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Everything posted by suchanana

  1. since the "groundwork" has been laid for disgruntled private road property owners against geocachers, perhaps the CO could post an additional caution in Capital letters to not access cache from private road - no tresspassing, similar to admonishments about xway access restrictions we're used to seeing...
  2. the PTB would need to do perhaps a drop down box with a link allowing for entering the trackable's number... logging a cache find with a drop down reminder box of trackables just might jog the memories of someone who forgot they picked up a traveler from that cache...
  3. using google chrome here ... try GCWG7G
  4. methinks your caching logs resemble more a blog...IMO, each cache find would be better suited with its' own account of your find with just a link to your day's blog page...then we may peruse your adventures at leisure & the phone cachers would have space opened up for more info on their screens... having been regaled by a days' history like yours at many meet n eats, i look forward to cachers sharing those tales in person - yours, i'm sure, would be well received also... personally, yes, I have been known to commit each and every sinful geo-complaint listed above in these thread posts... having said that,i still strive to make my geo-adventures' logs Fun to read while wearing Humble Hyacinth lipstick ... continuing to ask my fellow cachers' forgiveness, as i may err again unintentionally... good luck Bashful and others in your geo-literary quest of expression... geocaching ROCKS and is very seldom dull...Life is still an adventure...
  5. I've only met your Dad a couple of times at my brother's (Shop99er) events and I have brought his GPS accuracy game to Texas where it is now an annual fall event. I am so sorry to hear he is in the hospital. Please pass along my heartfelt good wishes and I'll have him in my prayers. get well wishes sent from a fellow cacher in NW Ohio... don't want to seem irreverant to your health issues, but as y'all are recovering slowly, this caught my attention and i just must ask to quench my curiosity... what exactly is W7WT's gps accuracy game?
  6. if the heat index is bearable, i'll be caching whenever possible and logging finds when i can remember to do them...at my age, the memory and health conditions dictate ...What-ev-er on the souvenirs except for the international day...this thread has some great suggestions from fellow posters for gc.com to consider - we all know this is just marketing for the newbie phone generation...try to pin down those twitterers to 31 days of consistent caching - i dare ya gc.com - well, they're trying
  7. as my grandkidzzzz have aged,of late they have also neglected the logging their own accounts online aspect... methinks this is due to that puberty imbalance we've all experienced ... that being said, i still did the Nana bit,reminding them about geo-etiquette to thank the CO for their efforts by sharing their experience...hopefully someday the guilt seed i planted will take hold - until then, i shall continue my own geo-habits, knowing others will follow theirs... Your son's signature on the log showed the CO he cared enough to search and find; perhaps someday he'll share the experience of the find with the CO - you lead by example - it's the best you can do at this age...
  8. also subscribe here to the pay-it-forward rule of helping/generosity/enabling - whatever name fits... performing this random act of kindness so the next family behind me caching gets a good first experience with their kidzzz kinda makes up for those flash-in-the-pan TFTC phone cachers who take swag, leave nothing, don't recamo, etc... even helping a fellow CO has the reward of knowing the next cacher will have a good find...
  9. i'm using Google Chrome browser-Windows and i only have one ordinary navigation box for all...hmmmmmm....
  10. Steve Dogan, complete the challenge of the cache experience - keep looking... perhaps bring along someone else to help you retrieve the elusive stage 1... OR... forget that cache hide. then go look for another one...
  11. reading the cache page for hints is always a good idea for private property home caches... however, since a lot of newbie cachers are just running around looking with phone apps and not reading - well, making it premium member only and then adding another level of difficulty such as multi and/or puzzle attributes will, as was suggested earlier, enable a more pleasing cache experience for the cache owner... start it in those woods and have the final in your birdhouse...
  12. is het niet ongebruikelijk dat de eerste keer dat je probeert om een activeringscode te halen om dit te laten gebeuren ... zorg ervoor dat je aan het lezen bent het uit de traceerbare zelf en niet het papier dat het gepaard gaat .. soms moet je opnieuw invoeren van de letters en cijfers ... misschien de bovenste en onderste geval zal materie, misschien niet ... sommige van de volgnummers hebben een twee letterprefix dat geen deel uitmaakt van de tracking-nummer ... veel succes it is not unusual that the first time you try to retrieve an activation code for this to happen... make sure you are reading it off the trackable itself and not the paper that accompanied it.. sometimes you need to re-enter the letters and numbers...perhaps the upper and lower case will matter, perhaps not... some of the tracking numbers have a two letter prefix that is not part of the tracking number... good luck
  13. Sneaky Snakes - liked reading that you added to joy of finding a geocache hiding spot to your vacation plans...sorry it went awry... since you've most probably now acquired all the info you need the hard way and have a new and improved game plan for the next adventure you go on, let me congratulate you on your unspoiled geocaching spirit & wishing you continued fun... also, don't forget the rest of the story; ie: who solves the cache hide pickup, etc - keep us in the loop...
  14. methinks that would be so much easier than my "mark"ing and labelling "car" each time i venture out into the trails of the woods doing multiple caches involving multi caches...tried following the route tracker, but that gets confusing with backtracking... counting your tip as my "learned something new each day" for Friday...thanks
  15. ja välimuisti on sähköistää ... "Mein Luftkissenfahrzeug ist voller Aale"................... und der Cache ist elektrisierend ... "Mi aerodeslizador es lleno de anguilas" ............... la memoria caché es electrizante ... “我的气垫船鳗鱼” ................. 并且缓存是一个激动人心的... a"Moje vznášadlo je plné úhorov"................... vyrovnávacia pamäť je elektrizujúca ... shucks, it only took a bit of cut 'n paste to help out our fellow linguists... "My hovercraft is full of eels" ......... the cache is electrifying...
  16. yuppers, tell them & yourself - most probably can be sued...is that the great legal opinion you need? ... however,the geo-opinion is - you have a woods or maybe 2 woods devoid of caches? that's prime geo real estate for hiding reg ammo cans...heck yah, it's worth the risk !!
  17. trackables come along with me usually on my adventures, so they visit the caches also, usually as part of a travel bug gang... they pose for pix at interesting locations and get a bit of mileage added to their numbers...sounds like a win-win to me...
  18. my logs present an account of what i experienced, my adventure getting to the cache, at the cache site, including any minor cache maintenance that i could do to help, or even what i could not find somedays because these old eyes let me down at times... the language in my log is as tactful as possible... okay, well, except for that one time recently and that issued quickly was resolved...if it's a delicate, possibly embarrassing situation, i'll note that i'm going to email the CO, then put it on my watchlist...reluctant, naw, that's the easy way out... most situations i find do get resolved without the NM or NA and in our area, i can count on a few other cachers to follow thru with any needed archival duties...
  19. sounds like you'd like a dnf from last december we tried Oh Joy !!...GC3GDX1 - a loc n loc with a foam puzzle and pix of what it should look like when finished hidden near the picnic tables gazebo of a park, so we could sit at the table and work it out !!! the final coords for cache to log the find were hidden within the puzzle layout.. i will avenge it next trip down there...
  20. i was just peeking at the cache page, honest geo-cop... watching a cache page is an emotional decision at the time of my clicking that button... sorry, but not for a trackables theft ring...
  21. yuppers on the cut n paste ......your videos rock !! well done mikey and mike...
  22. suggestions for the group - cache on the backroads past the suburbs...smaller out-of the way cemeteries where an influx of new cachers unsure of what they are doing won't impact the sport of geocaching negatively too much... sending a bunch of muggles to a lamp post cache at walmart would be invoking calls of bomb scares.. keep it simple, larger containers to find, in out of the way locations...
  23. irisisleuk, you've got the right tone - let us opt out... still can't believe that with all the bad press about LPC bomb scares that Groundspeak would use it as part of their marketing on the tips page for getting your streak...
  24. let's see,in the olden days, i need to go to my profile >>>>> then My logs >>>>>> then to Your Geocaching Logs (Filtered by Log Type) and >>>>> finally click on visit log >>>once there, take my written log, copy and paste it to a word program. but these aren't the good old days, so what, WorldWideWizard, is the answer?
  25. It's the right place, but making a suggestion doesn't mean other people will agree with your suggestion. If everybody agrees with your suggestion you can be fairly confident Groundspeak will ignore it anyway. Yes, it's unlikely that Groundspeak will act on the suggestion. You will have to come up with work-arounds. you just did tell Groundspeak...as Jeremy says, it's all of us
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