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Everything posted by TFTC

  1. I totally agree. Ipaq's rule. In what way do they rule for caching? Are you familiar with Cachemate? What's the Pocket PC equivalent? I was eyeing those new Windows Treos...
  2. Hehe, that doesn't sound like a coin flipping! Sounds like they've made quite a few improvements over the Tungsten E (which we have and used to use for caching). The earlier E was a bit hard to read in bright daylight for us, otherwise it worked just great. And we finally figured out how to store cachemate data on the card instead of internal memory, so you can hold almost all of San Diego's caches in it (not an easy task when you've only found less than a couple hundred of them!).
  3. We use GSAK on the PC and Cachemate on our Tungsten E - worked just fine (until we got a Treo, now we use the same software on that). We've also figured out how to store the Cachemate data on the SD Card so we can store thousands of caches' worth of info on it. I'm sure someone else will chime in with details but I'd be happy to help as well.
  4. How do you get them? I thought it might be as simple as typing in the zip into google maps but it doesn't quite match what you have: Yours Theirs
  5. Well, Duncan! How dare you plant a cache just a couple miles of where we were camping sans internet!! Oh, well, next time we'll get it! On edit - I see we were trailing Duncan! around the park. We'll plan to hit high ground for a quick cache listing update before leaving next time!
  6. Hey, thanks to K-NIC, we've finally seen our first WJ!! Thanks, K!!
  7. You can buy it direct from Fossil.com for only $199! Here is some more info: Features
  8. We've only seen one yellow jeep. No white ones. Hopefully anyone who finds one will try to keep it in San Diego so we'll all have a chance!
  9. Whoa, that's one sweet ride!
  10. I think you need to use Google Earth or Mappoint (or other programs I don't use) to get anything other than the coordinates, icon and comments (which is all Mapsource supports, as far as I know).
  11. Ok, but.. what about the other 1684 shortcuts you've sold!?!
  12. Yes, the latest versions of GSAK (and GPSBabel) appear to solve this particular problem!
  13. What's going on here? Recent Earthquakes (note: this probably will not look the same after 9/1/2005 but today there are 20 or so 3+ earthquakes clustered at the south end of the Salton Sea on this map)
  14. This one? xxxxxxxxx I think it was archived along with the other XXXXXXX caches because the Rangers didn't want them there AT ALL - not even the name of the park was left on the web site when they were archived (notice that the coordinates have been zeroed out as well). Hmmm, well, I guess we'll see what happens... D! Well, as long as we don't mention the The Park With No Name by name (oops, too late!) or provide the coordinates, I don't see how there could be a problem.. (assuming they haven't "bookmarked" it )
  15. This one? xxxxxxxxx I think it was archived along with the other Torrey Pines caches because the Rangers didn't want them there AT ALL - not even the name of the park was left on the web site when they were archived (notice that the coordinates have been zeroed out as well).
  16. Nice - you photoshopped it so it doesn't even look 110 degrees!
  17. The lines are too solid?
  18. Thanks for the info - I have the version (1.2.7-beta08042005) that I think came with the latest version of GSAK (6.0.1) which appears to be newer than the lastest build on sourceforge.net. Once I see a newer version appear, I'll try GDB again. Or maybe I'll rethink my waypoint names into a more standard format.
  19. Hi, Adelos! If I can figure out how to "share" a bookmark list, I'll create one of all the suggestions and share it here!
  20. I'm going thru Mapsource because it allows me to put a - or a + in the waypoint name (which GSAK-60CS direct no longer allows). I mark whether there is a TB in the cache or not that way.. so i can spot caches with TB's at a glance: NVK3-TM32F D704+TR53F Granted, it goes against standards (which are apparently not yet enforced by Garmin itself) but it's convenient. As soon as Garmin enforces alphanumeric-only waypoint names, then I'll have to switch to letters. For now, I think I'll just set it back to MPS if that will solve the problem! Thanks for the info, Robert! (on edit - thanks for reminding me how important GPSBabel is in this process! just paypaled you)
  21. That's interesting! Only because I'm having the same problem and when I check the Proximity Waypoints, a half dozen or more of my imported (GSAK->Mapsource->GPSr) caches show up there. I delete them and that solves the problem for me, except I suspect I'm a half dozen or more caches short! Next time I'll research those caches and see what makes them so special! Never thought about changing the batteries though!
  22. Thanks for the suggestions! I've bookmarked them for when I feel a bit braver - hehe, maybe we should start with this one: Up Up and Away ! as long as we don't get stuck in the sand!
  23. We finally got a 4WD vehicle - does someone know if there is a "4WD San Diego Caches for Dummies" list somewhere?
  24. Short of that, maybe the first few finders can act as their support team and offer them a good set of coordinates to average.
  25. Hey, who pulled the plug!!
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