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Everything posted by kennamatic

  1. Ressurected this thread again rather than start another. I haven't received any e-mails for nerby new caches for weeks. I've deleted the categories I want notification of and re-registered them again but still nothing. Any ideas as to why I'm getting nothing, or even better, what I need to do to start receiving them again. Edited just to mention that I do get the weekly notification.
  2. You are correct, however the person who posted has been suspended for a week for a breach of forum guidelines. Unfortunately this means that they will not be able to reply to this, or any other, thread. errm that means no one can confirm the answer for a week intermediate question how far can a dog run in the woods? Whoa! Was the person suspended the question setter or just someone who put a reply there. As I didn't see the post in question I have no idea. Can we have clarification? Thanks
  3. Sounds intersting. I'd think twice about offering to set the next cache if someone doesn't want to or you might find yourself travelling to Scotland 4 or 5 years down the line!
  4. Were we sub 100 caches back then? It's all too long ago. Of course, Moss T was an "old timer" even back then!
  5. I'm still using the same basic yellow etrex as I did on day one and it cost me £99 on the high street, about what it is now. What has changed is the number of caches. I think the number of UK caches were in the hundreds rather than the thousands and you could probably have fitted all the active cachers on a single decker bus!
  6. Once upon a time I think it was The Brenner Pass which went between Austria and Italy but I suspect it's been surpassed now.
  7. I've never had a signature item before but I've just got a few badges together which I will "award" to caches that I find that I really like. I'm sure they'll be highly collectable!
  8. There was another horse in that race, Davids Duchy I think it was that I had been backing all season from 200-1 down and it won me quite a bit, considering I only ever bet at about £1 each way! I had high hopes for it to be placed and I had it covered at 100-1 on a £5 each way. I don't think it ever ran again. Oh well.
  9. 10 Florins in a Pound. You need to be of a certain age to get that one!
  10. I reckon yu may well be right, because surely, if the copywriter knew what he was talking about it should read "The ultimate FOR gecaching". I know you could use "in" but this makes more sense in general usage. Edited to correct my grammar complaining about theirs!
  11. Well, I can't even manage to be the worst geocacher. There's no hope for me! I can't believe Moss T is slower than me, it must be an age thing.... . Indeed LIS. What a remarkable drink and meet that was. And, as I remember, on my way back I was propositioned by a lady of the night! . Those were the days. No GPSs, only divining rods and we had to log caches by semaphore. Well perhaps I'm exagerating a little.
  12. Am I the worlds slowest geocacher? 184 finds in 2324 days? That's an average of 1 cache every 11.625 days. I did have a break from physically finding caches as I was caring for a relative, but during that time I was posting to the forums so consider myself active for this period. Am I wrong or should I be awarded the Golden GeoTortoise award? Now, if only I'd found 2324 caches in 184 days that would have been impressive!
  13. I might manage one or two in the morning as no doubt I'll be banished from the house for a couple of hours whilst lunch is prepared. Or at least that's what I'm hoping! Merry Cachemas to everyone.
  14. I'll have my guesses then; 7 times 1957 1646 I shall consider myself highly knowledgeable if I get one right!
  15. Supercar? I was a member of The Supercar Club and got a large plastic Supercar to play with in the bath s well as a membership card.
  16. Good to see you back. Us old timers are re-emerging. I went awol for just over a year.
  17. I think No 4, Naththal Seeya, is Sri Lankan. I've literally just come back from seeing a Sri Lankan client and I'm sure I've just seen that written on the front of a christmas card with santa on it. How's that for timing.
  18. Nope, no Christmas tree... Go to your profile page, click on the link in the navigation bar top left of the page to "Forums", then on the next page click on the link "Enter the Groundspeak forums" near the bottom of the page. That should refresh your avatar. Yep, that did it. Thanks!
  19. Changed my SEcaching forum avatar last week and now got around to this one. except it doesn't seem to have worked. Can anyone see a robot on a christmas tree?
  20. Might have some good swaps in it. Keyring in, tiara with 348 diamonds set in platinum out!
  21. You're reaching for Corialanus. My guess at another obscure one is Titus Andronicus Oooh I'd have given you the ding but I'd already started to reply to TLHM before you posted, but was then delayed by website problems - Sorry No Problem. I'm enjoying these picture questions and I doubt I'd devise one as good as these.
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