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Everything posted by GeoCharmer81

  1. And see me in September for a Halloween Mission
  2. Now we just have to hope the Bunny has eaten all his carrots and hops to getting them delivered on time.
  3. Santa and the Reindeer better get rested up for the next Holiday Mission!!!
  4. Sent my info to Laval K-9: March 2, 2022Name received from Laval K-9: March 6, 2022Sent my gift: March 29, 2022 Took my Mission to the Bunny to get it hoppin' to it's destination.My gift arrived at destination:I received a gift: I got my Mission from Beekeeper99 on March 15, 2022. I couldn't wait and opened it already. Thank you so much for the awesome coin (a beautiful Butterfly) and other goodies!!! The chocolate disappeared quickly. Will try to add a photo
  5. Awesome gift--- Ted is a sweetheart!!! Those who know him know that... now, everyone knows
  6. Does this mean Santa is going to do a hand-off to The Bunny?!?!?!
  7. Awesome gifts!!! I Love the Hamster in the Ammo Can!!!
  8. Awesome!!! Is the Dolphin a trackable?
  9. Awesome coin!!! It must have over-wintered somewhere and woke up with the Spring thaw
  10. Sent my info to Laval K-9: March 2, 2022Name received from Laval K-9: March 6, 2022Sent my gift:My gift arrived at destination:I received a gift: I got my Mission from Beekeeper99 on March 15, 2022. I couldn't wait and opened it already. Thank you so much for the awesome coin (a beautiful Butterfly) and other goodies!!! The chocolate disappeared quickly. Will try to add a photo
  11. SORRY CLAIRE!!! Sad to see Santa isn't done yet!!! Postal services are getting really horrible.
  12. Thank you, Claire Sent my info to Laval K-9: March 2, 2022Name received from Laval K-9: March 6, 2022Sent my gift:My gift arrived at destination:I received a gift: HINTS FOR MY MISSION PARTNER: My favorites are Skulls, astronomy/astrology, new age, alien, Celtic, Egyptian, OWL, hedgehog, horse, dog, dragons, cars, motorcycles, colorful/glow. The top on my wish list is a GC trackable North Dakota Coin. And, FTF Magazine Volume 1 Issue 1---I can still hope!!! I enjoy surprises, too, and would be happy with any Coins I may receive for Missions!!!
  13. I guess I better hop to it and get my name on Jake, Mystic and Claire's list Claire, thank you for hosting another Easter Mission Sent my info to Laval K-9: March 2, 2022Name received from Laval K-9:Sent my gift:My gift arrived at destination:I received a gift:
  14. For Claire and the remaining three yet to receive their Holiday Missions... keep believing in Santa --- there is still hope. DaarZijnZeWeer just received her replacement Halloween Mission today. From the USA to the Netherlands.
  15. Santa could feed his reindeer for a month with the cost of shipping on that package. Lots of sweet goodies!!!
  16. Santa needs to feed his Reindeer some Red Bull or something if the remaining Missions are going to make it before the Easter Bunny starts hopping!!!
  17. We're making fat frogs!!! Hope the remaining Missions arrive before the poor little froggies are too fat to hop!!!
  18. I still have popcorn for my 'midnight' snack. With grated parmesan cheese instead of butter
  19. Coffee and a custard eclair sounds awesome!!!
  20. I'll have a little ice cream, too --- while waiting with you!!!
  21. As for price, it depends on the coin---rarity and desirability. Then, what someone would be willing to pay. If you replace the x's with your tracking code, you'll get the name of the coin... https://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?tracker=xxxxxx
  22. I'm a bit jealous!!! The coin on the top of my wish list is the Signal Maze Coin from MWGB (Midwest Geobash 2021)
  23. You're not alone!!! But, I think many people are in recovery mode. And, getting ready to go back to work/school/same old routine.
  24. Sorry for the late update. Sent my info to Laval K-9: November 21, 2021Name received from Laval K-9: November 27, 2021Sent my gift: December 17, 2021My gift arrived at destination: December 21, 2021I received a gift: December 10, 2021 (from our dear Claire!!!) I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!!! And, a Very Happy New Year to Everyone!!!
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