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Everything posted by grossi

  1. I'm carpooling from the north end with AnalogDog.
  2. I wish I'd visited nolenator's Peace and Quiet cache a little later in the day--I might have been able to witness Pepper finding her 2700th cache if I had! Pepper, it's not necessarily your last Washington milestone...you do take vacations, right?
  3. Wow, LittleBlue and hydensek! I'm having trouble remembering what I used to do with my free time before geocaching. Can the two of you remember?
  4. Now that Wienerdog spilled the beans, I'll add my congrats for jcar. I sure wish I had such adorable models to photograph at my milestones, jcar! Speaking of milestones, and Wienerdog, a person's first time caching would be considered a milestone, right? Through an amazing series of coincidences and then perhaps fading memory followed by recovered brain cells, Wienerdog and I both remembered that the first time I went geocaching in January 2004 was at a social studies workshop. Guess who let me use his GPSr the first time I tried caching? That's right, it was Wienerdog (and WonderLost and DiscoCry) who introduced me to the wide world of geocaching. Thank you!
  5. Kudos to the North End CITO King on 200!
  6. Carkeek Park is such a glorious place to be, and it has one of the oldest active caches in Washington State. Congrats, Glitche Ente, on finding cache number 500 at that historic location. Too bad I didn't get a chance to meet everyone at the Terrace Park CITO event. Maybe next time.
  7. Congrats, Allanon! To mark the occasion, here's a Shannara quotation for you: "I only feel truly alive within the vast wilderness of the Northland, for it is only when I am lost within her unforgiving embrace that I find true serenity."
  8. Way to go, MiketheFiddler! This is a bit late, but kudos to LittleBlue for 900 (maybe I should've just waited a couple of days and congratulated her on entering the four digit club ). I also just noticed that andrewrj now has 200 finds!
  9. I'm looking forward to this night hunt whenever it happens!
  10. Patudles, many happy returns on that millennial milestone!
  11. Thanks! I like to think of laughs I've had and the new friends I've made during those 400 finds. On Sunday, when I passed 400 with my son while caching along Highway 2, tolmaus flew by 500. Congrats!
  12. I wish I could have been there to see this one: k7-wave bagging his 1300th find at "The River's Edge" during the Wenatchee Cache Machine. Way to go, Tom!!
  13. Thanks for initiating this thread, Patudles. I'm heading over to Wenatchee soon, and I'll take everyone's comments into account while I plan my own mini-machine!
  14. It looks like evergreenhiker! (#2300) and cache ahead (#600) had a milestone adventure today in the rain. Two true Northwesterners! Just noticed that Blindleader found his 1300th cache at Write it Yourself! a couple of days ago.
  15. Myshoes reached cache #300 today at the Lost Cache!
  16. Fishiam visited The Lodge today for his 200th find!
  17. Wow, EGH! But, wait a minute...I thought you told me it wasn't about the numbers anymore...
  18. OldBaldEagle and Ol' Nevcowpok are both past 200 now! Congrats to both of the self-proclaimed Oldies!
  19. This really was the milestone weekend, wasn't it? I've been waiting to post this for a while: in the company of family and friends, jcar reached #500 at nolenator and kevinator's "Lincoln Logs in Lincoln Park." How fun!!
  20. Another February 12th milestone: At one of my hides, AnalogDog reached his 100th cache only six weeks after he started caching! Congrats to everyone on this busy caching weekend.
  21. It was so fun to be part of a three-milestone day! Congrats to tolmaus on reaching 400 at Blind Umpires "Thoughts of Younger Days." We weren't leaving Gig Harbor until tolmaus hit that mark! I found my 300th at Nana Bear's "Finholm View - No Climb." Didn't I say a three-milestone day? Well, certainly! Evergreenhiker! found his 2200th cache at Squirtle's "Homestead Park#4."
  22. I just noticed that Mr. Rubber Ducky now has 400 finds. Congrats, Glitche Ente!
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