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Posts posted by Rygel
Yeah, I have that. With that it just loads the coords and no info. The GSAK and POI method on a PC loaded all the cache info as well.
I haven't been able to find a way to do this. I've done it with GSAK and the POI Loader for Garmin. Is there a way to add geocaches (and associated info) to a Nuvi via a Mac?
Is the Geomate jr able to add Pocket Queries yet?
Their website has basically been the same since launch and is not real informative.
What's the story on the update kit? I guess my definition of "Available Soon" differs greatly from Apisphere's.
Well, we are finally set up for Paypal. If you would like a coin or coins please PM your address.
We'll be sending the coins by USPS with Delivery Confirmation for actual cost of shipping.
Coins are $10.00US a piece.
If you'd like a shipping quote before ordering please let me know.
This just happened to me. I generated a route from Malone, NY to Old Forge, NY with a 5 mile radius filtered for caches I have not found and are active with a 500 cache limit.
This is what I get:
I then did a PQ with just caches around Old Forge, which as I suspected turned up caches that should have been along the route.
Then I came here and found this topic.
So, almost a month after being noticed and no update from GS? I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
Sample is in:
I expect the coins in hand on or around July 1st. We're charging $10 per coin plus shipping and packaging.
Roughly, $6.00 of every coin will be a donation, the rest covers cost of production.
Has anyone done a draw layer of the grids for the NY Delorme Challenge?
I see one was done for Washington State. Seems like it would be could to load into something like Topo 7 and use for planning a grid completing trip.
I'm getting this error right after I click on the button to run POI:
Error log: 5/13/2009 6:49:29 PM GSAK
MacVersion = 7.4.1
MacDescription = Export GPX files by cache type w/spoiler pics for POI Loader
MacAuthor = jjreds thanks to cron/pilotsnipes/Clyde/Kai Team/Lignumaqua
MacUrl = http://jjreds01.googlepages.com/download
Current Macro: C:\gsak\Macros\GPX_by_Cache_Type.gsk
Error in Macro at line: 2166
$GPSr_Model = GPSInfo("GarminModel")
Error=> Incorrect close tag in element Location
Macro will now abort
I have a nuvi 265WT
Hi Rygel,
Be sure to post it on the your local forums as well.
Will do!
Threads merged for the OP.
Reminder that we keep to a "one coin, one thread" rule. Please keep all information about this coin in this single thread so that:
1) There are not multiple threads on the same coin (one for artwork, one for pricing, one for shipping, etc.)
2) All information is in one place for your 'customers'
Since you are doing this for the first time, keep this is mind:
Many people will express interest in the coin but not have budget/money for it when it actually comes out. This is not meant to be mean-spirited, but a reality when things are not paid for upfront (which has it's own issues).
Also, not everybody that is interested will see this thread and post that they are.
What I'm trying to say is: If this coin is important to you - do it. Don't count on the responses here to make your final decision for you.
The coin is a definite go. I was just curious what kind of interest there was as our initial run is only 100 coins. We'll also be selling them at Special Olympic events which will hopefully generate questions about geocaching and get more people involved around this area.
Hi all,
Thanks to the generous offer from Jim Berk at The Caching Place the Special Olympics New York Area 27 fund raising coins are becoming a reality.
Attached is the final design. Just wondering how many people would be interested in these coins at $10 per coin?
All profits would go to New York State Area 27 and would provide funds for athletes uniforms, transportation, equipment, etc.
Hi all,
I have a basic design for a coin for our local Special Olympics but I need someone with a little more skill then me to clean up the design.
Would anyone be willing to do that? I have jpeg and psd files of the front and back.
Hi, Rygel --
I'd be happy to help, if you don't mind someone whose daytime work period is in the middle of the USA's night. : )
If you'd like my help, shoot me an email through my profile and we'll talk. I don't mind if you go with someone else, if you've already been approached or would rather go with one of the other (more established) designers.
In either case, I'm looking forward to seeing your coin!
Thanks, I actually have someone. I went with who contacted me first.
Thanks, to all who responded!
Hi all,
I have a basic design for a coin for our local Special Olympics but I need someone with a little more skill then me to clean up the design.
Would anyone be willing to do that? I have jpeg and psd files of the front and back.
I'm not savy in the ways of car designs for the Nuvi so forgive me if this is a dumb question.
I have a Marley and Me car going now. If I use this do I lose my car or can I do the circle with the red dot in 2D but keep Marley in 3D?
Thanks for the awesome tutorial.
This should work on a 265WT, shouldn't it?
How about this idea:
Add one button with the function of downloading all .gpx (or .loc) files of caches in the designated fixed view map. As a pocket query "as seen"?
Kind Regards
The google maps already have a selection to download the caches as a PQ. Just what you asking for?
Wow, I never noticed that!
We're waiting for a PQ since yesterday, too.
But, even without the PQ, we wouldn't waste anytime looking for a cache that isn't there. It really doesn't take long to run through the list of caches we are going to visit and determine when they were last found or if they have been archived.
No doubt that this will be fixed. It's really a minor inconvenience. I'm always amused at those who paid the $30 annual fee and seem to think that they deserve 24/7 tech support 365 or so days a year. Given the services we do get, $30 is a bargain.
Due the distance I have to travel to get to caches its not feasible for me to check each one before we go. We may head in one direction but be stopped by snow and have to go somewhere completely different several miles away.
This problem has been ongoing and recurring for some time. I expect there to be problems but I also expect a response from GS.
There are several threads going on this and there has been no recent response from GS with any type of explanation.
They've got our money and know we really have no decent alternative but to use this site if we want to geocache.
This issue should be sticky and in the Announcements section.
I am now off to cache with an outdated PQ. I wonder how much time I'll waste looking for a cache that isn't there?
I generated a "My Finds" query today around 1PM and am still waiting to receive it in my gmail acct. I have since generated other PQ's and have received them. Bummer that I need to wait for seven days to try this again. Wish I could re-download the "My Finds" GPX in the meanwhile.
Funny. It just hit the My Finds button and that one came right away, but my one from 10am this morning hasn't.
How do I get my PQ for caching tomorrow? I'm East Coast and want to go out on the morning. I usually load up the devices before I go to bed so I can just go.
Now, I'll have to pray I get a PQ sometime tonight then screw around in the morning loading 3 gps, losing time and losing FTFs!
My PQ says it ran at 4/10/2009 10:29:51 AM and I have not received it.
I just queued up my My Finds and that came right away.
I'm on the East Coast, so I'd like to have a fresh PQ to load tonight so I can be out the door tomorrow morning.
It's 11:52pm here now so I guess I'm SOL.
This seems to be a recurring problem that is not being taken seriously.
My main query says it ran at 4/10/2009 10:29:51 AM server time. It is now 7:37PM server time and I haven't received it yet!
It seems as though they should put these issues to vote on the main page. Especially for those of us that pay for this service.
Exactly what I was thinking!
I think this is a fantastic idea! Too bad I live too far away!
Cache Along A Route busted?
in How do I...?
So, I've been gone awhile. Does the Cache Along a Route option no longer work? I get the attached error after putting in my start and stop locations. Also, I can't seem to see a way to select start/stop from the map as mentioned in the instructions. I'm using Safari for a browser if that matters. Thanks.