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Posts posted by RexBloodman

  1. Here is the new pages. Only got 5 pages ready at this time but I am working on them nightly. There is 300+ pics to go through that I downloaded from the forum.


    Here is the Address:


    http://jdavis955.home.comcast.net/CoolCach...tainersPG1.html :blink:


    Sorry, I forgot there was Ultra SLOW Speeders out there too. I'm going to redo the page to only show 25 pics on one page. Please give me some time to update it.


  2. Sorry, I forgot there was Ultra SLOW Speeders out there too. I'm going to redo the page to only show 25 pics on one page. Please give me some time to update it.


    Here is a personel site that I am working on to gett all the pics into one area. This consists of all the pics i can download from this forum. As new ones are added I'll update it.




    5 minutes ago i clicked that link and right now ...(101 items remaining) Downloading picture HTTP:.... you get the point...DIAL UP SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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