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Posts posted by Raiden38

  1. Hi ecanderson. Thanks for the reply, I totally agree with you. To be honest, I was not aware of the txt file before searching for a fix, and I feed this is a huge pain in the … process! My suggestion would be to be able to continue using auto-upload like I do now, but have an option to send them as a draft, and not as real log. This way, when I get back home, I could go into my drafts, edit them and post them for real.


    And it's probably not cool for the owner of the cache to receive email saying "Submitted via Garmin Geocaching live" instead of real nice logs with a story!



  2. Hi. So I have a Garmin Oregon 750 and I found two ways of sending my logs to the Geocaching Website:


    1) Enable Auto-Upload: The issue is that it will send a "Found using Garmin..." log so once I get home, I need to go back to all caches and edit all my logs


    2) Disable Auto-Upload: The logs will be saved in a .TXT file so when I get home, I need to connect my Garmin to a computer, go into Drafts, Import the Drafts, delete the file.


    Since the 750 is a connected GPS, wouldn't be a way to perhaps Auto-Upload as a Draft (so I can see my draft and then edit and publish) or synchronise directly to the website when I get home and connect to the wifi (without having to physically connect my gps to my laptop? There must be an easier way? 



  3. It's winter here in Canada and many of the caches has a "Non-Winter" attributes selected because they are buried in snow. However, when i go in the map, there is no way for me to remove those Non-Winter cache, to find some great Geocaching spots. I know that I can make a PQ with that attribute, that's what I am doing, but would be much easier in the filter menu of the map. And when I search for new caches in a new city, I currently need to create a PQ each time. Thanks! :)

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