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Everything posted by JavaDuck
I think Gig Harbor has a few caches that will be fun to sit back and watch others find. Some of the tougher evil hides I have found quickly, others not so lucky. Green Light at the Tides will be another fun one to watch. Near a corner that can be quite busy at times. The Old Ferry Landing is another great one as well!
Hi Travis! I was going through the first draft of the cache machine and noticed hunt #22 QFC-Quite Fearless Cache is on the schedule around 10 am. I haven't found this one yet, but do know it is set up as a night cache, though some have found it during the day. Then hunt 29 Wilkenson Farm is temporaily disabled right now. Other wise the list looks good! Gig Harboe has some great caches and some creative hiders! I see a lot I have yet to do. So I plan on being there!
I'm thankful for my family, my friends, and the many fellow cachers I have met in the past year. I am especially thankful to my close friends, who even though think I am crazy, put up with my geocaching addiction.
I like the idea of staying in Gig Harbor and doing night caches. Have yet to do a night caches. Well, ok I have done one at night (Bloated Festering Head). I know all to well about the bridge. THankfully I go the opposite way of rush hour traffic.
Hi! I love puzzle caches. I have seen puzzles based on cryptograms, simple to challenging. These appear to be the most common. Figure out the key and you can solve it. Finding the key is often the challenge. I have also seen puzzles based on trivia, answer the questions and use the information to get the coordinates. I have also seen puzzles where the coordinates are hidden somewhere on the page. I have a puzzle cache based on dice (A Dicey Hunt). I, like many other cachers, will give you a hint in helping you solve the coordinates and will confirm if you have the right answer. I am also in the process of developing a multi puzzle cache.
Well, I never realized my suggestion of Godfather's would cause such a stir. Sounds like there are fellow geocaching beer drinkers out there. If there is a better place for beer, I am all for that. What is the restaurant that is near the Park N Ride. I know you can see it from 16. Something cafe, I've had lunch from there and it was pretty good food. I'm not sure about price or if they serve beer. Just another suggestion to throw out. Now, if we are opening suggestions to Tacoma as well. There is the Rock (a pizza place)near the UW Tacoma campus. I was there this past weekend and it was pretty good pizza and good beer too.
Hi Travis, I work in Gig Harbor, but live in Federal Way. Give me a day or two and I will think of some possilbe locations for dinner. Criminal may have some ideas as well since he lives in that area. One suggestion that comes right to mind is Godfather's pizza in Gig Harbor. I attended a birthday party for Nana Bear there. I'm going to have to start finding something else to do during my lunch break, so I have some caches to hunt for the cache machine now.
I plan on attending even though I have found a lot of the caches in the Gig Harbor area. I work there and spend a lot of my lunch areas caching. It will be fun to sit back and watch people hunt some very creative caches in the area. Looking forward to the event!
Congrat again to GeoDiver. I'm bummed I missed the get together. I was planning on attending, but other plans came up. Congrats to all the other milestones too. Esp the 100 finds without a GPS, way to go!
Congrats GeoDiver on 500! It is always a pleasure to see you at events. Glad you were there on our Halloween night when I hit 100!
Hi Fellow Midnight Swamp Geocachers! Thanks again for an unforgetable hunt. Like many others this and for a long time will be in my top 10. I was telling people today about my adventure and they looked at me like I was crazy (perhaps I am, just a bit). I just saw the pictures that GeoRoo and Misguided took! Thanks for capturing our adventure. Thanks to Totem Lake to for allowing me to ride along.
Looks like I am first of the party to post a report safely from the comfort of my computer chair. The trip to visit poor Mr. Thomas was quick with only a few problems. Some of us felt the presence of Peg trying to pull us down and scare us away. We contiuned on, with Misguided One leading the way. We made it to Mr. Thomas in short order and it was sad to say he had nothing to say. He just stared off into the darkness. We took pictures and waited in hope of Ellylidan paying us a visit. Guess Ellylidan was off preparing for Halloween. We heading back out, and Peg was more forceful this time. Tugging at our boots and causing branches to scratch and snap at us. We twisted and turned, but eventually saw GeoDive guiding us in with a light. We emerged from the swamp, glad to have safely venture in the lair of Peg and Ellylidan. We headed off to celebrate an incredible adventure. Thanks fellow midnight swamp cachers for an unforgettable 100th find!
8 months and 11 days ago I found my first cache. Tonight with 5 fellow cachers (Misguided One, GeoRoo, Lil Blue, Totem Lake, and Kfam) I found my 100th cache. Yes, I feel sad for poor Mr. Thomas, however I had an amazing experience treking across a swamp at midnight (and on Halloween). I can't wait for #200!
I'll be there and ready to go face Peg and Ellylidan square in the eye. Just packing up some extra clothes so I have something that is not muddy or wet and my rubber boots so my toes stay dry. Then off to eat some food! So how many of us are going?
I will see Totem at the Park and Ride at 9:45. This is going to be #100 for me! What a way to celebrate find 100. Woo hoo! Let's hope this nicer weather hold outs!
Thanks Wander Lost, you beat me to it! I just plan on walking up to the park and ride. My car would be safer in my complex than at the park and ride. Lovely Federal Way. 9:45 sounds good to me Totem!
Totem. I just looked and there is on one 348th, the street I'm on, probably about a mile and half from my apt. Hold on and let me see if I can find coordinates. The address is 901 S 348th.
I guess I should clarify my last post. I must be getting tired, spent a day with kids on a sugar high! If I can't find my rubber boots, need to go out and get a new pair, don't want wet feet even though I'm a duck!
So Totem, what time should we meet and where? I remember briefly meeting you after the WGSA meeting last weekend. Going to have to go look for my rubber boots, if not have an errand I can do tomorrow.
I'm still game for this, even as crazy as it sounds. The question is should I go buy some rubber boots or stick with my pair of hiking boots for the journey? I know I'm bringing extra socks and clothes for sure! Totem Lake, I would be up for car pooling. Again I'm in Federal Way and only like 2 miles from I-5 (near the Aquatic Center). I'll be gone tomorrow morning/afternoon planning on heading up to Seattle to try and conquer Nellie Does Green Lake. I should hopefully be home by 2 or 3.
Ok, any recommendations on what to wear? I know its a swamp, but how much of a swamp? That last picture, being wet up to the chest, maybe higher for me since I'm shorter means perhaps we should all wear bubble suits! Heheheh
Hi all! I've been keeping my eye on this one myself. Hey it could potentially be number 101 for me (maybe 100). Anyone interested in riding together? I'm in Federal Way.
I like the snow, just hate driving in it. I'm thinking the Tunnel cache and the others up there will have to wait until spring. Right now Dr. Nellie does Green Lake is looking like it will be #100. Working on the puzzle right now, so I know where to start. Have an idea, just not sure it is right!
Yeah, there are 3! Tunnel of Light (but may have to wait for spring for that one), Dr. Nellie's Greenlake, and the new Mission Impossilbe. Choices, choices, choices.
After a day of caching in Pt Defiance Park, I'm now less than 10 to my 100th find. I'm currently at #93. If everything works out right, hoping to have 100 next Saturday.