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Everything posted by RexBloodman

  1. Look in your local army surplus store. I have seen them in mine.
  2. Here, Here. I am with you on your comment. That is how I found out about GC.
  3. I'm just adding a list of Trucker friendly Caches for the hesperia area. TROJAN TRAVELER XII - U.S. 395 waypoint: GCMWBW Please look at the webpage as this cache is locked and cabled for theft reasons. This one is across HWY 395 from the truckstop. Eastbound and down waypoint: GCN899 This one is located at the truckstop. Jonathans Cache waypoint: GCJZQR This one is located on the other side of I-15 over the bridge from the truckstop. Welcome to Hesperia waypoint: GCMHB6 If you are heading Northbound this one is about 1.3 miles north of the truckstop. The road is called Mariposa. This cache is a short walk from the road at the office buildings (LARGE TURNOUT Area), head toward the water tank. The Slider waypoint: GCMHV6 If you are heading Northbound this one is about 1.4 miles north of the truckstop. The road is called Mariposa. This cache is a short walk from the road at the office buildings (LARGE TURNOUT Area), head toward the water tank, then go left at the end of the building. There is the ones that I know of that are close to and easy access for truckers. I hope these help.
  4. I use a 1979 Dodge D50/Ram Mini Pickup truck. Gas prices are to High to use the Oldsmobile.
  5. It looks like to me that he said : "This virtual cache is no longer being maintained (see cache description). Therefore, it is being archived at this time." He is refering to the last line in the description : "This is a virtual cache. Log into www.idrive.com using the user name: gpscache The password is found at the cache location. It is the six letter word right below "Pass and Stow" (use all lowercase). Then upload a file and download what you want. Sorry, I-Drive is done, but please feel free to visit this cache. No need to send Password. Have Fun!
  6. When looking on dogs, look between their toes, ticks love the warm and cuddley areas of the foot, do not forget in between their pads also.
  7. Hey if I could ever afford to buy a 4X4 I think that I would rather buy a Toyota Landcruser anyday especally one that is in the year range of 1968 to 1975. You can drop a chevy 305, 307, 350 or 400 into this monster and get it to stay together for a long time.
  8. Can we add a poll at the top of this thread? Then we could see the percentages of the ages.
  9. I got the same report of the Sober worm at work this morning.
  10. I have noticed that in the last couple .gpx updates I have done that a message comes up stating a cache has been returned to normal, but after checking on said cache it is showing disabled still. Also is there any way to set a cache other than manually from disabled to archived? and could disabled caches have one color and archived caches be able to have another color? Thanks
  11. I have noticed that in the last couple .gpx updates I have done that a message comes up stating a cache has been returned to normal, but after checking on said cache it is showing disabled still. Also is there any way to set a cache other than manually from disabled to archived? and could disabled caches have one color and archived caches be able to have another color? Thanks
  12. And All Of The Fun You Had Doing All Of It : PRICELESS
  13. Here in VictimVille, Ca (i.e. Victorville, Ca) my local Arco ampm at last I seen was $2.579 Regular Unleaded $2.679 Mid Grade $2.779 For 91 octaine Have Seen Higher at some of the other brands.
  14. I have a suggestion!! Has anyone tried to use aluminium? It is readly available as cola cans in most states that I know of.
  15. I am selling my first Gps unit as I have upgraded. I have only used the unit for 6 months. Great for the kids first unit. Asking $50.00 plus shipping. Please e-mail me if interested
  16. I am selling my first Gps unit as I have upgraded. I have only used the unit for 6 months. Great for the kids first unit. Asking $60.00 plus shipping. I will be putting it on E-bay also.
  17. I live in Victorville. And there is alot of caches between Barstow and here. I just can not get to some of them because I only have a 2wd vehicle.
  18. The only thing close is a cache that is not TB friendly due to it's location. It will be a couple of weeks before I am ready to set it up. All I have for a GPSr is a geko 101 I hope that the reading are good enough at the time of setting.
  19. Is there any abandoned caches in the Victorville, Hesperia, Apple Valley california area? I live in Victorville, california.
  20. I am thinking about setting up a Travel Bug Terminal near my local truck stop. I am wanting to know if there would be a call for it. If so I will make it big enough for the travel bug gnome to fit in it even. Please leave me feedback for this endevor. jldavis10 (newbie)
  21. I'm going to the route 66 virtual. Hope to meet up with someone there.
  22. I live in the Victorville, CA and I am looking to meet up with some of the local geocachers. I am just getting started and I need to learn some hints about this. Thank you for helping in advance.
  23. Thank you for the information.
  24. I live in the Victorville, CA and I am looking to meet up with some of the local geocachers. I am just getting started and I need to learn some hints about this. Thank you for helping in advance.
  25. Disterbing a benchmark? I do not think it is a good idea. But I would use the benchmark as part of a multipart find so that the benchmark could at least be seen. then place the cache away from that location.
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