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Learned Gerbil

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Everything posted by Learned Gerbil

  1. A skeptic might think there is an opportunity behind all this to sell sponsorship for mega events.
  2. I can't see how specifying a size, then being prepared to increase it is anything other than subjective when other cache types have been banished precisely becasue they were too subjective. The fact that The required number can be increased if TPTB want to means the criteria are more subjective not less. How such a subjective definition of the cache type can be applied in advance for new caches which will lead to complaints. I can see this cache type being dropped sharply when tTPTB see it is too much trouble arguing why such nd such an event did or did not apply, so I would try and get this icon while you can if you are an icon hunter! Imagin the rows when an event is refused the icon only for well more than the planned numbers turnin up on the day? Presumably the cache type will need to be applied for even before the cache is published and popularity cannot be properly assessed as no-one will know about the event! What would make much more sense to me is if the icon was awarded after the event. The nthere would be an incentive to go to popular events in the hopee that you would contribute to exceed the magic number and the event being awarded the mega title and the icon. However it is done there will be attempts at abuse, for example in other hobbies I have been involved in where the published status of events depends on either the numbers attending or the numbers of exhibits entered, people deliberatly create sock puppets, or ringers to artificially push up the numbers in advance, only for a hig status event to end up a flop when the numbers end up being much lower than expected, despite the event being huge on paper. Even if the reviewers are able to say tha tthis sort of thing looks suspicious and reject the mega status, pushing up event size artificially is likely to spread into ordinary events as people start league tables of event size to see how close people are to getting mega status. Bwfore anyone says, "don't be silly, it won't ever happen" I remember once travelling to judge a major event in Belgium tha thad been advertised internationally and had invited judges from Britain, The Netherlands and Scanadavia. There were loads of pople there, but it was only when the prizes were awarded at the end that it turned out almost every exhibit was entered in the names of the organiser, his wife, one of their four children, his parents, her parents, his sister, her sibblings, his sister's fiance etc etc. I just don't really understand why we need it.
  3. You missed a trick there, you should have pointed out that reviewers are bound by the guidelines so will need to be supplied with copious quantities of alcohol so you see double, or possibly treble. I was not thinking that we should try and arrange an event that would comply with the guideline, I was suggesting that the distinction was good but we are on a different scale in the UK and possibly should suggest the 500 barrier be lowered for us and other smaller countries. Lets make sure I have this right, under the guidlines I can submit an event, and if I convince the reviewer there will be 500 or 750 or whatever attendees, I get this mega status for the event. So what happens if due to a sudden and dramatic late August snowstorm three men and a gerbi lturn up, does the "mega" status still stand? Surely such a status can only be granted after the event, otherwise it makes no sense and has no value. I may be a skeptic, but it looks very much like an invitation for the old "wow" argument for getting rid of virtuals being resurected. I mean, my event is bound to be bigger and better than your event!
  4. My experieince is that not al lbath sealant is equal. It used to be excellent but recent attempts to use a batch of the same stuff from the same company have proved a major failure.
  5. I have FTF on a micro where it was impossible to get the log out of the container it was wedged in so tightly. In that case I was able to write a letter and the day of the month on a small corner of paper that was accessable inside the container. My online log explained what I had done.
  6. Didn't the original announcement say that forms should be submitted for existing caches? As for suspension or archiving, I guess that is your call, but as the best thing is to admit it was placed on their land in error suspension would be better and archive if permisison is refused. That way you can make clear that there will be no visitors whilst they are considering it.
  7. My submission was approved almost exactly a month after submission, although I had no communication from them at all until I got the form emailed to me with the WT approval.
  8. I am confused. I followed the original proceedure and sent of the form to the reviewers as requested. I do not have a copy with their bit completed. Am I now supposed to put the GC.com number in although the form says it is for someone else to do? Or do I just send the form I sent to the reviewers?
  9. The search at http://stats.geocacheuk.com/caches/ will give you a list of caches linked to gc.com and will also show you how other cachers have rated those caches out of five. It is quite a good way of quickly identifying those special caches.
  10. The TB description says the objective isn't your cache, but instead is Unicef round the corner in Kingsway. Sounds dangerously agenda based if you ask me!
  11. I see exactly the same as I see using Firefox - a wap page which crashes my Samsung as soon as a search for anything or log in. Jeremy is well aware of this problem as it has been raised in the relevant thread here. That extensive thread does not mention an application to download other than third party browsers.
  12. But not quite as old as this one which records no finds as its life and death pre-existed this website.
  13. As an example of "Joined up Government" what was at the time ODPM were trying to promote Geocaching a couple of years ago as a way that Local Authorities could encourage people to use the countryside and exercise!
  14. It was already there when the thread was created.
  15. There is a big difference between the meaning of "Historic" and the meaning of "First". If what is being asked for is more UK firsts, then this wasn't clear to me.
  16. It is certainly not clear what the list is about/for.
  17. LOL! Obviously not as nearly as close as I thought! How about, what is "crepitus"?
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