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Posts posted by Seth!

  1. I'll be in the Portland area for the weekend of April 20. Most likely I'll meet up with Moun10Bike there as well for a geocaching spree. How is the W2P idea coming along? I assume that we can meet some of you at the BM on either Friday or Saturday night. I'm a bit freaked out by the possibility of running into Waynepdx, so if you can send him to Eugene for the weekend, that would be great. (Geocaching while drunk? Dude, that's why they made MTV. Stay home!)



  2. Even though the griping about memberships has died down, it seems like the forums get more and more lame.


    Have you noticed that there are guys like "The KGB" who have only left their computers long enough to log 4 finds but have 119 forum posts? What's up with that?!


    I think I'm going to stay away from the "general" forums and stick to the "Northwest" forums, where at least we have *real* geocachers who post intelligent topics.


    Except this one.


    - Seth!

  3. I was walking along a trail one day, when Dave Ulmer jumped out from behind a stump and beat me over the head with a club. He muttered something about "dirty apes" and "geocaching" and ran off.


    Either that, or I found it while surfing the Planet of the Apes web site last summer.


    It's all a bit of a blur.

  4. Oregone,


    I'm still in favor of your idea. I may be coming down there during third week of this month (April), so get right on it, okay? icon_wink.gif An Info Cache? Maybe have the folks at the Barley Mill keep it behind the bar. I was assuming that the BM would be our jumping-off point.


    Always the last guy at the Forum.




  5. Oregone,


    I'm still in favor of your idea. I may be coming down there during third week of this month (April), so get right on it, okay? icon_wink.gif An Info Cache? Maybe have the folks at the Barley Mill keep it behind the bar. I was assuming that the BM would be our jumping-off point.


    Always the last guy at the Forum.




  6. quote:
    Originally posted by Irvingdog:

    Environmentalists want to turn the outdoors into their own private playground. They don't aprove of your game, so they don't approve of you. Environmentalism is a religion and don't you forget it. That said, the seperation of church and state should remain...


    Wow. There are some incredibly thoughtless posts in these forums. As an environmentalist, I really enjoy geocaching and see it as a great way to experience the great outdoors with minimal damage to the planet. The 'I'm the highest thing on the foodchain' type posts are just scary.


    We've only been burning fossil fuels with any regularity for the past 100 years. Are people really so stupid that they don't think it will eventually cause damage? Can six billion people really suck the resources out of the planet at no cost? Get a clue!


    But to lump geocaching in with urban sprawl, toxic waste, and habitat destruction is equally ridiculous. On the other hand, I haven't heard very many environmentalists decrying our sport. Is this just speculation?


    It amazes me and saddens me that so many people think every issue is black or white. Please stop generalizing and picking fights where there aren't any. Or at least make a good case and try to understand the other person's point of view.


    - Seth!


    "Veggies are what food eats."

  7. I yet to receive the notices that you guys found my geocaches (from geocaching.com, I mean) so I just went through my logs. Groovy! Thanks for finding so many of mine and I am glad that you enjoyed them. Maybe I'll even splurge and send you an actual e-mail.



  8. No offense to the subject of the story (Mister explosis) but I thought that the article was pretty sucky. Luckily none of my friends reads that rag.


    Brain of a dog? Roll in manure? What the #@^%?


    I'm glad to hear that our Main Man is only 24, but as has been pointed out, there ARE kids out there geocaching.


    I wonder what happened to Andrea Peterson, who was originally doing the story for WSJ?



  9. with these forums! Sorry for not chiming in earlier. Glad that Moun10Bike was able to help. I hope that I'll be seeing some more of your Kirkland log entries (diggin' the Sawmill one!) and such. If you get a chance, maybe you can rattle off the ones you found so we don't have to scroll through 207 headings. Not that we wouldn't do that for you.


    If Moun10Bike and I get down there for a crime, er, geocache spree, we'll take you up on the Barley Mill plan. (Is that a virtual cache now?)


    Thanks for making the trip up here. Y'all come back now, y'hear?

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