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Posts posted by Ladybugg

  1. Ok this to to those that think I am Pilty. The last time I look I didn't have anything hanging between my legs and I do I would like to know how I missed it. As for me coming straight to this topic I have been looking of geo-caching for the last week or so and thinking about doing it so I thought I would join and see what kind of people I was going to be dealing with and I had noticed a lot of cache sites that seemed forgotten by their owners so this topic caught my eye. Yes I agree with Pilty mainly because I am not a old [expletive deleted by moderator] stick in the mud that can't handle change. All you [expletive deleted by moderator] have done is knocked and bashed Pilty for asking a simple question which would force owners to take care of their caches or lose them and if they get mad at that well they all can go to where the sun don't shine and as far as me doing this I don't think so I want to join a group where everybody's opinion accounts. Go ahead check my IP address you will see that it is not the same as Piltys and I bet you checked right now he is on. As far Pilty's opinion it is right on the money.

  2. I have gone back and read some of the replies from all and I don't see where anyone has the right opinion that Pilty is speaking angry but stating his opinion and asking others theirs. I do how ever see where he is being threatened with MIA. No one can make us angry unless we let them so if you don't like what he says when don't read his posting. You have that choice. I fully agree with him about this issue. I think that the owners should be made to be held accountable for the caches. But from what I am seeing they not. Why should we have to muddle thru the non-activite ones to get thru to the good ones when they can be archived for the time until they are re-activated.

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