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Everything posted by TFTC

  1. Have you seen any php/mysql versions of your plotter? I have a friend riding a motorcycle around the world and would love to find a way he can show his tracks on his web site (not aspx though).
  2. Thanks for looking into that, Jeremy. Probably the only way it would work would be if Geocaching.com provided that feature for premium members - e.g. there was a Google Maps link on your bookmarks page (which would at least limit the data to 100 points), since I think the only point of using Google Maps instead of Google Earth (other than having a Mac ) would be because you wanted to share it with other people.
  3. That's very cool! Is there a web site that spells out how to do that or might you consider throwing a brief tutorial page on your site? Thanks for showing us the possibilities!
  4. I wonder what kind of GPM it gets?
  5. I had requested Chupy 1 be archived in January (since it sounded like the location was turning into something that might prevent replacement) - got an email from Zar that he was going to replace it so I deleted my SBA log. Those mean old admins wouldn't let a cache be disabled for over a year! It's too bad he neglected it so long because it appears to be one of the earliest caches placed (GC146).
  6. Not even that long, I just hit "DELETE" in GoogleEarth and now they are all gone!
  7. OK, don't laugh, but here are OUR unfound caches:
  8. Oh wait! RM is claming a FTF before the cache is even placed!
  9. Ok, here's what San Diego looks like right now (weather and traffic). Now go get those caches!
  10. P.S. Now this is really cool - Real Time Weather Maps in Google Earth
  11. I'm not finding it particularly useful since it shows caches we've already found - however, I'd love to know how to modify my own pocket query results and get them into Google Earth so that the cache title only appears when I move my mouse over the icon. Right now I just open a gpx file in Google Earth but all the titles are a bit distracting. The Geocache browser might be nice when visiting places we've never been.
  12. Not this time: The magnitude is such that a tsunami WILL NOT be generated. This will be the only WC/ATWC bulletin issued for this event.
  13. Gees, that doesn't seem much worse than our "rear end" shot - I hope ours doesn't get rejected!
  14. On a side note, how did you get the labels to show the waypoint instead of the cache name? Never mind, I was just confused - works for me now too.
  15. On a side note, how did you get the labels to show the waypoint instead of the cache name?
  16. Ah, ok, makes sense! On Edit - here's the schedule: 2005 CONTEST ENTRY SCHEDULE- START RECEIVED BY VOTING WINNER CHOSEN #1 12:01 AM ET 6/06/05 11:59 PM ET 6/30/05 7/1/2005 7/25/2005 #2 12:01 AM ET 7/01/05 11:59 PM ET 7/31/05 8/1/2005 8/22/2005 #3 12:01 AM ET 8/01/05 11:59 PM ET 8/31/05 9/1/2005 9/22/2005 #4 12:01 AM ET 9/01/05 11:59 PM ET 9/30/05 10/1/2005 10/22/2005 #5 12:01 AM ET 10/01/05 11:59 PM ET 10/31/05 11/1/2005 11/22/2005 FINAL 12/19/2005
  17. I just voted for your Bradyn submission since you can still vote for last month's!
  18. Ok, well, then in theory, once they get around to turning on the next round of votes (I think their webmasters have gone on vacation since they seem to think it's still September), then clicking on this image.. click here -----><----- click here ..should let you vote on our submission. The screwy part is the contest says that you can vote on submissions for the first two weeks of a month (yo - that's a day away) and they are still only showing last month's photos (with voting buttons!) on their photo gallery. Ah, well, we're really in it for the hunt anyway, can't really beat the gpsr we have now.
  19. That's the problem, I don't know where the voting takes place! You can click on the photo to get to the submission page, but nothing about voting there!
  20. We've submitted our first WJTB photo ("Tow Package"): Ok, not particularly creative but we're anxious to get it back to the wild. We're kind of surprised that nobody has submitted a photo for poor lil' Demelza yet. How does one "vote" for these entries? Thanks to D-Jollyman for bringing it to SD and for all the other SD cachers for not taking it out of town!
  21. Anyone following this thread?
  22. Ok, I can guess how that happened..
  23. Hehe, probably not more than a Treo! I'm asking because, if you want a Treo, you will soon have a choice of a Palm OS version or Windows Mobile version. They are great caching tools but now you have to choose which OS! Or does GPXSonar not work with Windows Mobile? I'm not familiar with the difference between Windows Mobile and Pocket PC - is one a newer version of the other? If it doesn't, is there caching software for Windows Mobile? Thanks for any info!
  24. This might help even though it is a bit aged: Paperless with Palm/GSAK/Cachemate GSAK has added some features since we wrote that that make it a lot easier. Let me know if you need any more help!
  25. I currently use a Palm Treo with wireless internet and cachemate (for when there are no cell towers in sight, which seems to be the case for a lot of the desert caches). I guess what I'm asking is in what way would a PocketPC version be better (e.g. rule) for caching than what I have? Is GPXSonar better than Cachemate? I haven't found any deficiencies in what I'm currently using (other than being unable to check for newly placed caches when there are no cell towers in range! )
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