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Trinity's Crew

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Everything posted by Trinity's Crew

  1. Great analogy, but it misses the mark a little bit. The problem is, it's not your brother who keeps giving you the orange socks, it's a different person giving you those socks each time. And they're not just giving those socks to you, they are giving them to anyone who wants them. If I didn't like the orange socks, or if I had so many pairs of them that I just didn't want any more, I think I'd stop going to get them. I don't have that many finds, and maybe I'll feel differently when (if) I close in on 1,000, but I hope I don't. If I start disliking the socks that I am given, it's time to stop accepting them. All this talk of socks has me pining for a few. Why does my sock say Ringbone? Edit: Grammar (some of it, anyway)
  2. I will have to respectfully disagree. I have seen quite a few threads where the OP was clearly just ticked off that their cache wasn't listed, even though it CLEARLY fell outside of the guidelines. Typically, the hider comes in with a chip on his/her shoulder and only presents the facts that support their claims. After all of the facts come to light, the forum community overwhelmingly sides with the reviewer, and after a tantrum from the hider, the thread gets locked. It hasn't happened in this thread. Posts have been very civil. The OP presented his case in a very even-handed manner. The bulk of the forum community agrees with the OP. This thread is the model for how the review process SHOULD work. I hope the reviewer takes this opportunity to re-think the decision, but even if (s)he doesn't, at least we got to talk about it. I think this thread has been great!
  3. Well, if we're voting, I think the cache does sufficiently incorporate the use of a GPS and should be approved. Of course, I'm nobody.
  4. Excellent post, Cool Librarian. What's with the pickle? (Just kidding. I already know. )
  5. I will have to disagree. Logging "DPM" is just wrong, in my opinion. It's an attempt to trash my cache with others who are "in the know" in the hopes that I won't understand it. If you don't like my cache, then by all means write it in the log. Straight out. Without codes. I won't delete that. And while you're at it, you might even want to tell me why. That's the key. Report what YOU experienced and explain why YOU didn't enjoy it. Don't say things like"Your cache stinks!" That is an attack and puts people on the defensive. Explain WHY you didn't like it, while keeping in mind that other cachers will like it. You're proving my point. You're requiring it to be sanitized to "your" liking in order for it to be there OR it gets deleted. So... instead of using other methods, you choose to delete. Have you tried the other methods? My guess is probably not if you're so quick on the trigger. I have never deleted a log. I stand by my posts. If you don't like my cache, have the stones to state it in plain English rather than try to sneak it past me. Besides you can always ask WHY your log got deleted. Then I can tell you. In code. Your log...DPM.
  6. I will have to disagree. Logging "DPM" is just wrong, in my opinion. It's an attempt to trash my cache with others who are "in the know" in the hopes that I won't understand it. If you don't like my cache, then by all means write it in the log. Straight out. Without codes. I won't delete that. And while you're at it, you might even want to tell me why. That's the key. Report what YOU experienced and explain why YOU didn't enjoy it. Don't say things like"Your cache stinks!" That is an attack and puts people on the defensive. Explain WHY you didn't like it, while keeping in mind that other cachers will like it.
  7. As I read this thread, words like "jaded" and "bored" came to mind. I'm not sure if that's what you're feeling, but that's what it made me think. I think you make a great point Sax. You may need to allow for the fact that the more you do this, the less likely you are to be really impressed by a hide. I have less than 120 finds, and I can honestly say that I have yet to find a cache that I didn't appreciate. Some are more clever than others. Some are hidden in nicer places than others, but so far, with each cache, I have appreciated the fact that someone took the time and effort to try to entertain me. My only current hide is a "lame" tupperware container 350 feet off of the trail, hidden in a hollow tree. I know it sounds familiar. It is like 90,000 other caches out there. I hid it because those are the types of caches I like to find. There is no real reason to bring you to this tree, but the hike along the river is relaxing and quite beautiful if you take the time to enjoy it. I try to keep it well stocked because my children are always excited to find a cache filled with a lot of trade items. If some people are unimpressed by my lack of imagination, then so be it. There are many others that will enjoy it. Having said that, if anyone EVER logs DPM on my cache(s) I'll be glad to delete their find. I wouldn't want them to re-live the horrible experience every time they look at their stats.
  8. Off Topic: If God didn't want us to eat animals then why did he make them out of meat? On topic: I agree, I haven't seen more than one or two PVC caches. Even if I was concerned about PVC, as far as geocaching is concerned, it's really not much of an issue.
  9. Here is a link to a news story about the bombs in Wisconsin. There is of course, no menton of a geocache being involved. Link. Edit: Fixed link.
  10. Well, IF it's true, it should slow down the FTF crowd a bit!
  11. Just make sure you get it right. If not, they tend to get ticked off!
  12. This is the dawning of the age of the geocache The age of the geocache The geocache..... The geoooocache... Sorry... flashbacks. Our core group consists of 5 children who range in age from 4 to 15, and four adults aged 27, 31, 42, and 45<(me)
  13. We have introduced quite a few people to geocaching. A few have started their own accounts and found caches on their own. Most haven't continued beyond a few finds. My niece is just getting started. She found 13 caches over the weekend. At that rate she'll pass me pretty quickly.
  14. Placing a cache IN a stone wall is definitely a bad idea and I have seen that discussed in a recent thread. I think your idea of a disclaimer for caches placed NEAR stone walls is a good one.
  15. It's spelled "red-handed" in probably a thousand different places all over the internet ... so why do people still spell it "red-headed"? It's mind boggling.
  16. I didn't log until later in the evening. I thought I should allow a little time to let the FTF have first crack. But no, it doesn't really matter. I just wondered whether anyone intentionally holds back from logging in order to entice others who like to be FTF. Edit: Removed some punctuation.
  17. I don't continually seek out first finds, but I have logged a couple. Today, while looking for lunch caches, I noticed a new cache with no finds just a few miles from my office, so another member of the Crew and I went to find it. By the time we found the cache, we were fifth or sixth to find. Anyway, when we got back to work, I logged on to GC.com to log the find. No one had logged it yet. I know it had only been about three hours since the first find, but it made me wonder. Do any of you intentionally wait to log your FTF to lure other FTF seekers out to the cache site?
  18. Go ahead and place it. The signal may be worse in the spring, but a crappy signal under a tree canopy is all part of the frustra... I mean, fun! Go for it!
  19. If the cache(s) are placed illegally, (i.e. no tresspassing areas) then by all means file an SBA. Life-threatening? That is in the eye of the beholder. I certainly won't be attempting any caches where you need to scuba dive or rock climb, because I am not trained (or inclined) to try these activties. However, I certainly wouldn't stop others who would like to try them.
  20. The problem with this logic is that the vast majority of cache placers, who hide caches on private property, in full view of store or restaurant patrons, don't get permission for their hides. Responsible owners, who have received permission to place caches, almost always note this in the cache description. When concerned cacher finders email these owners, they get rude replies and the typical. "If you don't like this type of cache, don't look for them!" Bookmarks can be used to express your displeasure. Cache at your own risk! That WAS my point. If you feel the need to inform a store manager about a game being played on their parking lot prior to looking for the cache, maybe you shouldn't look for the cache. As I said before, the majority of geocachers get no EXPLICIT permission to hide caches unless there is a legal requirement to do so. Now if your goal is to have the caches removed, because (hypothetically) you don't like a particular cacher, or parking lot micros, then by all means go tell the store manager about it. Just be prepared for rude replies from the owner. Oh wait... that was what you were concerned with in the first place.
  21. I think this is the part that has most people concerned. If you walked into any retail establishment and asked a manager if they were aware of a game being played on their property, the knee-jerk response will be overwhelmingly negative. They will not understand it and will err on the side of caution and ask that the game piece be removed. Some will say that permission should have been obtained prior to placing the cache, but the overwhelming majority of geocaches have no EXPLICIT permission to be placed where they are, nor is it normally required. If you are uncomfortable seeking these caches you shouldn't needlessly alarm the store manager, you should skip them entirely and email the owner with your concerns. As for some of the caches being hidden in retaining walls, I can't comment on that because I didn't see the placement of the cache.
  22. Oh, and I guess I can place my "hornets nest" cache now. I was looking for an "active nest" to place it near and I think I found it in this thread.
  23. I don't think it has to stop. In fact, if TPTB attempt to limit imaginative (legal) hides in the name of "safety" or "for our own good" I'm sure many people will be ticked off and you'll see a few threads in here titled "Where Does it Stop?" Edit: Added (legal). Edited again to make it funnier. (I hope)
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