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Posts posted by Ciemon

  1. What a shame that this thread is focusing on the legalities of wardriving.. pity that no-one's focusing on the geocaching possibilities.


    How do we morally/legally find these things and record something to acknowledge that you've visited.


    I'm willing to start the ball rolling. My AP is closed to public access, with WEP enabled and other little hoops to jump through before access to the internet is available. However, I've no objection to people finding my setup.


    One thing that is "unique" about these AP's is their SSID, now making a note of that isn't a problem as far as I'm concerned.


    So why don't we log these wifi-cache's and use the SSID as the cache that we need to find. Even the most security aware would hopefully not be too fussed about the world knowing their SSID, it's broadcast for the everyone to see, even if encryption is enabled.


    Sound like a way forward??

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