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Posts posted by SamSpade47

  1. That image doesn't do the GE with GC kml justice. Take a look at:




    You know I did this one today with my GPX file and GE...




    There no comparison to dropping a *.gpx file into GE vs. using the GC KML method. The *.gpx file is just to limited. With GE you can tour the world stopping at random spots and check out the caches. You can't do that with *.gpx files and the joke of the PQ system.


    The two images that I posted




    as examples of the GE KML experience, one was of Downtown Seattle, the other was of up in the North Cascades ~ 100 miles to the NE. To jump from one view to the other using the GE KML took 10 seconds (if that). The alternative would be to setup two GC PQ, wait for them to arrive in the email, unzip them, save the files, then drop them in GE. That could take an hour. Lame.


    Just the whole dynamics having the caches pop up as you float above. It was a beautiful thing.


    I remember seeing programmers offering their assistance to optimize the database hits. What happened with that? GC response: Thanks, but no thanks, we're just going to pull the plug. Weird.


    I hope they are able to bring it back somehow.



  2. I'm missing and that everyones fussing about...

    It used to be possible to view cache details and approximate location in Google Earth. That facility was fantastic but poorly implemented by Groundspeak, so rather than sort the problem that was draining their resources, they pulled the plug. As you might guess by the length of this thread, it was a rather unpopular decision.


    You can see an image of what used to be possible here (not my image or Flickr page)...


    That image doesn't do the GE with GC kml justice. Take a look at:



  3. Now that I'm taking a vacation break, I'll get pictures posted this week for the last couple of hikes.


    New hike for July! I've been inspired by the other thread about not found caches and located one worthy of a hike to go after. Rainy Lake has an opportunity of being found for the first time since it was placed by Forty-n-Eight last November. There will be other caches along the way, but that's the target. July 25th is the date. Stay tuned for details.


    The trail up there to Rainy Lake is mapped in NW Trails.


    Don't be surprised if someone "finds" it before the 25th. Not me, but just saying...

  4. There's probably several unfound caches without a FTF much older than that one. Here's one I located that was published September 1, 2007 and so far hasn't been found.

    King Lake Geocache


    Given the description I'm not surprised it has not been found yet.

    I was just thinking that about the description for another unfound cache in the North Cascades: Chancellor Trail "Ironworks" Cache.


    And here's a 5/5 up there also waiting for FTF: Tensegrity on Liberty


    Tensegrity is the one I was talking about.


    Here's a link to a description of the climb:




    Doesn't seem like it would be that big of a deal. It sure would be a cool place to have lunch.


    The King Lake Geocache is only a 2.5 hours hike (I should say bushwack) up... Amazing that it hasn't been found.


    As for Delta Mist, can you say out in the middle of nowhere.


    Re: Chancellor Trail "Ironworks" Cache, anyone know anyone with a helicopter?

  5. Frustrated! I can not get gsak to download logs onto my garmin nuvi 205. I have been working on this for weeks. I followed the directions on the website. I can't seem to get my poi loader into my garmin. It gives me 50 poi from california.


    I just checked out geobuddy and it also will not download logs or even names or cordinates.


    Frustrated in ellensburg. I would like to talk to someone directly who knows how to work one of these programs. So please e-mail me if you are close. Me and my family would be very grateful.


    Message sent.

  6. No, it is a limitation of Mapsource that you can only view one mapset at a time. If I would ever get off my sitting part and finish Northwest Topos, you would get all of the data (roads, contours, hydrology, etc. along with the content of Northwest Trails) in a single mapset, though.


    Hey Jon,


    Just an idea here...


    Is there any way to break it up (Northwest Topos) into chunks and have multiple people/machines working on it at the same time. I'd be willing to do some of the work...


    I'm using Washington Topos that I downloaded from www.gpsfiledepot.com. It works fine, and I appreciate that those guys (whoever they are) put it together, but it's not that polished. You could do much better, and with people helping with some of the more mundane stuff... you get the idea...




  7. so did anyone ever answer the question "can i view NW Trails with topo" in mapsource? i love this product and it would be very handy if i could do that.


    Mapsource doesn't support viewing multiple maps (which I think is kind of lame). It's a "Duh" kind of thing to me. You can look at your topo's with out your trails, or you can look at your trails without you topo's.


    What would be even cooler, is if you could put the NWTrails in to Google Earth. But you can't do that either.


    If there's a particular trail that you want to see in Mapsource, check www.redtrails.com, to see if they have a *.gpx for that trail available. Download, then drop that into Mapsource. It works pretty good...



  8. We will be in Fairbanks, AK on July 29/30, 2009 and would like to meet up with a cacher to spend some caching time with. We are ending our vacation in Fairbanks and will be departing from the airport in the late afternoon. Someone with a car who could also get us to the airport would be a premium. Contact us through our caching name (Willie & Wilma Bobo) is you have an interest in this request.


    Hey Willie (not sure if you wanted me to use your real name, so I didn't),


    Sort of off topic here...


    Make sure you save your track data and submit it to the NW Trails project.




    Hope you have a nice trip. You're going to have an awesome time.


    I think a grand loop would be from Fairbanks to Delta Jct, down to Paxton, over to Cantwell, then back up to Fairbanks.


    I'm jealous.


    Whatever you do, be safe.



  9. OK , so I read about the first 50 or so posts, and maybe the last 20... I just don't have the time to read the whole ~240 posts.


    Has this place been found? Are there Lat and Lon numbers available?


    What about NWTrails?


    Or shall I not worry about it because there might be ghosts there? Or maybe the boogie man?

  10. I've been playing with my new Oregon for a few months now. I hope someone can help me with some easy questions that I can't seem to find answers for ....


    1. How do I delete all the caches that I've entered?


    2. How do I do multicaches on the Oregon? I'm not sure how to go about to add in points two and three. I'm bringnig my old gps and my new gps and the dog, my hands are full LOL, help would be much appreciated :)


    Websited that might describe how to create pocket caches ... I currently add one geocache at a time to my Oregon - sigh - and would love to learn how to add a whole group at one time!!!


    Thanks so much in advance for all the help and advice -


    Michele, still an Oregon newbie


    If you connect you unit to the USB cable and look into the \\garmin\gpx folder that is where all the caches that you loaded went to. Just delete them, then reboot the thing and they'll be gone.


    As for the multi caches, you probably just have to create a waypoint on the fly...


    You might want to check out Scott's site. It's a great resource for the Oregon.




    Read this as well:




    That will keep you busy...


    Have fun.



  11. I got a lot of good advice in this thread...and just wanted to update that I did get the Oregon 400t. I took it out today for my first cache and it literally plopped me right on top of it! I think I'll be very happy with it!


    Congratulations! Now you have lots more to learn. Pocket Queries, GSAK, Profiles, Rechargeable batteries etc... Have fun. Oh, and get a screen protector. And of course City Nav for driving... Then there's the maps at gpsfiledepot.com...................

  12. I have really done it now. I was deleting and adding maps to my oregon 400t last night and I managed to delete my Topo map. I have successfully load CN on the micro SD so I do have something to work with.


    I did a diagnostic test and I see that the map checksum has failed. When I look at available maps, CN is there but no Topo.


    Does anybody have any recommendations?





    The Topo map is just a file named gmapprom.img that is 2,767,168KB (2.7GBytes). When you hook your unit to the PC via the USB, you'll see the file in \\Computer\Garmin Oregon (X:)\Garmin folder. The file isn't "locked" or anything like that. If you knew anyone that has an Oregon, you could copy their file. Have them burn it to a DVD or something. Maybe ask the people at REI if you can bring your laptop into the store and copy the file from one of their display units. There's no guarantee Gramin can fix the file remotely. If you have to send the unit back to Garmin it'll be gone for several week minimum.


    Good Luck.

  13. Not that $30 per year is going to break my bank, but I did not know that cache hints and details would not show up on my Oregon 300 unless I upgraded to premium. I assumed they would load automatically. I was bummed when I went to look for one today and tried to look at the details and it stated that they were only available to premium members.


    My question is, is there another way to get the hints and details of a cache WITHOUT becoming a premium member?


    I'm new to this, and did not realize there would be an extra cost involved (not an excessive cost by any means) to start my truly "paperless caching".


    Thanks for the help. :(


    You can also go here and download individual cache .gpx files that include descriptions, hints, logs, etc...




    It's time consuming and tedious to load individual caches. Plus you'll quickly run up against the 200 .gpx file limit. With a premium membership you can download Pocket Queries with up to 500 caches in each .gpx file.

  14. I just bought an Oregon 300 and am a tad disappointed. It seems that it takes me right past the cache for 20m or so, then says I passed it. Reminds me of my old Magellan. LOL. I am a bit confused over the compass though. The setting is for Auto or Off. What does this do? Which setting is better?


    For all things Oregon:




    Look on the left sidebar for the Compass info...


    Oh, you might consider upgrading to SW V2.98 as well.


    Congrats on the purchase, you're going to love it.




    I found 2.98 but can't run it on a Mac. Is there a way around this??


    Download the Oregon_WebUpdater__298.gcd file from here:




    Rename the file to:




    then copy it to your /garmin directory on your Oregon.


    Reboot and it will load the 2.98 SW


    Look here:




    Specifically at the GCD Based Upgrades section


    for more information.




  15. I just bought an Oregon 300 and am a tad disappointed. It seems that it takes me right past the cache for 20m or so, then says I passed it. Reminds me of my old Magellan. LOL. I am a bit confused over the compass though. The setting is for Auto or Off. What does this do? Which setting is better?


    For all things Oregon:




    Look on the left sidebar for the Compass info...


    Oh, you might consider upgrading to SW V2.98 as well.


    Congrats on the purchase, you're going to love it.




    Note you can always carry multiple SD cards with different databases and swap them around. Pretty cheap and easy solution if you aren't using the SD cards for maps (or you can preload all of your cards with the same maps if they aren't locked maps).



    Couldn't you load, say, 5 different SD cards with your one legal copy of City Nav (a locked map), then each of the 5 different cards with a unique collections or gpx files, and swap at will (into the same GPSr of course, that the map is locked to) depending on what gpx you want to see?


    Yes and No. If you have CN on DVD and your PC you could create multiple cards. However, I have CN on the prebuilt microSD. I have not been able to make a backup card.



    That makes sense.


    Any scheme where we could have more information (caches, gpx files etc...) the better.


    How do they get 5000 on the 550/550T?


    The 2000caches/200gpx files seems like like a artificially imposed limit. Maybe they knew they were going to offer 5000 on the next model...


    Note you can always carry multiple SD cards with different databases and swap them around. Pretty cheap and easy solution if you aren't using the SD cards for maps (or you can preload all of your cards with the same maps if they aren't locked maps).



    Couldn't you load, say, 5 different SD cards with your one legal copy of City Nav (a locked map), then each of the 5 different cards with a unique collections or gpx files, and swap at will (into the same GPSr of course, that the map is locked to) depending on what gpx you want to see?

  18. I'm one of the 200 as well. Seeing the caches in GE was awesome.


    Anyone that compares requesting a PQ, waiting for it to arrive via email, then dragging it into GE... vs. being able to pan around the earth endlessly, having access to the cache icons, then left clicking, then clicking "view cache details" to bring up the web page... they must be out of touch... I mean really, are you kidding me?


    Several ideas have been offered. One that seems to have the most promise was only allow the cache queries to the server if you are below a certain zoom level... I'm sure there were others.


    If it's a bandwidth issue, optimize... the randomization of the caches probably took the most processing (and what was that for anyway if you don't do in in google maps?)


    Bottom line is: it's a useful tool to way more than the 200 PAYING CUSTOMERS that you state. If it's not working well, fix it, don't abandon it.

  19. My 2cents:


    I bought a Sony 4 unit NiHM AA/AAA battery charger as well as their batteries. They've been fine. I get ~16 hours out of them on the OR 400T (15sec time out and batt sav enabled).


    The charger itself has the swing out AC prongs, so it sits right on the wall when charging batteries. The prongs retract for storage or tranportation which is nice. The charger also has a built in timer (7 hours with LED indicator) for optimal battery charging/longevity.


    As for battery shelf life in the Oregon, it's not going to be good. Even when the unit is "off" it's not really "off". The CPU goes into a reduced instruction set low power mode, the display and receivers are off as well. I imagine it would only last a week or so...


    Good Luck

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