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Posts posted by aB5dEglYeS5P

  1. Geocaching.com is receiving a hotfix momentarily to correct the following issues:


    • <snip>




    Some good improvements.

    I find that when found caches are hidden I still get the mouseover tooltip.

    In crowded areas this makes it difficult to mouseover the desired unfound cache.


    (Are the fixed width survey results going to be published?)

  2. Thanks for the feedback so far everyone, including the critical comments regarding maps and the new look. We will be reviewing each carefully and making updates to the site in response. I'll make sure the changes are communicated to you as they happen.


    The fixed page width has come up several times, ...<snip>


    When the source validates - a valid doctype would be a start... I'll accept browser support as a good reason to cripple functionality.

    As far as I can tell the properties you mention are supported by IE7+ ...


    I'm not really sure why it's necessary though - I've always found the right combination of percentages and floats seems to work.


    That misses the point though - you point out readability issues with text and I'll agree that for cache descriptions, logs... other things I want to read that's true but for maps, tables (of caches, pocket queries, other) and anything else that you look at rather than read it just means things are compressed, run onto multiple lines and are (you guessed it) less readable. Case in point (though this could actually be solved by different means):


    includes such gems as GC20EYY which 'you found x' runs to 4 lines meanwhile the first (date) column is half full a is the last and there is a third column with   all the way down? More appropriate to the fixed width conversation is my list of nearest unfound. All being in 'London, United Kingdom' most of the second line (by...) run over.


    A different point, someone earlier asked about linking to the guide... the anchor names aren't the friendliest:


    Though id and class naming seems to be universally unhelpful


    Anyway, enough rant... given the number of people that don't bother to read a thread before repeating a question I should probably cut you some more slack.

    And I am very happy to see PMO caches on the beta map (even if I can't say I particularly like the new icon set... maybe it'll improve with age)

  3. For anyone interested a bookmarklet to see OS maps on the new beta maps...



    Site changes require change to:



    and for some reason I seem to be unable to edit the last post.

  4. making maps (old) wider:


     #Content .container {width:95% !important;}
     #ctl00_divContentMain {width:100% !important;}


    may save someone a few minutes with stylish

    naturally it may break something completely


    (edit: not quite as trivial to do the same on cache pages...)

  5. For anyone interested a bookmarklet to see OS maps on the new beta maps...



    (edit: seems you can't link to js so needs to be installed by creating a bookmark rather than drag/drop)


    To use - load up beta maps, select Bing Maps and then (and only then as this is written - if someone fancies improving the logic, please do) run the bookmarklet.

    (It's not fantastic as you need to rerun the bookmarklet if you scroll/zoom but was a quick way to do what I wanted...)

  6. Preview in Google Maps of a PQ with 1000 caches seems to have been broken.

    Only displays 649... worked before / still has 1000 results (if viewed as a list)

    [edit] not consistent... one shows 649/1000, one 659/1000, another 842/997, another 683/966 and that one includes a letterbox cache in the US that I haven't found...

    Smaller PQs (250) seem to be complete on the map.

  7. Is it intentional that Hide My Finds doesn't hide my finds that are disabled?

    I'd expect it to be OR not AND if you see what I mean...

    Also there seems to be some reclassing of divs to unique ids... shouldn't this be by id... it makes restyling more difficult


    (I'm liking the general idea though :) )

  8. All cache logs have <br><br><small>View this Log</small>... which would be much better at the right of the date/name line than doubling the log height for short logs - not that I've ever understood the use of the link anyway and am currently hiding it. (Though not the more stubborn breaks)

    I don't really understand the usage of those <br>s either, it's not like you couldn't call it all <div>View this Log</div> and add the relevant margin-top and font-size styles for it. <br>s are not supposed to be used for creating empty spaces on pages.


    But since you already managed to hide the View this Log -text then I believe you are using some custom CSS file for the geocaching.com site like I am, so try adding the following to it to hide the <br>s:


    table.LogsTable tr > td > br:nth-last-child(-n+2) {
    display: none;

    Thanks for suggesting this... hadn't thought of a great solution when I was playing before. Now using:

      span#ctl00_ContentBody_CacheLogs br+br {display:none !important;}
     span#ctl00_ContentBody_CacheLogs small {padding:0 0 0 5px !important;}

    Which works well for me.

  9. The white space and visible tables remind me the of results of using MS Word as an HTML editor. I'm non-plussed.

    Then avoid viewing the source.

    I'm not talking about the resulting HTML code, I am talking about the resulting web page as viewed in your browser.


    My point being is that it looks more like a step backwards than forwards.

    Entirely understood... just meant that if you think it looks bad on the outside, under the hood is worse...

    (Don't get me wrong, that's far less important but is IMO indicative of some of the sloppy work here)

  10. The white space and visible tables remind me the of results of using MS Word as an HTML editor. I'm non-plussed.

    Then avoid viewing the source.

    Random id/class use, weird css mixture, random fixed column widths, perverse font sizes and modifiers.

    It's as if noone has looked at the code they're producing or if they have they don't care!?


    The printable css is now worse than it used to be - both for google maps (I want the cache names on the right and I want the cache type icon) and cache descriptions (cache_details.aspx not cdpf.aspx)


    And I've seen mention of HTML Tidy... then why are there still basic url encoding issues (& -> &)


    All cache logs have <br><br><small>View this Log</small>... which would be much better at the right of the date/name line than doubling the log height for short logs - not that I've ever understood the use of the link anyway and am currently hiding it. (Though not the more stubborn breaks)

  11. in case it saves someone else a few mins...


    @namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);
     body {line-height:1em !important;}
     #cacheListTable {font-size: 10px !important; }
     .LabeledMarker_markerLabel {font-size: 8px !important;
    						  padding:0px !important;}
     #uxPremiumFeatures {margin-top:5px !important;}
     #filterLegend>p {margin-top:5px !important;}
     .FilterContainer {margin:0 !important;}
     #uxSideBar>p {margin-top:5px !important;}
     #cacheListBounding {margin-top:5px !important;}


    tidies up the right hand side of maps a bit (and reduces line spacing... a bit too liberally really)

  12. <snip>with changes comes frustration...</snip>


    Only if they're done sloppily.

    The css rules on this site are hugely frustrating, for example the base font declaration is:

    font:13px/1.231 arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif;

    and h2 increases the size using:


    and I've already mentioned my aversion to:


    being the default across the site...


    At least it's possible to restyle it.

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