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Team TwoHedgehogs

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Posts posted by Team TwoHedgehogs

  1. If you an pocket query to get honed in on an area, can you PQ and plop the GPX into Google Earth?


    Sure, but I don't get the full functionality of the normal geocaching.com "search for caches with google maps" functionality (e.g. the list of caches in the sidebar, map resizing, and the ability to display cache numbers on the map). From the main page, if you do a search for something in, say, France, the results page does *not* have the search with google maps link in the header; if you do a search for something in, say, New York, the results page does. But I can start with the map in the US, zoom out, drag the map over to France, zoom in to a locale, and have the normal mapping functionality. It just seems to be an oversight that the link is not there for search results outside the US. So, my question is, can that link be added just to make it a little easier for us who are planning trips abroad and want to do some leisurely browsing? Seems like such a simple thing.

  2. Really dissapointed with the discontinuation of the Google Earth KML overlay - I used it to identify caches when I go on holiday - Will be in the New Forest area and used it to find caches around where we will be staying - how do I use the built in maps to do that when you don't know of any caches in the area in the first place? Then will be in Washington DC and have the same problem??


    I agree--often found KML useful for preliminary scanning and planning.


    I can use pocket queries to hone in on an unfamiliar area. In the US this is fine, but when I use this technique for Europe for some reason there is no google maps option. So I have to kludge it by starting with maps in the US then scrolling halfway across the globe to get to an area of interest, then refining the location, then zooming in by trial and error. Is there some reason that you don't have a google maps link for European cache listing pages?

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