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Posts posted by a182pilot
Just curious, but don't most of us carry a pocket knife of some sort? I know I've sharpened more than my share of broken pencils this way.
He who angers you, controls you.
Just curious, but don't most of us carry a pocket knife of some sort? I know I've sharpened more than my share of broken pencils this way.
He who angers you, controls you.
While my wife is a fan of the 1/1 caches and really like to go on those. The rest of us (daughter and son) like the more difficult caches and really enjoy going when I say "Who wants to geocaching". For the kids it's still the thrill of the treasure hunt.
A182pilot & FAmily
He who angers you, controls you.
While my wife is a fan of the 1/1 caches and really like to go on those. The rest of us (daughter and son) like the more difficult caches and really enjoy going when I say "Who wants to geocaching". For the kids it's still the thrill of the treasure hunt.
A182pilot & FAmily
He who angers you, controls you.
Give Robert a call, he's a wiz with that kind of stuff.
He who angers you, controls you.
Give Robert a call, he's a wiz with that kind of stuff.
He who angers you, controls you.
The Nashville area cache is now out. We had a rash of missing caches so I waited till that all died down. You can check out the cache hereBNA Goequilt II Cache Stash.
As I do in all my caches, I create custom cache cards for cache finders to take. I will be including one for ya'll when I send the squares back.
He who angers you, controls you.
The Nashville area cache is now out. We had a rash of missing caches so I waited till that all died down. You can check out the cache hereBNA Goequilt II Cache Stash.
As I do in all my caches, I create custom cache cards for cache finders to take. I will be including one for ya'll when I send the squares back.
He who angers you, controls you.
Here's some shamless self promotion from my 100th find. Tool Cache It's kind of long.
He who angers you, controls you.
Here's some shamless self promotion from my 100th find. Tool Cache It's kind of long.
He who angers you, controls you.
I'm putting this to the forums because I don't know where else to go. We have many state parks that are friendly to geocaching, one in particular, Long Hunter State Park has set aside 200 acres just for geocaching. In this area I have set out an eight stage multicache Ticks & Poison Ivy . After the cache was placed I noticed several Cache in/Trash out caches being placed in the Nashville area and thought that this would be a great idea for this area as well, we would promote good will with the local park rangers by cleaning up a very trashy area.
Long story short, the cache was denied. The cache approvers thought that the first stage of the cache should be a box with trash bags rather than a seperate cache. The nature of the multicache (without giving too much away) won't allow for a cache box. During the stages of the hunt you will go through many areas that need trash picked up and it would be best to have the trash bags with you at the start of the hunt.
What do you think, should I pursue this with the approvers or let it drop.
Thanks for your help.
He who angers you, controls you.
[This message was edited by a182pilot on June 18, 2002 at 06:47 AM.]
Although not the wisest thing to do, I have been caught in a very severe afternoon thunderstorm while caching (they are very common in Tennessee in the summer). I was getting an average accuracy of 15 ft. prior to the storm and during the periods of heavy rainfall it would vary to 30 to 50 ft. When lightning flashed the sat. reception would go crazy but settled down quickly.
I seem to have bigger problems with reception in dense fog than during storms.
BTW I use a Garmin Map76S.
He who angers you, controls you.
Firedog, I should be getting the squares any day now. Some will go in caches and some will come to the next club meeting. I would like to get everyone who's at the next club meeting to sign one or two, so we can be on the quilt as a club.
He who angers you, controls you.
Firedog, I should be getting the squares any day now. Some will go in caches and some will come to the next club meeting. I would like to get everyone who's at the next club meeting to sign one or two, so we can be on the quilt as a club.
He who angers you, controls you.
I create numbered custom cache cards for all the caches that I put out. I have had a great response to these and some of the cachers in this area make extra efforts to go after them. I also created a card that we leave in caches as we find them. I probably would stick with the system that I'm using now unless the cost was really low.
It's a great idea though.
He who angers you, controls you.
I always carry a full survival pack when going on any hike longer than one mile. Murphy has bit me once, I won't allow it to happen again.
We don't stop playing because we get old, we get old because we stop playing.
I always carry a full survival pack when going on any hike longer than one mile. Murphy has bit me once, I won't allow it to happen again.
We don't stop playing because we get old, we get old because we stop playing.
Check with your local lawn irrigation store. They have several sizes to chose from and the price is pretty low. The rock usually looks very good.
We don't stop playing because we get old, we get old because we stop playing.
Beef Jerky, it lasts forever. For the meat eater in me.
We don't stop playing because we get old, we get old because we stop playing.
Beef Jerky, it lasts forever. For the meat eater in me.
We don't stop playing because we get old, we get old because we stop playing.
As a person who creates cards to leave in caches that I find as well as cards in caches I place, I like them. I will note that I do not promote nearby caches that I placed or even list the number I found, I use them more as a Thank You to the person who hid the cache. I also do not use them as trade items, they are always in addition to anything I might trade.
The cards that I place in the caches I hide are numbered and limited. They are there for the first 15 cachers who go to my cache, they are cache specific and are like a badge of honor for being one of the first 15. I have had great response from both cards.
We don't stop playing because we get old, we get old because we stop playing.
We have just formed a club in the Middle TN area.
1. We meet every 4-6 weeks.
2. Turn out is excellent and rising. We've double our attendance over the last 3 meetings.
3. Our first 2 meetings were basically organizational meetings and officer elections. Our last meeting I taught a class on compass usage and set out a compass course to practice on with a cache at the end. Our next meeting we are going to have a tech corner with folks who will upgrade to the latest firmware in your gpsr.
4. Our meetings are more like social events we all are real friendly here in Tennessee.
5. We really don't have a sponsor per se. The Nashville Zoo provides us with a meeting room for free and we are permitted to hide 10 caches in the zoo proper. Most of the club members voluteer anything the club needs, but we did set up a membership dues of $5.00 per year.
As a club we are signed up to do search and rescue assistance if needed, we are teaching a class in conjunction with some of the local state parks on how to use a gps, and we assist the Boy Scouts with their orienteering merit badge.
We have great plans and a great group of people.
We don't stop playing because we get old, we get old because we stop playing.
Robert & Steve, You both have too much time on your hands.
We don't stop playing because we get old, we get old because we stop playing.
Robert & Steve, You both have too much time on your hands.
We don't stop playing because we get old, we get old because we stop playing.
Garmen or Magellan
in South and Southeast
I gotta get my vote in for the Garmin Map 76s. I've tried them all and this is the best and easiest to use yet. I put lithium batteries in and I have over 28 hours on this set. I wouldn't trade it for anything. The accuracy is amazing.
He who angers you, controls you.