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Chaos A.D./aka Arlsdaddy

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Everything posted by Chaos A.D./aka Arlsdaddy

  1. 2...those are cool! Will put with my other animal coins
  2. I don't think marking them will deter anyone from stealing it, but good luck selling it!
  3. I released a USA coin and engraved my cacher name onto the front.....
  4. To answer your questions. The people who bought first were told there would be no other coins. Now there is another coin. Is it fair to shut out the original buyers who were told what they got was it and now they can't get the more valuable version that's being made? Or do you shut out new buyers who requested the coin be made and now it is? Limiting it to one per original buyer is a compromise and would open it up to new people as well. Of course the final decision belongs to the owner. There will be no more of the Emerald Dragon. And the question was posed before an order was made for a gold edition. If someone minted a run of 250 coins, 100 silver, 100 gold and 50 pewter....is that one coin? I think it's three. Would you want one of each? Or just any one? Also, this gold one is not "more valuable". The Emerald dragon is .999 silver plated, the gold 24K plated. They charge the same price. The gold will actually be cheaper because they're using the same dies. Also added sandblasting to front (Was told gritty could be added, now they say I need a new die for that, oh well). Color is a little different too. I tried making changes while lowering the price, and not having new dies made. This should be distinctly different, and no way can anyone say these two coins are the same. If it's a problem, I don't mind not selling any and just dropping them into caches for the next year or two. As long as I cache, I will be dropping coins. When I run out, more will be made. New design or not, but none will be identical to another, without question. When a coin says "Coin XXX of 250", then there better not be 251 of them! That's why no more of the original will be made. Just like the gold coin, no more. Yet another dilema to think about. Maybe I better get ready to start dropping off 250 gold coins into local caches......one at a time. At least no one will complain about how/if they should be distributed, who should have first crack, yadda yadda yadda. Heck, I bet I could dispose of at least 200 of them to my local group I cache with, no problem! Dang, it's just a trademark coin.
  5. Only thing I got a problem with for emails is the time stamp issue......got some thinkin' to do
  6. But I'll be the one paying the fees. They should be minimal and well worth it to not have to sort through all the emails.....
  7. Please do not ask for coins here, this is to get an idea on what the prefered method to order will be. The Golden Dragon coin will be the same as the Emerald Dragon coin with the following changes: 24 karat gold plating (polished gold) Sandblasting on front recessed area (Getting same gritty as back requires new die) The green colors will be a little different shade They will have red gem eye's (Sorry blue fans) They are scheduled to ship December 19, so I will probably ship them the first business day after Christmas holiday. I haven't decided how many to sell, either 50 or 100. Last time I set a limit of 100, selling far more in preorders. One reason I am minting this coin is for placement in caches, and I don't wanna get "wiped out" right off the bat. This one will be $8.00 shipped to U.S. SO......... Would you like to: 1. Pre-order thread 2. Set a date/time for "Buy it now" on eBay (If #2, would you want it after I get the coins, or sooner like maybe this weekend?) Either way they will be shipped end of December for those who have made payment. BTW 250 will be made of this run, and limit one coin per cacher/address.
  8. I shipped all my preordered coins the same day and some people in the U.S. didn't get them until just a couple days ago. (2-3 weeks)
  9. Heyyyy...didn't you just warn us about clicking links???LOL Haha! You should see where the link takes you Must be a joke site?! I'll check with my laptop for laughs..that's the comp I use for questionable stuf...I always wipedrive that one and have no personal info on it
  10. Yes...the link I got started out www.paypal.com then had extra characters after that...so it would APPEAR it was legit.
  11. Heyyyy...didn't you just warn us about clicking links???LOL
  12. I've used Paypal for quite a while, first time I got an email like this. If I didn't have 3 20 oz. cups of caramel lattes this a.m. I might of fell for it!! lol You just never know....be VERY cautious when someone asks for personal info.... Another thing that raised a flag...says it's from the accounting dept. not security or fraud prevention, etc.
  13. With so many transaction occuring in the geocoin section, would this be a good topic to pin to help protect geocachers?
  14. Many of us use Paypal, and I got a phoney one today. I called paypal, they said they don't send emails starting with "Dear customer, dear paypal user", etc. They say they use your first and last name. They didn't even have my email name in the "to" field. It was addressed to <undisclosed-recipients:> The following is a copy paste so you can be aware of this (I am not including the link for your protection) Dear PayPal Customer, You have received this email because we have strong reasons to believe that your PayPal account has been recently compromised. In order to prevent any fraudulent activity from occurring we are required to open an investigation into this matter. To speed up this process, you are required to verify your PayPal account by following the link below. ******phoney link here****** (To complete the verification process you must fill in all the required fields) Please Note: If your account information is not updated within the next 72 hours, then we will assume this account is fraudulent and your account may be restricted. We apologize for this inconvenience, but the purpose of this verification is to ensure that your Paypal account has not been fraudulently used and to combat fraud. Please do not reply to this e-mail. E-Mails sent to this address cannot be answered. PayPal Account Department Paypal says to forward these to spoof@paypal dot com Please be aware!! If you click a link and enter your info, someone other than paypal just ripped you off!!!
  15. Many of us use Paypal, and I got a phoney one today. I called paypal, they said they don't send emails starting with "Dear customer, dear paypal user", etc. They say they use your first and last name. They didn't even have my email name in the "to" field. It was addressed to <undisclosed-recipients:> The following is a copy paste so you can be aware of this (I am not including the link for your protection) Dear PayPal Customer, You have received this email because we have strong reasons to believe that your PayPal account has been recently compromised. In order to prevent any fraudulent activity from occurring we are required to open an investigation into this matter. To speed up this process, you are required to verify your PayPal account by following the link below. ******phoney link here****** (To complete the verification process you must fill in all the required fields) Please Note: If your account information is not updated within the next 72 hours, then we will assume this account is fraudulent and your account may be restricted. We apologize for this inconvenience, but the purpose of this verification is to ensure that your Paypal account has not been fraudulently used and to combat fraud. Please do not reply to this e-mail. E-Mails sent to this address cannot be answered. PayPal Account Department Paypal says to forward these to spoof@paypal dot com Please be aware!! If you click a link and enter your info, someone other than paypal just ripped you off!!!
  16. Looking for a benchmark coin.....whadiya want 4 it? Also looking for ammo can, thought I had one on the way bet guess again......
  17. I like this idea of a dutch auction and letting you know when it will be listed. Seems it would save time and headache with sorting emails, counting, etc. Maybe I'll do this next time I have coins minted......Seems the best way I've seen so far other than maybe webpage getting too much traffic, which happens with paypal and email anyway. Way to think! Did it work out ok for the lister and were there any hang up issues for the bidders??
  18. Actually it is, but I did sell some to bring cost down, which I had stated from the start. I didn't expect to dispurse as many as I did in such a short amount of time. Another thing with possibly a gold coin is the dies are already made and "paid for". I feel no matter what color, metal, etc. it is still my PC. I just don't want to make more of the silver since it says "Coin XXX of 250". That would make me a liar. And I'm not rushing off to have more made just yet, as I respect all feedback. I know if I purchased a "limited run" of something, only to find that more were made of the exact thing with no revisions, I would feel I had been taken. That's why I pose this question to all.
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