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Everything posted by TFTC

  1. Well, that sucks. I've seen many caches that require buying a GPSr and installing software and downloading maps and gpx files.
  2. Wow, almost 11000 posts! This must be a record-breaking thread, at least in the regional forums! This is like E-Bay. I feel like waiting until the last second and then making my post. Wait for it... OK, NOW!!!!! Yahooo! Go San Diego Cachers! (hehe, scored the 11000th reply!!)
  3. Wow, almost 11000 posts! This must be a record-breaking thread, at least in the regional forums! Hehe, and a special thanks to you for getting us almost halfway there all by yourself!
  4. Wow, almost 11000 posts! This must be a record-breaking thread, at least in the regional forums!
  5. Wow, almost 11000 posts! This must be a record-breaking thread, at least in the regional forums!
  6. There are a bunch of Bikedog and K-NIC caches nearby that I need to find.. (you know you're in trouble when you have 80 unfound caches within 5 miles of your home almost 6 months after you move in! )
  7. That's what your brain does after spending too much time on puzzle caches I spen moor time on puzle cashs dan doos doods! wel maybee not moor dan Pawl.... Hey, where have you been hiding TFTC? We moved in August so I've been caught up in a semi-permanent (so it seems) honey-do typhoon! I'm hoping that the weather improves in the next 6 months! But fortunately, there will always be more caches placed than archived.. I'm still watching this forum though for any SDCET outings that I might slip out to if the planets and clouds align properly!
  8. That's what your brain does after spending too much time on puzzle caches
  9. I remember that!
  10. Sweeeet, is that still for sale?
  11. Hey, if you are going to have to buy an old car anyway...
  12. Wow, that looks like fun . When you hit the second hardest trail, get some video footage!
  13. Oh, yeah! Congrats on the new TB!
  14. Here is a map. We will start with the far north multi. I'll try to hook up with you after you've done the first three in & around the San Elijo Lagoon.
  15. yard work is bad. caching is good. I have yard work also, but it looks like rain.. weird. The kids and I are up for going cachin' I need to get out. It has been too long a week. We are interested in possibly going.. will no later tonight. What are the coords for the parking? I will get lost without them. TA N32 55.850 W117 14.500......Let me know. We will be there.. 9am. Check! OK. I'll blow off the yard work! Hey, what happened to the map you posted? Are you planning to head north from the P&R? Any idea what cache(s) you might hit first? on edit: (or south, and that's why you removed the map )
  16. Ok... I know have proof (from logs...or lack of logs) and eye witnesses...that this group split up and did not find all of the caches they say they found. What should be done? I have decided to become the greatest cacher to ever evolve from the San Diego area. I will no longer be actively looking for caches but if all the San Diego area cachers that happen to find a cache will please sign my name to the log and then email so I will know which caches I have actually found then I am certain I will reach the elite status of over 10,000 finds soon. Thanks for your assistance in helping one of own taking over as the nations top cacher by whatever means necessary. I thought we were already doing that for TFTC.... Hehe, I wonder what my real find count is by now?
  17. Do you know when/where you might hit the coast? If I can hook up with you, I'll call your cell.
  18. That is the area I was thinking about! If we do Oceanside, we need to solve some puzzles by Samiaminca! For some reason, I don't get those....Do you have any preference? That looks good to me. We have an office up here so I've found a few over time but I probably need most if not all the same you need. Maybe we can meet at the North County Mall P&R around 9AM and head over to that area....We might as well start with Oceanside since Duganrm printed out the photo of the boat and all. I still don't get the Samiaminca puzzles. I think I've lost my mojo! What day is this?
  19. Hey, next poster is 2000 posts for this forum! I sure hope to be joining the SDCET again soon (although it'll have to be the under-1500 finds team, hehe)!
  20. Is this really how you are going to count them. Well if so add another. No, lets not, it would be a waste of bandwidth. I was just curious if anyone had a rough idea, this thread doesn't need to go any further. Starcrwzr I know there are at least 40 with 1000+ finds.
  21. Although, I have to say, there's something to be said for geocaching when you can look at a piece of land that's barely suitable for anything and yet you can find a cache there!
  22. Illuminatin tonight is 22% and decreasing. Hey, Chuy, where do you get that info?
  23. Wow, seems like only yesterday we were watching the odometer click over on 10k posts! Now 10,100 is almost here. Is it possible for us to come up with a NEW top of page image?!?
  24. Hey, he lifted his head at least once!
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