stuff planned and can't wait to start sharing it all with you guys...
Sorry guys, been out and about. Back in the game now. Answers coming for all.
I have been seriously contemplating getting the Geomate for my girlfriend who is very new to caching. I bought her an Etrex Legend last year, but she thinks it is too complicated for her and, therefore, never ends up using it.
Anyway, my only major hesitation with the Geomate is its proprietary way of updating the database of caches. I don't like the idea of being forced to go through third party websites to update the cache list. Now I understand that you can't update 250,000 caches using the geocaching.com website, but it would be nice to be able to transfer waypoints to and from the unit via gpx or loc files. This would give everyone greater flexibility and make it more "open" architecture.
I really want to buy it, but if I can't transfer waypoints to and from the unit manually, without the need of going through your website, I'm afraid its just not worth it to me.
Aside from that though, your product sounds great.
Thanks Tahoe Skier5000
All comments and feedback on the Geomate.jr are greatly appreciated! I can't promise anything, but I like what you are saying and it is definitely a possibility.
I have a GeoJr and have used it some.....like it when out somewhere and think...."Hmmmm, wonder if I am near a cache?" (I keep it in my purse) lol. I get wihtin 3 meters and have found all.
Today I went to see if there were any new updates and everytime I would click on updates it would lock my computer up, then close IE down. Any suggestions? This does not happen on any other sites, so is not a virus.
Mate, I have two words for you. Norton Anti-virus. Make sure Norton (or specifically the anti-phishing part of it) is disabled. You should be good!
Is the Geomate jr able to add Pocket Queries yet?
Their website has basically been the same since launch and is not real informative.
And I am wondering when the MAC support will be out....
Close, very close. Thanks for your patience! I've now got a Mac myself, so even I'm banging on doors to get Mac support in place...
Is the Geomate jr able to add Pocket Queries yet?
Their website has basically been the same since launch and is not real informative.
Yea, I hear you load and clear. Small team = web site lags. But yes, pocket queries is something we want to support. Working on it!!
Is Geomate / Apisphere still there?
I have emailed since Monday and tried calling.
No answers at either end.
I bought a Jr and upgrade kit. But can not get the update software to install on one of my systems.
The other system installs but when I try to load the updates I get an error message on the screen saying dbase bad load. This has left the Jr. unable to be used at all.
G'day Hofy
Yep, we're still here!! I think we may have already got you up and running. But if not, please send an email to me direct at warren@apisphere.com. But for those who are curious, all you need to do is use the "Select an Update" option and you should be good to go.
I don't know if I missed this, but has the ability to add premuim caches to the update list been added?
Sorry mate, not support for premium caches yet. A bit of a sticky one, as some premium members don't want them on the Geomate.jr! We're trying to figure out what the best way forward with this is. Perhaps pocket query support???
I'm a bit confused about something. It says it preloaded w/ points on it. Does that mean you can't upload any new points from geocaching.com to it? I wanna buy it for my kids, but if I upload a cache to mine, I want to be able to upload the same one to their's so we're looking for the same thing.
P.S. I'm a newbie so guess everything confuses me
G'day ThePonce
Good question. The preloaded list is definitely filtered to make it easy for newbies. So there's no guarantee that the caches on a fresh unit will be the same as yours. But with an Update Kit, you can load caches as new as about 24 hrs ago. So all should be good!
is the geomate going to be made for the isolated island of Australia any time soon?
You better believe it mate. We've got the hooks in place for the Aussie database and metric, just looking or the right distributor! Soon mate, very soon...
Sorry guys, been out and about. Back in the game now. Answers coming for all.
Can anyone help me?! I just purchased the geomate jr 2 days ago. we had a blast with it yesterday but then i decided to go ahead and try to do the update. I followed the troubeshooting instructions that tell me to go to the manage add ons of the internet explorer and I am unable to locate anything that says apisphere under the add ons. I uninstallled and reinstalled several times on 2 different computers both running vista and i am still unable to get anything but bad dbase load on the greomate. the website does recognize my geomate but when it tries to do the update it reads. Flash Programming fail and Device write fail. my daughter is going to be so disappointed if i can't fix this by the weekend
This is Waz from Apisphere (the company that makes the Geomate.jr). Feel free to email me directly at warren@apisphere.com and I'll be more than happy to get you back up and running any way we can.
Any help on the update software question? Should I uninstall the "software kit" in downloaded through Firefox and reinstall it through Internet Explorer?
G'day WebiG
Waz here, I work for the company that makes the Geomate.jr and I'm happy to help! Rather than turn the forums into a support channel, feel free to email directly at warren@apisphere.com and we'll get you up and running.
My geomate jr. update kit waon't work. After i installed it, i restarted my computer, and went to the geomate jr. site. Then i tried to update it and it said i haven't installed it yet. Can you please help?
If you can send me a direct email at warren@apisphere.com, I'll be happy to work through the problem and get you up and running!
ok so if i select a cache on the geomate what does it provide? just the coords and gc number? or does it provide the clues and such?
Yep, Webscouter is correct. It does display the distance and direction to the current cache. You also get to see the terrain, difficulty, and size of the cache you're after. (And the GC code of course).
I don't ever use the notes part of the field notes, not on my Colorado and not on the Blackberry app.
What I would like is the ability to upload the list of found caches to the field note upload and get a list of cache ID's. When you have found a lot of caches going through the list of found caches on the Geomate can be a long process.
Even if I could just upload the list of GID to a text file with the GID and date then I could sort in Excel and know what caches I found that day or two
Something like this
GC30 20100202
GC1R35 20100202
GCA4E 20100202
GC678E 20100131
GCMOHO 20100129
Then I would know that I needed to log GC30, GC1R35 and GCA4E
Yep, that would be an awesome little feature. Perhaps we should think about getting to work on it?
You made me want it more!!!! Another question tho...does the geomate jr. tell you the name of the cache that way when you go to log it you know the name? what about the gc number?
Just like Shaner316 said, no name, but you can view the GC code. This comes in handy in two ways: to see which cache you are at so you know which one to log, and to scroll through the different GC codes if you are out to find a particular cache.
Another little side note is that you can mark any cache as found. A found cache will have a smiley with it, and it will also be added to a found list that you can take your sweet time reviewing at a later date. Check out my last post on this thread about that one.
You made me want it more!!!! Another question tho...does the geomate jr. tell you the name of the cache that way when you go to log it you know the name? what about the gc number?
Just like Shaner316 said, no name, but you can view the GC code. This comes in handy in two ways: to see which cache you are at so you know which one to log, and to scroll through the different GC codes if you are out to find a particular cache.
Another little side note is that you can mark any cache as found. A found cache will have a smiley with it, and it will also be added to a found list that you can take your sweet time reviewing at a later date. Check out my last post on this thread about that one.
The Geomate.jr Update Kit
in GPS technology and devices
G'day Fyguy1111
It's Waz here, and I work for Geomate.jr. To answer your question, a Pocket Query will actually replace your loaded 250,000 caches. But once you have finished with your PQ, just use the update kit to select a region of the world and reload another 250,000 geocaches.
I hope this helps!