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Posts posted by TheRedArmy
glad someone or everyone else finds the GEO dashboard absolutely USELESS.
You can add personal details on the boot screen. connect your 62s to the pc and look in the garmin folder on the device. In this folder you should see a .txt file, I can't remember what it is called but if you open it up there is instructions for adding your contact details to the device.
Hope this helps
The file is called startup.txt. Editing it in a text editor like Notepad is best. Not a good idea to open it in MS Word, for instance.
yeah, i did mine in NOTEPAD, simple and easy to do.
AH okay.
So its only segments the majority of the time your able to install without decreasing your memory significantly.
So for example, if one has the topo of Canada. You would simply install the topo for Ontario if you wish for your journey, depending on your memory expantion aswell? Correct me on this if I'm wrong.
To through a bit of another question in here, I've been reading about 50k topo's. Does the mean the elevation or the details that are displayed?
yeah, i only load up MB and part of ON when we go camping. i don't need SK, AB, and the rest of the country on there if i'm not near.
you can get FREE maps from ibycus. send me a PM if you need help finding them. they are FREE and LEGAL, no funny business. they work fine for caching.
they don't take much if you load them by where you are going. i have all of MB and part of ON on mine and i stil l have 6+GB on my memory card (it's an 8gb).
you could probably load ALL of canada Garmin TOPO CANADA on an 8GB and still have room left over.
While this is mainly true, there are limits.
You are limited to ~4000 individual map segments as well as 4GB in a single compiled map set file (FAT32 rule)
Using Garmin's TopoCan V2 as an example: the complete map set is 3.42GB but is 7316 map segments so as a single map file it would be ok for size but not for segments.
TopoCan V4 uses larger map tiles: 1225 map segments but is larger as a single map file at 5.21GB
So you could use all of TopoCan V4 but you would have to break it into 2 separate maps (south of 60 is 548 segments and 2.98gb)
I am not saying that the OP wants all of Canada Topos on his gps, just clarifying a point.
yeah, unless you are driving form 1 coast the the other, you don't need it all on a card. but like you said, if you do, you just put it on as "east canada" and "west canada".
Interesting how the S model has more memor then the St. Sometehing to investigate.
Thanks for the responses, this really assists with a decission.
Out of thought, how much memory is consumed with the average map? is it alot of memory space thats required like for example North America?
they don't take much if you load them by where you are going. i have all of MB and part of ON on mine and i stil l have 6+GB on my memory card (it's an 8gb).
you could probably load ALL of canada Garmin TOPO CANADA on an 8GB and still have room left over.
i think i paid $14.99 for a Kingston Micro SD with adapter at Dell.ca with free shipping when it was on sale.
buy the S.
cheapest in canada i've seen is $399 at lebaron.ca, who i didn't want buy from, so i had MEC pricematch and ship it for free. no problems with the PM.
buy a single paperless unit. no need to carry around 2 units like you currently are.
the oregon 450 is very nice and can be had for under your budget when it's on sale (as low as $249 in the US). it's touchscreen, so good or bad depending on what you like. wait for black friday (i think that's coming up for you guys down there) and see what comes up from REI or another large retailer (online or in-store) and buy one.
the Garmin 62 is also a nice unit (i'm using the 62s) but it will not accept memory cards, but has a decent built in memory with lots of room (at least for now) with about 2GB of built in space (1.7 after the software etc)
given your budget, i'd got with an oregon 450 and d/l some free legal maps.
OREGON 450 at REI, $349 currently, but watch for sales: here
Was there any more of a question in there?
4GB is enough for most folks.
i didn't see a question either, just a TITLE.
but i have an 8GB in mine. only reason i got one that big, was because dell.ca had the kingston for like $12.99, so i figured "what the heck".
if it was me, i'd try my hardest to get it PM'd somewhere locally. looks like bestyonko is based in the UK, so that may or may not be good for you depending on where you are located and how well the store you go to looks on their site.
double post. i really wish this site had a DELETE POST button. it's got to be the worst for double posting (slow etc)
last names starts with Red... and we all have red hair. usually out caching with the 2 boys, so we are TheRedArmy
yeah, i always hit the little box beside my query, select the date, then hit ADD TO QUEUE. not realizing the ADD TO QUEUE was for the MY FINDS query.
to get my actually GPX query to run, i just hit the day i want it to run.
thanks guys.
don't know when i created it, but for some reason, i can NOT delete this pocket query.
it is NOT listed in my active queries, just in the "ready for download"
does anyone know how to remove it? it runs weekly for some reason and i can't seem to stop it.
as you can see in the 1st pic, it doesn't allow me to select it for deletion.
I installed Mapsource City Navigator, unlocked it. Somewhere in the process I entered my Garmin 62s serial number and it gave it an ID number. I downloaded maps for a couple states from into the Map62s. When I turn it on the first screen that appears says "cannot unlock maps" That screen goes away when I click OK.
But the maps are there and they seem to be functioning. They are showing routes and giving turn by turn instructions to get to geocache locations.
Do I have a problem or can I just ignore this message?
i have the same problem with CityNav. still haven't got it to work, even though my maps are UNLOCKED on MAPSOURCE
That's the only downside to changing your username.
Go to the bottom of a cache page, where you will see:
"Choose Your Language: English Deutsch Français Português Čeština Svenska Nederlands Català "
- Except you will probably see it in German! Click on "English"
I suspect you have accidentally clicked on German...
thanks, got it working.
i actually never selected any language, it must have defaulted to GERMAN.
oh well, works fine now.
thanks again.
So I saw the Cache Stats program on someone's profile last week and downloaded it. Yesterday I became a Premium Member and now I can't figure out how to get that Cache Stats linked to geocaching.com, so I can have my stats all organized and nice.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
i used GCstatistic.
you simply load up the .exe file, it asks you for your Geocache name and password, you enter them, wait 30sec, hit next, then select what stats you want displayed. i did mine minimal, but i like it.
Once your user name has been changed, log out of the forums, and then log back in via the 'Forums' link on the Geocaching page in order to show your new user name in the forums.
THANKS. there we go. that was pretty slick, a nice easy changeover.
now it's show us as "TheRedArmy" aka Brucered.
thanks a bunch. we picked a more family oriented name that includes us a group, instead of me singly.
now the question is, Why is the site all in German for me?
Du bist angemeldet als TheRedArmy Abmelden
Geocaching ist eine High-Tech-Schatzsuche, an der weltweit abenteuerlustige Menschen mit GPS-Geräten teilnehmen. Grundlage des Spiels ist es, im Freien versteckte Behälter, sogenannte Geocaches, zu finden und über die Erlebnisse online zu berichten. Geocaching ist für alle Altersgruppen geeignet. Geocacher bilden eine starke Gemeinschaft und unterstützen den Schutz der Natur. Suche einen Geocache über das unten stehende Formular oder informiere Dich über die ersten Schritte.
Those user accounts may not have ever logged into the forums. The "forum account" is not created until they log into the forums.
got our new name picked out anyway. it all worked out. thanks for the help.
about 50 for us, then we placed one very close to home so we could keep an eye on it when it needed maintenance.
we also wanted to make sure it wasn't going to be a 1 season activity. we made sure we liked it and were going to keep doing it. glad i placed it close to home, it's been muggled, tree fell over and a few other things.
another NameChange question.
i've come up with a few alternatives for us and have punched them in. they say "already in use", but if i search my MEMBER NAME in here (the forum), they are not found.
are there different forum names and different cache names, i thought they were linked?
What, please, is a platinum membership? No one on the Geocaching Topics forum answered my question. Somebody even said not to ask that question. The description of this forum says: "New to the game? Feel free to ask questions here. We're glad to help". So that is why I posted it here.
Read here: THREAD
but really, i heard if you ask, talk, post, think, read or write about it, you are EXEMPT for LIFE. so must of us are out already.
i'm out by replying and you and your kids are out, because now you've asked twice. THREAD
(They are watching you)
update.... i just came up with our new name, it's taken, but the cacher hasn't been on or logged anything since 2006. any chance of them purging this name?
nope. How do you know the cacher won't start caching again next week? And if the cacher logged *any* caches deleting the name will affect the statistics of the logged caches.
they could change NON-active accounts, say 2y or more into CACHER001, CACHER002 and just notify them.
i know, wishfull thinking. i thought i had our name picked up and it was disappointing to know it's just sitting there not being used.
oh well, they search continues.
thanks. i was just going to post a question on this thread about this.
when i first stared i joined as "brucred" because that's what i always was on forums and sites, but now that we have gotten into the swing of caching and the kids are always with me, i want a better geocache name. i thought you used to have to re-log everything, but if it's all automated, i'll be doing it shortly.
now to pick a good name for us.
thanks for the info.
update.... i just came up with our new name, it's taken, but the cacher hasn't been on or logged anything since 2006. any chance of them purging this name?
RTV silicone, I can see a small problem with this. getting it into the recesses of the buttons will make the buttons hard to press..
that's how i totaled mine. got some glue in the recessed buttons, then they didn't work. tried to fix and broke some parts. oh well. lesson learned.
Kids GPS
in How do I...?
we geocache with out kids and i have 62s. our 5 (soon to be 6y old) loves it. he can't operate mine, but i'm sure would love one for his bday at the end of the month.
i've looked at the Apisphere Geomate.jr GPS and it's about the right price, looks durable, but i do NOT like the idea of having to pay more for new caches etc.
is there a KID FRIENDLY GPS that you can use external memory, usb or internal memory to add caches to it when they come up.
we're in winnipeg mb canada and i'm guessing that when they add them in my community, they don't get added to the data base for future updates, and even if they did, it does us no good if i can just plug my 62s into the CPU and get the info but have to wait 6mos for his to get it in the database, then pay for the info.
any ideas or suggestions?