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Boot Group

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Everything posted by Boot Group

  1. I teach in the same town that I live in. I can't go anywhere in my town without being recognized.
  2. Oops, sorry for the omission! One of my favorite women with whom to cache is Boot Group! awwwwww....thanks whoever you are...... Awwwwww. . .! Actually, my reply was just the tip of the iceberg. On the secret "inner cicrle" forum buried deep at the heart of this national gc.com forum, there is a whole forum thread entitled: Grown men who are fine and responsible citizens and good cachers but who do get weak-kneed at the mere mention of Boot Group's name or hearing that she was caching in their area. Simply amazing. I never heard of such an "inner circle" or forum thread. Odd.
  3. Wow, now I really feel special. lol shhhhh....don't tell my students
  4. Oops, sorry for the omission! One of my favorite women with whom to cache is Boot Group! awwwwww....thanks whoever you are......
  5. I can't believe you guys haven't mentioned me yet. geeeeeesh..
  6. Well, enjoy your coffee, Auntie. As I recall, it rained last Mother's Day weekend as well. We had a camping trip planned last year, and I called it off an hour before we were scheduled to leave because it was raining so much. I don't know if I'll get out caching today. I've got a huge pile of resumes to send out so that I can hopefully continue the insanity of teaching first grade. I may spend my day licking envelopes.....
  7. Can I come AW? I went today, and I didn't even melt.
  8. I always try to write a sentence or two about my cache experience. Now that I cache with friends most of the time, I usually have something funny to say about our caching adventures. As a cache owner myself, I know I like to read what people say when they log my caches. It doesn't have to be anything fancy or poetic, but a few sentences is nice. Sometimes, I'll even write a few paragraphs, depending on what I feel like doing.
  9. I am the geocacher in the family, and a woman. It started out as a family thing. It turns out my husband really is a city boy, and doesn't like to commune with nature. I'm just a country girl at heart...grew up in the woods, and can't get enough of being out there. I take my kids with me when I can talk them into going. Otherwise, I've made some nice friends through geocaching who enjoy it as much as I do. So, I try to cache with them as often as possible. I will solo cache on occasion. I won't go more than 1/4 mile into the woods alone though, for safety. I also carry a cell phone, whistle, and extra batteries always.
  10. I e-mail all the newbies that seem local to me to offer my welcome to the game/sport. Just call me the welcome wagon.
  11. I'm going to get snowshoes. I already picked them out. That ought to be a guaranty that it wont snow this winter.
  12. I just got a report that one of two lock & locks I placed is leaking, and all wet. The cache is about a year old. I'm going to have to go replace it this weekend. I, too, had heard that they are good containers.
  13. We didn't go caching on Thanksgiving. We're really looking forward to going today (the day after) with a bunch of local cachers who also have the day off.
  14. Trees are often a great way to place caches so that they are not on the ground, and buried under the snow. I have an ammo box hidden in a tree that splits in two directions at about eye level to an "average" sized adult. Lots of trees have nice hidey holes that are also not on the ground. If you place a snow accessible cache, you can use the attributes on the webpage to alert others that it is snow accessible. Of course snow shoes, and four wheel drive vehicles are helpful too, when the snow gets over a foot. I'm looking forward to snow caching again soon around here too. Good Luck
  15. Around here we've seen deer, eagles, hawks, one red fox in daylight. Otherwise, my kids can be heard coming from miles away, so we pretty much scare off any wild life.
  16. Well, that's good to hear. I mentioned it to my local council, and they had never heard of it.
  17. Page 1, 307 finds. I've "heard" it's 30 feet up a tree. Until I find someone to climb the tree, it will not be found by me.
  18. Once I alerted a local cache owner that I wanted to still seek a cache that he was thinking of archiving. I was pleased to find several home made CD's addressed to Boot Group when I found the cache a few days later. They worked great, and it was nice music too. He didn't end up archiving that cache after all.
  19. I revisited two caches this morning. One was to pick up a travel bug that is owned by a nice family we met while vacationing in Pennsylvania. The other was so that my son could "climb a mountain". Now there is a deluge outside. I'm so close yet so far from find #300.
  20. We made our Weimeraner a travel bug, so we can log his caching miles.
  21. In 292 finds, we've run into others exactly three times. We've met up with a bunch of people at caches, but only when it's the day of an event. So, I'd say it's not that common.
  22. Hmmm. Bullies. That's an interesting word. Bullies never think that their victim is actually a person. Shame on you all. Look it up.
  23. My husband heard about it at work. He told me about it and I thought he was nuts. I bought him a GPS for Christmas a few months later. Now me and "my" GPS are on the trails frequently. He now thinks I'm nuts. He's probably right.
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