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Posts posted by Seth!

  1. Where is this register link? I tried logging out of both the site and the forums, closed my browser, reopened it, logged back in...


    okay, my problem was that I had logged in. You only see the 'register' link if aren't logged in. I have to say, that's a most counterintuitive method for updating an avatar!


    Did you re-register the change after selecting your new avatar?

  2. We have a few people in mind. I think it's safe to say you've heard of all of them. For instance, there's this 'sept1c_tank' guy. He's supposed to be really nice and has great handwriting. :P


    The first person to nominate a winning geocache will also get a free copy of the DVD, signed by a geocaching community celebrity.

    Someone we know? :P:P

  3. We'll be gauging the responses (nominations) over the next few weeks, but currently aiming to get submissions of footage in by the end of May. We can start cutting segments as we get them, of course. (Thanks for asking. That's a good bit of information to have in this thread.)


    Thanks for the editing offer; I'll let you know!


    I'm definitely on board with the mini DV thing, so no problem there. What kind of submission deadline are you looking at?

    Also, I work in Final Cut Pro and Motion, so if you need any help, let me know.

  4. From the producers of the Complete Guide to Geocaching DVD comes an exciting new DVD project - Cool and Extreme Caches.


    We are now accepting geocache nominations for inclusion in the Extreme and Cool Geocaches DVD. We are looking for unique geocaches and really challenging geocaches to include in the DVD. Sheer cliffs, scuba equipment, and eight-mile snowshoe hikes belong on this video.


    From your submissions, we'll select the geocaches to feature on the DVD. The first person to nominate each selected geocache will also get a free copy of the DVD, signed by a geocaching community celebrity.


    Are you an amateur or professional videographer? Want to shoot some video for us? Great! We're looking for people (especially geocachers) who have their own video equipment and the desire to go on some awesome hunts. Drop me a line, visit the website, or post a note here if you're interested in that.


    This post was approved by Groundspeak. Please use this thread to ask questions about the contest or discuss cool caches. Official nominations should be made on the contest site...here.


    - Seth! :blink:

  5. Happy New Year! There is a contest open to all geocachers who own or have been to a particularly awesome geocache. The winners will be included in a new video (DVD) featuring the best of the best geocaches from around the world.


    Here is <link removed> to the contest. It does not contain any links to anything that is for sale. The Extreme & Cool Geocaches DVD is not available for sale yet. This is post is not intended to sell you anything. It is strictly for the purpose of allowing geocachers to learn about the contest.


    There is also an opportunity for people to submit videos for inclusion on the DVD. It does not cost anything to enter the contest or to submit video footage.



  6. Here they are, folks:




    Paul West (Right Wing Wacko)


    Vice President:


    Tisha Barber (Patudles)




    Cathy Hornback (Prying Pandora)




    Ed Graves (recdiver)




    Laurie Freeman (Half Canadian)


    Robin DeRock (Robinego)


    Jon Stanley (Moun10Bike)


    Congratulations to you all! :D

  7. Hello friends,


    It was three years, three months, and (roughly) three weeks ago that Moun10Bike, BillP3rd, and I called a meeting of local geocachers. This meeting of 19 people became the Washington State Geocaching Association. Since that meeting in September 2002, it has been my privilege to serve as an officer of this organization. I have been President, Vice-President, and Treasurer. For a few months last year, I was all three at once. I've also been the webmaster and listserv moderator. If you've only been geocaching for a couple of years and haven't seen me out there, now you know why!


    At the WSGA Puget Sound Chapter Holiday Party, we will announce the 2006 Board of Directors. For the first time, I will not be among them. It was simply time for me to step back and hand over the reins. I am excited to toss my caching bag over my shoulder and head back out to the trails. Rather than simply ride off into the sunset, I wanted to take an opportunity to share a few reflections.


    It has really been exciting to see geocaching become the fastest growing sport ever.* When I started geocaching in August 2001, Moun10Bike was just hitting the 100-find mark. That was quite an achievement in those days, since there were only about that many geocaches in all of Washington. My first geocache hide was number 8,480. Now there have been over 325,000 placed. I was the 21,504th user account registered on Geocaching.com. Now there are over half a million!


    Being a founder, supporter, and member of our local organization has been a fascinating way to be a part of the game. It has not been easy. There are plenty of tales of how unpopular some of my opinions have been. My hope, though, is that I will be remembered as a board member who always put the game ahead of my own popularity. I always lobbied for what I thought was best for geocaching. Geocaching captured my imagination from the minute I heard of it. I have not lost that excitement and I look forward to keeping that alive.


    I would like to thank my fellow officers over the past few years. In particular, I want to tip my hat to Jon Stanley (known to most here as Moun10Bike) because he has been such a loyal supporter of geocaching. More importantly to me personally, he is a good friend; as honest and trustworthy as the day is long. Thanks, Jon. You mean more to me than you know.


    Our current board has been a real pleasure with which to work and I feel good about what we can expect in 2006. I will continue to be on hand to support the WSGA and geocaching. I wouldn't even be surprised if I run for office again some day. But until then, I'll just be that guy standing on the chair at the holiday party. Thank you very much for letting me serve you these past 39 months. Long live geocaching and the WSGA. I'll see you on the trail.





    *I'm sure that it is although I have not seen (nor sought) any data that could challenge that notion.


    P.S. In case you missed it, a link to my holiday cartoons.

  8. The Idiot's Guide is pretty cool. The Essential Guide is also useful. You might also look at The Complete Guide to Geocaching DVD. It has the added benefit of being interesting to geocachers even after you've passed the newbie stage because of the interviews and it's entertaining to watch. And, if you order it tonight or tomorrow (maybe even Wednesday), it should arrive in time for Christmas.* :lol:


    - Seth!


    *If you have it shipped Priority Mail. Disclaimer: I produced the DVD so I'm biased.

  9. At the risk of digressing from the current dialogue, I'll return to the subject line of this thread.


    As of 10:08 this morning, you may now activate those 2005 WA geocoins.


    There are some bugs in the way a couple of the pages display but the activation portion should work fine.


    Sorry for the delay. There were circumstances beyond my control. I just work here... <_<

  10. Howdy, friends! The WSGA-PS Holiday Party will take place again this year. It will be at its usual spot on the calendar, the Wednesday night between Christmas and New Year's Eve.


    The event will be posted in the next few days. Until then, mark your calendar.


    When: Wednesday, December 28th, 2005. 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.


    Where: Woodinville Community Center -- Evergreen Room.


    Coords: N 47° 45.229 W 122° 09.737



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