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Posts posted by AuntieWeasel

  1. There were very few of these in New England. I'm seeing many more in Olde England.


    I don't think I've ever done one. I do the stages in the wrong order and not on the same day and lose my notes and generally don't have the attention span for it.

  2. Yes it is a card in a CD plastic case....and no Cache.....as in no nothing......


    Not good...


    It happens. With luck, whoever it is will get bored and move on. Especially if he's not getting a lot of feedback. Whoever it is hopes to get his jollies ruining your fun; don't let him.


    Meanwhile -- places to hide new caches!

  3. There are half a dozen within a mile of me. Somebody recently hit the closest town and peppered it with film can micros. I'll get them. Most of them, before they vanish.


    There are also a lot of churchyard micros within a few miles. I HATE those, so I'll probably never do them.

  4. As for stealth...you need to be as stealthy as you need to be.


    If you're way out in the woods and there's not another soul around for a mile, you don't need to be the slightest bit stealthy.


    If you're at the intersection of Main and Elm at rush hour feeling up a wrought-iron fence for a film can...pretty stealthy.


    Being Last To Find is a pretty wretched feeling.

  5. There was a time in my caching career when I took great pleasure in being the Cache Fairy and sprucing up caches that had gotten worn down. Fresh baggies and a bit of new swag. Trashing out the naff bits. Paper toweling out the insides if they were smelly. I went out for one or a few caches per trip, so it was something else to get gratification from.


    There's all kinds of ways to enjoy the game.

  6. Please don't be put off posting photos! Most cache owners love photos in logs (and most of your fellow cachers do, too).


    On the other hand, please don't be a moron like me. I once celebrated completing a particularly difficult multi by posting a picture of my hand triumphantly holding aloft the log book.


    A friend had to write and tell me that the coords of the final were written on the cover and perfectly legible. I don't know how many people short-circuited that multi because of me.

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