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Posts posted by attono

  1. I am still having this problem. I placed a new cache yesterday, got the publish notification, but it has been found at least twice now and I haven't received the typical emails I get with all my other caches when people post log entries.

  2. It`s not just one reviewer that feels this way - from comments made by others, it seems that most reviewers and Groundspeak staff feel that "honoring the fallen" is an agenda.

    It's one of the agendas which comes up the most often, and is most widely discussed among the reviewers. There's no special rule about it. The President of Groundspeak is a proud US Air Force veteran, by the way.


    Seems to me that the issue at hand is that GS uses a sloppy definition for the term "social agenda". How hard would it be to select a dictionary definition and publish it within the guidlines so that there is no question of what constitutes a "social agenda".

    That would be easy. But defining the word "agenda" (which goes way beyond "social agenda") is not the issue. However you define it, you will still have the problem of determining whether any set of words which might be used on the cache page, constitutes an agenda.


    Two rules of thumb which I use when reviewing are:

    - Does the wording contain an imperative verb or emotion-laden adjectives and nouns: "Take a moment to think about our fallen heroes". Simple, declarative statements of fact are more likely to pass muster: "A number of US soldiers are buried here". 99.9% of Americans will fill in the "fallen hero" bit for themselves.

    - Would anyone object if the sentence in question were negated: "Ignore the stupid dead people" would not be a good thing to write.

    And yes, these rules of thumb are neither universally applicable nor complete. That's life.


    That's fair and I understand what you're saying. Then why not publish those as the guidlines? Understand that there ought to be some leeway to allow the reviewers to apply common sense, but if this issue keeps coming up and generating this level of rancor, then why not update the guidlines so that everybody understands what is and isn't allowable. As it stands, the phrase "social agenda" is wide open to subjective interpretation, which is why the discussion continues. Provide a better definition of what you mean (you being GS) so that everybody has a better understanding of what is and is not acceptable and the debate becomes moot.


    I'm relatively new here, but am quite surprised at the level of combativeness in these forums for what I had presumed was a hobby among folks who had some shared comaraderie.

  3. Seems to me that the issue at hand is that GS uses a sloppy definition for the term "social agenda". How hard would it be to select a dictionary definition and publish it within the guidlines so that there is no question of what constitutes a "social agenda".


    As it is, it looks like the volunteer reviewer has decided that honoring the fallen is some sort of agenda.


    Seems that the GS intent is good, but the execution is not.

  4. Is there any way to add the "map it" feature to the preview results section of the pocket query? It would be nice to be able to generate the query, preview the list, and then look at the returned results in the Google map window, like you do whe you search for cahces by zip code. That way you'd save a new search without the PQ.


    As it is now, you do the PQ and then have to go back and do the search after entering the same attributes all over again.

  5. Good golly, I don't understand all the hubbub over a cache folks don't own, won't look for, have no involvement in. My hat's off to you sailor, for persevering through all of this nonsense.


    Yes, I know I'm new to caching and new to the forums, but isn't the whole point of the thing to have fun and make new friends? Seems like some lightening up is in order...


    We've been looking for a dive spot for this summer and have talked for several years about diving the blue hole. I might have to go look for this one if for no other reason than to swap out the Obama button with a Bush/Cheney button... :)

  6. Just placed a cache yesterday and almost immediately, there was a note posted to it which I don't understand.


    "I would already be on the road for this except I need to keep my finds where they are to reach a milestone next week on an MML cache that will also complete my passport for the GC in the series. 9:30 AM TFTC"


    What would be the point of posting a note like that?

  7. Yes, but 123 45.678 creates a little wrinkle...


    Now 12.34567 is a different story.


    It's a pretty interesting puzzle, but is beyond my meager skills. Now I have another part of the hobby to learn about. Thanks!!! :)

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