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Everything posted by GRNZOOM

  1. I have been using Garmin Express to D/L caches to my two GPS's. Yesterday it wouldn't work... got this error message. "Request error. Problem with content being sent, Try later." I haven't done anything different.. Anyone have a fix for this? Thanks..
  2. Over the years I has to re create cache notifications (for some reason they stopped coming to my email). Now when a new cache is published, I get three notifications on the same cache. How can I fix this, and receive one notification per cache. Thanks... Nick
  3. We loved caching in Maui, we saw some amazing places that were off the beaten path.Maui caching isn't about the the hide, it's all about the location. In addition to the caches that Jack recommended we really enjoyed GC763, GC76F, GCJ9HF, GCZTZZ, GCY8G3,GC1E0WM,GC11Y5T and all of the virtuals. Have a great time. Nick & Sharon
  4. Glad you not done yet.... We made our hotel reservations already. Nick
  5. Congratulations to our Geocaching recruits the Simpson Clan. They reached 5,000 today!! I guess they arn't rookies anymore. Nick & Sharon Grnzoom
  6. I have a ram mount and don't use it. Taking it in and out for geocaching is a hassle. I just stick it between my legs on the seat. Nick
  8. If my 60csx is on for the day it will turn shut off two or three times. When I turn it back on it will go back to the original screen. This just stated to happen after about three years of use. Any idea why? Thanks.. Nick
  9. We had to dirve all the way to Carthage Missouri to find our 5,000th cache. GC1DPC8 It was worth it.. Nick
  10. Virtual caches are allowed.....? Let's hope the geo-gods bring back virtuals. Nick
  11. Virtual caches are allowed.....? Let's hope the geo-gods bring back virtuals. Nick
  12. Virtual caches are allowed.....? Let's hope the geo-gods bring back virtuals. Nick
  13. I just upgaded from CN V-8 to the 2010 version. I got 2010 on a SD card. My wife's Garmin, will still have V-8. We will be leaving for a 13 state caching trip soon. It will be interesting to see if 2010 is that much better than V-8. Nick
  14. For what it's worth.. I decided to get the SD card. I have CN V8 and never used the maping for trips, and we have taken lots of trips since I got my 60csx. If I ever want, I can pull the SD card and use the CN V8. Nick
  15. Thanks that what I wanted to know... move the maps ect. Why do you recommend against it? Nick
  16. I am thinking about buying CN 2010 on the SD card, not DVD. My question is, can I move the card from on Garmin GPS to another, or is there a code that will allow the card to be used in only one unit, like the DVD? Thanks... Nick
  17. You can use geocaching.com google map, does about the same thing. Nick
  18. Hey Skillet... Was Katie's Birthday Cache your 3600? Congrats... Nick & Sharon CONGRATS TO SKILLET ON 3600 FINDS. WE DID IT IN ESCONDIDO TODAY. CONGA RATS TO SKILLET ON 3600 FINDS!
  19. Very disapointed this tool is not avaiable any longer. Sure made trip planning more fun and easy. Iam just another little guy asking the gods to bring it back. Nick
  20. Thanks Paul... I'll give it a try... I am using a Palm but just though the Itouch might work as well. Nick
  21. Can I download cache files to the Apple Ipod Itouch? I head it can be done.. the info comes up on "notes" in the Itouch. Thanks..Nick
  22. As a cacher who does most caching around the SoCal area, I would like to say.. Yuma cachers ROCK. We have attended the last three Yuma Events along with several other San Diego Caches and we all enjoyed our caching and socializing in Yuma. We will be looking forward for next years event!! Nick & Sharon Grnzoom
  23. The rubber gasket around my wife's Garmin Legend HCX became very loose. When it was under warrantee I contacted Garmin and they send a new gasket. This one lasted a few months, stretched and became loose again. I though.. what the heck even tho out of warrantee I'll see what they say. Within two days I had a replay from Garmin indicating they would send three (3) replacement gaskets with two sided tape. True to their word, yesterday a BIG box arrived from Garmin with three rubber gaskets. The new gaskets are tight and should last. Thanks Garmin.. Great service.
  24. The rubber gasket around my wife's Garmin Legend HCX became very loose. When it was under warrantee I contacted Garmin and they send a new gasket. This one lasted a few months, stretched and became loose again. I though.. what the heck even tho out of warrantee I'll see what they say. Within two days I had a replay from Garmin indicating they would send three (3) replacement gaskets with two sided tape. True to their word, yesterday a BIG box arrived from Garmin with three rubber gaskets. The new gaskets are tight and should last. Thanks Garmin.. Great service. Nick
  25. Me too.. I have used the 60CSX for street navagation for all our trips. It works just fine. A friend has a 60CSX and got a Tom Tom. Sold the TT, wasn't worth having both. Nick
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