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Trinity's Crew

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Everything posted by Trinity's Crew

  1. Hi, my name is Joe and I am a Travel Bug abuser... It all started innocently enough, you know, take a bug from one cache move it to another. It was fun. Then it happened... I took "Fitz & Giggles" from a cache in Atlantic City to bring it back to Baltimore, but something happened. I got caught up in other things, family, illness, work, home projects. Before I knew it 9 or 10 months had passed and I hadn't geocached in all of that time. The poor bug languished in my bag, pining for an opportunity to travel, as God intended. I thought about it from time to time, but never made the time to do the right thing. I don't know why. When I finally released it, ten months later, my guilt and shame made me vow not to take another bug, no matter what. It only took three weeks before I broke down. I found a cache with a YJTB in it. I had to have it! I selfishly grabbed it from a cache in PA. But one wasn't enough! I took "Mandy Spears" from that cache too! I tried to justify it, you know. Everybody does it, it's no big deal. I did okay for a while, moving bugs along pretty quickly. I even added a laminated card spelling out the remaining goals for "Mandy Spears" in the hope that she could finish her journey and get back home. I held the YJTB too long, but I justified that in my own mind by saying, "It doesn't REALLY belong to a person." and to assuage my guilt, I even emailed the "owner" telling them it would be a little while before I released the Jeep. Not surprisingly, I got no response. I released the Jeep into my own cache after the FTF crowd blew through. I was feeling pretty good. I thought I had it all under control. Then, in May, I found a Geocoin. It was all pretty and shiny. I took it! Heck, I sought it out, knowing I don't cache much in the summer. I was a fool. Before I knew it 2 months had passed. I missed an opportunity to move it to CT in June because in my haste, I didn't pack my SWAG. As if this wasn't bad enough, while in CT I found a small cache with a BIG bug in it. It's name was Bug-Bug and it was HUGE! It was way too big for the container. It was shoe-horned in so tightly that one of it's legs had been broken off and the cache lid wouldn't go on right. Part of me wanted to leave it. I knew that my caching activity would be greatly curtailed over the next few months. Another part of me wanted to take it. It's nice to move a bug several hundred miles and besides, this one was compromising the container. Now, four months later I still have Bug-Bug. I "virtually" dropped it and retrieved it after my son accidentally left it home when we went on a maintenance run to my cache. We did drop off the coin, only to have it come up missing from the cache after a short time. Oh sure, I emailed the owner and apologized for holding it too long. It doesn't help. I am a heel. I will release Bug-Bug this week. Please forgive me.
  2. I'm 45 years old and no stranger to the woods. I haven't had a reaction to poison ivy... yet.
  3. Or they could be targeting sites associated with geocaching intentionally.
  4. As the others have said, disable it for now. You can always archive it in a few weeks if things don't work out.
  5. I put a cache in a Maryland State Park and submitted it. I hadn't done my research and didn't realize that I needed written permission from DNR. Mtn Man informed me of the requirement and I printed the form... only to find out that the ammo can I used was not an approved container. I emailed Mtn Man back telling him that since I had found an ammo can in that very park I was unaware that they were "illegal" and that I would retrieve it. Well, the wording in my email sucked, and before too long I got this reply back: "We can leave your cache in limbo for the time being. Please do not remove the other person's cache. You can post a note on the cache page or send them an email or give me the cache ID and I will contact them. You should not remove their cache." Thanks! mtn-man I still laugh every time I think about it. He probably thought he had a real nut on his hands, ready to swoop in and remove the "illegal" cache! Anyway, I got my cache back, put it in Tupperware, put it back, faxed off my permit, and the rest is history!
  6. What I have seen in this thread are a LOT of polarizing comments about hunters and hunting. For the hunting haters - Most hunters are responsible individuals who know how to handle and discharge a fire arm. You don't understand why they want to hunt and you never will, but making them out to be a bunch of beer swilling yahoos who shoot anything that moves is just asking for a fight. For the hunters - Hunt responsibly and don't "shoot" your mouth off. Sorry, I couldn't resist.
  7. Are you saying MO caches attract a "better" class of geocacher? I know you said you weren't trying to be elitist, but using the term "riff-raff" to describe non-paying members sort of blows that argument. I would guess you do less maintenance to MO caches because they are visited less often. I am a PM because I enjoy geocaching and I think it is important to support the site that makes it all possible. I'm not sure how I feel about MO caches. I'm not inclined to use that feature at the moment, but I might change my mind if caches around me start being methodically destroyed as has happened in other areas.
  8. And now, on topic: Yes! It's prudent to wear day-glo safety orange when caching/hiking/cavorting/streaking in areas where people are hunting.
  9. Here's the link to the "Ringbone" thread: Ringbone thread For the record, I always thought oronma was another sock created by someone making fun of Ringbone. You know, pig latin for moron... oron-ma. Edited to add comment and fix link. Oops, too slow!
  10. Why does my phone say Ringtone? I think it's a male, but the 600 or so of you who read my unedited post already knew that. Edited to add guess.
  11. I edited my post to remove my guess, but based on the sub-title, (Hydee moonlighting?) I assumed that guessing was acceptable.
  12. By the way, I think ***edited to remove my guess because I didn't ask first*** is Quiggle. An alter-ego may not be necessary in ***edited to remove information that might allow you to guess who I thought it was and since I didn't ask, I thought I should remove it*** but might helpful in the general forums. Just my guess. Edited to remove my guess because, although you may not know it, I didn't ask permission.
  13. And at the risk of having my warning meter spiked, while Quiggle is polite, in my opinion, he/she comes off a bit heavy-handed at times. Maybe thats just because I enjoy the OCCASIONAL off-topic one-liner.
  14. To paraphrase one of my favorite lines from "The Life of Brian", I'm Quiggle, and so is my wife! Edit: Removed unwanted spaces.
  15. We had tried geocaching briefly in 2001 with my wife's brother - (2) DNF (which we didn't log... D'oh!) and one hide that my family and I placed on an island which went missing pretty quickly. When I got my own Etrex Legend for Christmas in 2003, I remembered how much fun we had caching. So, in early January 2004, I called up a friend and our families went caching together. I couldn't remember the name or password of the "old" account, so I just printed off a handful that were nearby, and went out the door. We found the first cache we looked for and, while writing in the log, we realized we didn't have a name. We named our group after my friends youngest daughter right on the spot. We found a few that weekend and I created an account to log our adventures online. My brother-in-law eventually remembered the old account information, and Jeremy has since merged the two accounts. (Thanks again!) The new account requirement wouldn't have stopped me from geocaching, it just would have slowed me down by a few minutes. Edit: Spelling
  16. Hmmm... He did mention in the log that briars were not his friend.
  17. I ran through a few possibilities in my head and the one that makes the most sense is God Bless. I'm going to assume it's that one because some of the others I thought of were just plain wrong!
  18. I recently had a "hit" on my cache and the finder signed the online log "TFTC & GB". I know that TFTC means Thanks for the cache, but what does GB mean?
  19. Brian, Is that a lock nut on the inside of the box? If it isn't it looks like you could turn the eye bolt (using the lock as leverage) and unscrew the entire assembly. A lock nut would prevent this.
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