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Posts posted by Seth!
Hmmm....we'll have to see what we can do about that dearth of Yellow Jeeps in Springfield.
Stay tuned.
Howdy! I'm making a pilgrimage to Springfield next week. I'll be checking on my geocaches there and dropping off some Travel Bugs. I would REALLY love to get some in return. So if you have a TB that would like to see the western states, drop it into a Seth! geocache by Friday the 18th.
I'll also be hunting some of the new ones near my dad's house but I see that they are mostly micros with no room for TB's.
Hey, are you folks seeing any Yellow Jeep Travel Bugs yet?
The world's newest sport is no longer a toddler. Happy Birthday!
I'm not sure what constitutes a 'motorcycle friendly' route, but if it means the roads are paved, then it is. This was Adrian's very first campout in August of 2002, just after his fifth birthday. He'll be glad to return, I'm sure. We did some geocaching there.
I've tried to block out any memories of anything that might be considered a Significant BM.
- Seth!
Adrian and I have finally made our reservation at the campground. We are looking forward to the events! We'll be out in the B Loop with Team Supergenious et al. Yea us!
I'm sure that Adrian will be hoping for some fun food.
- Seth!
Who is also happy about having a special Post Icon --
Thanks, washboy.
Where's that =blush= emoticon when I need it?
Thanks for the friendly slap.
Seth! aka Homer Simpson
Parting shots before I leave town for a few days...
Moun10Bike, congratulations on 1900. I hope I'm there for #2000. Maybe it'll be an event?!
Rothstafari told me that I have to do another Mission: Impossible cache soon. I guess I'd better!
I sure hope that these Beamin' Demon caches have a short lifespan. Seriously, I'm sick of seeing them on my 'nearest' page. I've had to omit micros from my queries. I'd hate to be a new geocacher in Redmond and see two dozen of these as my intro to the sport. Enough already!
I just realized that we don't get back to the US until the afternoon of the 17th. I'm going to miss most of the CITO action!
I'll try to pick up some trash on the airplane and maybe I can find an after-event party.
Have a great week everybody!
...then a four mile walk, eh? Hmm. I'm not sure if the six-year-old is up for that. It sounds like it could be a lengthy adventure. I'm not sure if we'll be able to do it on this trip.
One more question for our British friends: Which of these looks like your electrical plugs?
Our old adapter looks like the bottom one but the Rick Steves web site indicates that you are using the top one. Hmmm...
See you in London soon!
There is no link from the forums back to geocaching.com. I'm wondering if this is something we could see added. It would be helpful to many, I suspect.
- Seth!
Hi all. I'm flying from the US to London in the morning. I'd like to get to the geocaches at Poohsticks bridge. Can anyone tell me if there is public transportation that can get me from London to that area? Any suggestions? I'll be without a car and with my family. I'd like to at least take my son to Ashdown Forest, even if the rest of the family doesn't join us.
I will be in England on Easter and during the week thereafter. If you have a Travel Bug that would like to see the United States, I will try to find some geocaches at or near Ghandi Peace Cache in London (I'm somewhat near the British Museum) and then I'll be near Zero Five in the Stroud/Gloucestershire area. I will also be bringing several Travel Bugs from the States to drop off. I'd love to do a trade.
Cheers and I'll 'see' you soon.
It's San Juan NF in CO. There are other geocaches there, so I don't know what's up. Mine was in a great spot and Mother Nature would not be put out--no animals or plants were harmed in the placing of the geocache. It was on a rock outcrop!
I don't spend too much time in the forums, so forgive me if this has already been addressed. (Feel free to Markwell a response.)
I was eyeballing the pinned thread above about national wildlife refuges. So what IS the story with National Forests? I just had a geocache yanked by "them". I thought that NFS land was the one Federal place where we could put geocaches.
Did the NFS send us a nasty letter, too?
Hey, wait a second...There's only one green star in western Washington! Does this mean that if I want a geocoin, I have to pry it out of the hot, sweaty fingers of a geocacher?
Of course, Wienerdog has hers sitting there on her desk and she just lives up the road...hmm....
Groovy, baby! It's 9 PM Pacific Time and look at all of Puget Sounders in the forums! Time to mull over a map...
Oh! Thanks, Bons. This is why I post quetions here. I get answers! That's kind of a sneaky place to put the look-up, but it works!
I hope that I haven't been missing something for the past 2.5 years, but there doesn't seem to be a way to look up user profiles.
The 'caches found by' search has been updated to take you to a hides option. That's cool.
But sometimes I might want to look up the profile of someone who has never found or hidden a geocache. In this case, I'm hosed, right?
So, what might be the likelihood of seeing a plain ol' profile look-up feature added some day?
In case anyone is wondering, King Boreas has not seen the TB in question. Of course, it might be in one of his geocaches, since some are on the list.
Pepper, those look really nice. In the words of Rentakid, "Good times!"
- Seth!
I might be up for doing the second one. The first one is a virtual, so the fact that it's a really 'old' cache is kind of mute (to me, anyway). The third one sounds like it would kill me, plus that NF makes me wonder. The other one sounds pretty groovy. It was placed on my one-year geocaching anniversary.
My Travel Bug, The Fractured Fairy, is sort of missing.
I think she's probably in one of these MN geocaches:
Marshall Terrace Park
Gluek Riverside Park
Boreas Rex XIX
Great Local Park
Million Dollars in Cache
Little Brown Cache
Coon Rapids breakfast has CHANGED TIME!!
Pezley Park
Kelsey Cache
123 Rest Stop
Wooly Bugger
187 Aquatore Park
Boreas Rex XXI
Boreas Rex XXIX
If you should happen to visit one of these soon, would you please look for her? She won't be logged into that geocache but please log her into your inventory if you grab her. I'd like to get her back on the radar!
Thanks very much.
Kirkland, WA
Thank you for the help, everyone. This is marvelous.
Weekend Caching
in Northwest
I'm quite interested in this outing. I'll have to give the route a good look because Adrian will be my geocaching partner this weekend. Once a route is determined, perhaps we can estimate the total hike mileage/elevation gain. Adrian is good for a few hours/miles of hiking but I don't want to go overboard. I will bring his shoes, however.